Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(376)
Ciudad Real(80)
Illes Balears(699)
La Rioja(191)
Las Palmas(381)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(204)
Sin especificar(562)
Administración empresas(1.928)
Administración Pública(3)
Atención a clientes(786)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.438)
Comercial y ventas(2.558)
Compras, logística y almacén(1.692)
Diseño y artes gráficas(147)
Educación y formación(78)
Finanzas y banca(99)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(1.235)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.764)
Inmobiliario y construcción(696)
Marketing y comunicación(627)
Otras actividades(1.629)
Profesiones y oficios(1.251)
Recursos humanos(552)
Sanidad y salud(1.066)
Sector Farmacéutico(184)
Turismo y restauración(920)
Ventas al detalle(62)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(173)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(148)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(2.674)
Enseñanzas artísticas (regladas)(2)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(5)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(796)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(702)
Ingeniero Superior(223)
Ingeniero Técnico(64)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(19)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(98)
Sin especificar(14.876)
Sin estudios(721)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(216)
Intensiva - Mañana(160)
Intensiva - Noche(16)
Intensiva - Tarde(44)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.267)
Parcial - Mañana(145)
Parcial - Noche(67)
Parcial - Tarde(81)
Sin especificar(6.027)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(113)
De duración determinada(2.714)
De relevo(7)
Fijo discontinuo(364)
Otros contratos(5.242)
Sin especificar(3.943)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de we are sales

89 ofertas de trabajo de we are sales

PMO Project Manager Pre-Award

La Fundació i2CAT està cercant un/a Gestor/a de Projectes amb experiència en la part de pre-award per incorporar-se a l'equip de Project Management Office (PMO). Aquesta àrea està dedicada a donar suport a les nostres àrees de recerca en la gestió administrativa, financera i legal de les propostes i dels projectes competitius.

Les principals funcions de la persona candidata seran:

  • Anàlisis de calls nacionals e internacionals a les quals presentar les propostes de projectes.
  • Anàlisis dels requisits de cada convocatòria.
  • Suport a les àrees de recerca en tot el procés de redacció i presentació de propostes competitives a convocatòries nacionals e internacionals.
  • Coordinació amb partners externs en el procés de presentació de propostes.
  • Manteniment de les bases de dades de les propostes presentades.
  • Gestió administrativa i financera de Projectes Horizon Europe i de convocatories nacionals

Durant els primers mesos s'espera que la persona seleccionada s'integri en l'equip existent de PMO i entengui els processos i eines internes amb les que treballarà. Un cop superat el procés d'adaptació, s'espera que la persona candidata aporti un grau d'experiència i know how que la permeti desenvolupar les seves funcions de forma autònoma.

Qui som?

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.

i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què t'oferim?

  • Podràs treballar des de les nostres oficines o des de casa, el que prefereixis. Només et demanem un dia presencial a l'oficina per coordinar-te amb la resta de l'equip.
  • Contracte a temps complet.
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Jornada reduïda tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost.
  • Salari fix + variable per objectius.
  • Tu decideixes si vols cobrar en 12 o 14 pagues.
  • Sistema de retribució flexible: Configura el teu salari segons les teves necessitats. T'oferim l'opció de tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica.
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l'any.
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina per promoure un estil de vida saludable.
  • Cafè i te gratuït.
  • Si t'interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector.
  • T'entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows.
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip.
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva pròpia carrera formativa.
  • Treballarem contínuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional.

On ho faràs?

A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l'oficina, el que s'ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis un dia a la setmana a l'oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l'equip.

Si decideixes venir a l'oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT també és compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb diversitat funcional dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

En cas que t’hagi agradat però no sigui la teva oferta de feina, potser coneguis a una altra persona que encaixi perfectament i a la que li vulguis recomanar!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
33.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Business Developer TIC - Intel·ligència Artificial

L’àrea de Innovation Business Development (IBD) de la Fundació i2CAT està cercant un perfil de Business Developer amb coneixements en l’àmbit de la Intel·ligència Artificial per incorporar-se al seu equip i contribuir a la generació de noves oportunitats dins d’aquest vertical.

L'àrea de IBD té com a missió traduir els resultats i el coneixement generats com a resultat de les activitats de recerca en sectors productius de l'economia local i internacional. Des de IBD col·laborem amb empreses del sector TIC, multinacionals, pimes i start-ups per, a través d’acords estratègics, projectes d'R&D, proves de concepte i llicenciament d'actius, afavorir la seva transformació digital i competitivitat.

La persona seleccionada s’incorporarà a un equip en creixement per impulsar tasques relacionades amb la generació de negoci, dinamització de l’ecosistema, participació en esdeveniments, així com gestió i col·laboració amb els diferents partners amb els quals i2CAT col·labora en aquest àmbit.

En la realització de la seva tasca el/la candidat/a seleccionat/da es responsabilitzarà, entre altres, de les següents funcions:

  • Identificació i articulació de reptes tecnològics i oportunitats relacionades amb l'àmbit d'IA i tecnologies de dades.
  • Captació de nous partners amb els quals col·laborar.
  • Traslladar les oportunitats detectades en projectes tangibles a executar.
  • Utilitzar instruments de finançament públic per a promoure la captació de projectes d'innovació.
  • Gestionar i participar activament en projectes competitius.
  • Ideació i implementació d’accions dinamitzadores a l’escosistema de Intel·ligència Artificial a Catalunya (per exemple tallers sectorials, esdeveniments de difusió, participació en la confecció de llibres blancs sectorials, etc.).
  • Participar i representar a i2CAT en esdeveniments sectorials.

Qui som?

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.

i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què t'oferim?

  • Podràs treballar des de les nostres oficines o des de casa, el que prefereixis. Només et demanem un dia presencial a l'oficina per coordinar-te amb la resta de l'equip.
  • Contracte a temps complet.
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Jornada reduïda tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost.
  • Salari fix + variable per objectius.
  • Tu decideixes si vols cobrar en 12 o 14 pagues.
  • Sistema de retribució flexible: Configura el teu salari segons les teves necessitats. T'oferim l'opció de tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica.
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l'any.
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina per promoure un estil de vida saludable.
  • Cafè i te gratuït.
  • Si t'interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector.
  • T'entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows.
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip.
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva pròpia carrera formativa.
  • Treballarem contínuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional.

On ho faràs?

A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l'oficina, el que s'ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis un dia a la setmana a l'oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l'equip.

Si decideixes venir a l'oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT també és compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb diversitat funcional dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

En cas que t’hagi agradat però no sigui la teva oferta de feina, potser coneguis a una altra persona que encaixi perfectament i a la que li vulguis recomanar!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
36.000€ - 42.000€ bruto/año
Sales Manager Hotel - Chicago (Miami)

About Eurostars Hotels Company:

Eurostars Hotel Company was launched in 2005 and over the last years it has grown rapidly, currently it has more than 250 establishments around the world. Eurostars Hotels is geared towards of offering guests a travel experience that goes beyond just enjoying a comfortable room.


Preferred Qualifications and Skills

We are looking for a person with tourism studies and with a clear commercial vocation, an external sales representative specialized in the Corporate market for Chicago, a sales manager with a proven track record (>2 years experience) in a similar role, with a desire to learn and grow within the company, interpersonal skills and the ability to prioritize and adapt to the changing needs of the operation.


The key responsibilities will be to:

  • Develop and maintain strong business relationships with the local market
  • Research new market opportunities and develop strategies
  • Invite potential clients to tour the property and conduct individual tours, highlighting the facilities and services
  • Set key performance indicators, monitor and coach performance accordingly
  • Telemarketing actions
  • Track requests and accounts
  • Resolve incidents


  • English
  • Tourism studies
  • Minimum experience of 2 to 3 years
  • Availability to travel


We offer immediate incorporation and professional projection in a solid company that is a leader in its sector.


We look forward to receiving your application! Thank you.



Se ofrece incorporación a una empresa sólida, en pleno proceso de expansión, con posibilidades de promoción profesional y estabilidad dentro de la empresa.



Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Maitre Eurostars Queen of Montenegro (Becici)


Welcome to Eurostars Hotel Company, The Happiness Industry

Eurostars Hotel Company is the hotel chain of Grupo Hotusa, which includes the brands Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels, and Tandem Suites.

Currently, our portfolio consists of more than 250 hotels with a presence in over 18 countries worldwide. Our activity is backed by significant know-how that is reflected in all areas, from hotel management to brand values or guest experience care.

We are convinced that the success of a company lies in the development of talent and the enthusiasm of the human team that forms it. Therefore, we are looking for people who are passionate about their work and who want to grow with us.


Do you want to join the Happiness Industry?

  • We are looking for a Maitre for one of our Hotel: Eurostars Queen of Montenegro (BECICI) (May to September 2024). 


What will you be responsible for?

  • Operational management and coordination of the restaurant area.
  • Monitoring compliance with regulations.
  • Development of the gastronomic offer together with the chef.
  •  Coordination of the operational area and control of department sales. 


What are we looking for?:

  • Education in hospitality.
  • Minimum experience of 2 years in the position.
  • Specific knowledge in gastronomy and events.
  • High English level and a second language is valuable.


What do we offer?

  • At Eurostars Hotel Company, you can be part of a leading company in the travel sector, in continuous growth and global expansion, which is committed to the constant professional development of its team.
  • Also, by being part of Eurostars Hotel Company, you can enjoy the following benefits:
  • 50% discount at our luxury hotels: You can benefit from discounts of up to 50% in all our magnificent 4*/5* hotels around the world and up to 20% for your family members.
  • The Power Business School training: 100% free and unlimited access to all training (MBA, digital, office automation, skills, etc.) by our partner The Power Business School, the number 1 online business school in the market and taught by the best active professionals in the sector.
  • Access to our Employee Club: where you can benefit from different types of discounts and advantages of all kinds (leisure, technology, sports, fashion, etc.)
  • Enjoy free hotel nights: with the Eurostars Hotel Company referral program, we reward recommendations that turn into hires. If you recommend someone and we hire them, you receive free hotel nights.


If this project interests you and you believe you fit the profile, we would love for you to apply for the position. Or, if you know someone who might be interested, feel free to share this offer.





Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
F&B Manager - Eurostars Book Hotel Munich

Welcome to Eurostars Hotel Company, The Happiness Industry


Eurostars Hotel Company is the hotel chain of Grupo Hotusa, which includes the brands Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels, and Tandem Suites.

Currently, our portfolio boasts over 250 hotels spanning across more than 18 countries worldwide. Our activity is backed by significant know-how that is reflected in all areas, from hotel management to brand values and guest experience care.

We firmly believe that a company's success lies in the development of talent and the enthusiasm of the human team that comprises it. Therefore, we seek individuals who are passionate about their work and want to grow with us.

Do you want to join the Happiness Industry?


We are looking for a Food and Beverage Manager for one of our hotel in Munich: Eurostars Book Hotel.



What will you be responsible for?


  • Coordination of the operational aspects of the food and beverage area across various points of sale.
  • Assisting in cost control and billing alongside the area director.
  • Collaborating with the chef in developing the gastronomic offerings.
  • Crafting beverage menus and proposals for various bars.
  • Monitoring departmental F&B sales.
  • Creating shifts and overseeing personnel training and control.


What are we looking for?


  • Education in hospitality, hotel management, or tourism.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in the role.
  • Specific knowledge in gastronomy and events.
  • Professional Working Proficiency of German and English.


What do we offer?


At Eurostars Hotel Company, you can be part of a leading company in the travel sector, constantly growing and expanding globally, which invests in the continuous professional development of its team.


Moreover, by being part of Eurostars Hotel Company, you can enjoy the following benefits:


  • 50% discount in our luxury hotels: Benefit from discounts of up to 50% in all our magnificent 4*/5* hotels around the world and up to 20% for your family members.
  • The Power Business School training: 100% free and unlimited access to all trainings (MBA, digital, office skills, etc.) offered by our partner, The Power Business School, the number one online business school in the market, taught by the best active professionals in the sector.
  • Access to our Employee Club: where you can enjoy various types of discounts and advantages of all kinds (leisure, technology, sports, fashion, etc.).
  • Enjoy free hotel nights: through the Eurostars Hotel Company Referral Program, we reward recommendations that turn into hires. If you recommend someone and we hire them, you receive free hotel nights.


If this project interests you and you believe you fit the profile, we would love for you to apply for the position. Or, if you know someone who might be interested, feel free to share this offer.

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Administración contable / General ledger specialist

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group that integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett, and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The project!

We are looking for an Accountant to assist in the Group accounting functions.

What will the role entail?

  • Participate in the accounting activities of group subsidiaries (European companies):

- Analysis of Sales & Margins entries
- General ledger provisions

- Operating expenses review

- Commercial provisions (Returns, Markdowns, Sales Commissions, etc)

  • Submit VAT, Intrastat, and other tax reports in a monthly
  • Participate in all Balance Sheet GLs reconciliations.
  • Collaborate in monthly management accounts preparation
  • Assist Finance manager in Spanish Group Reporting pack preparation
  • Assist Finance manager in Statutory annual financial statements of the company
  • Work to achieve the deadlines of the company
  • Prepare ad hoc analysis and participate in the projects of the Group
  • Responsible of the ecommerce of the group.

Corporate benefits:

  • Great international working environment.
  • Corporate remote work regulated by corporate policy and flexible working hours..
  • Flexible benefits such us ticket restaurant, health insurance with Cigna, transport ticket or nursery ticket.
  • Discount on the brands of the Group.
  • Free company transport to the offices from Barcelona center.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Finance Controller

Who we are...
AWWG is the global fashion group which integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The Project!
As Finance Controller you will work with a high-performing finance team to achieve timely and accurate financial reporting. Implement cost-effective strategies to maximize profitability and mitigate risks. Drive efficiency through process improvements and technology integration. Provide strategic financial insights to support informed decision-making by senior management.

What will the role entail?

  • Build Financial Business Plans to analyse new business opportunities in conjunction with Group Commercial Management.
  • Preparation of Monthly Financial Reporting to both Executive Committee and Shareholders.
  • Perform monthly review on Sales & Margins including variances in COGS vs standard, Returns & Markdown Contributions etc.·
  • Cooperate in performance improvement projects linked to FP&A department.
  • Contribute in annual Budget preparation together with the teams involved.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Responsable de Tienda – Decoración y Mobiliario

From Luxe Talent, International Recruitment and Training Consultancy specialised in Fashion, Luxury, Retail and FMCG, we are looking for a Store Manager to manage the Store in Donosti, for one of our clients.

In our recruitment and training consultancy, we work with different firms in the Luxury, Premium, and High Premium sectors around Europe and have offices in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Milan and Munich.


  • Main responsible for the store performance and achieve the set retail and sales targets.
  • Initiate activities to drive sales to ensure the targets are being met.
  • Identify objectives and set priorities to meet short- and long-term goals and delegating responsibilities to the store team.
  • Responsible for analyzing and following up on the store performance.
  • Observe and conform to all retail policies and procedures being done as per retail and procedures manua
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar

Aquesta oferta es gestiona per BARCELONA ACTIVA com un procés d'incorporació urgent (PIU) per l'empresa COSTA CRUCEROS, que necessita incorporar varies persones amb el perfil: Gestor/a Comercial amb italià

Només s'enviaran els CV's que encaixin amb el perfil sol·licitat per l'empresa.


We are looking for a CRUISE EXPERT (Italian Market) for our Customer Hub in Barcelona!

Your Responsibility:

- As a Cruise Expert you will convert leads into sales, by building a trusting relationship with customers.
- You will manage multichannel active interactions, to meet your productivity goals in line with Company's objectives.
- You will also be the first ambassador of Costa, promoting our Brand to create amazing holiday experiences for our Guests!


- (If possible) available to start asap
- A fluent level of Italian with exceptional grammar and spelling skills, both spoken and written
- Level of English: intermediate (minimum)
- Solid Sales Background
- Previous customer-facing experience (B2B or B2C)
- Prior experience in multi-channel customer support
- Strong communication skills
- Achievement and goal-oriented
- Motivated and self-starter

What we offer:

- Full-time permanent contract (indefinido from day 1)
- 39h per week: from 9am to 6pm, or from 10am to 7pm, Monday to Friday + one Saturday/month
- Base salary + UNLIMITED sales bonus (approx. between 20k and 25k gross/year)
- Ticket restaurant
- A great place to work with modern equipment and installations
- Amazing colleagues and career growth opportunities
- Hybrid work model: one day of remote work/week
- Two free cruises/year and great discounts for employees and family members
- Free activities (Yoga, CrossFit, and many more!)

Costa Customer Hub and Costa Crociere S.p.A is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. In this regard, it does not discriminate against any qualified individual based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, mental, physical or sensory disability, or any other classification protected by applicable local, state, federal, and/or international law.

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 39
  • Horari: Rotatiu 8 - 20
  • Retribució brut anual: 22000
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
21.000€ - 24.000€ bruto/año
Accounting Officer - Aviation Sector
We are looking for an Accountant for a company in the Aviation Sector based in Madrid. Salary and Terms * Permanent Contract * Monday to Friday schedule from 09:00 am to 5:00 pm (1-hour lunch break) * Salary between 27,000 - 44,000 euros/gross annually depending on the experience brought to the position Role and Responsibilities Reporting to the Regional Account Manager, you will handle the company's accounting in Madrid, Barcelona, and Portugal: * Reconcile all sales channel reports (passenger and cargo) versus collection on daily basis and create receipts vouchers on ERP. * Daily application of Accounts Receivable invoices versus collection. * Apply credit cards collection for both sales’ office and BSP and follow up the chargeback. * Monitor credit Sales, follow up on collection, and credit limit versus collateral. Expenditure * Auditing and processing Payables invoices * Ensuring that the purchase of the item was executed in full compliance with both: the approved budget, and the bylaw. * Mapping the billed items to those that were requested and received. * Recording the invoices on the correct accounts (proper allocation), then to pay these invoices. Financial Accounts * Ensure that the beginning balance of Oracle created bank statement for each month match the ending balance for previous month. * Enter all miscellaneous transactions, such as bank charges or interests from bank statement on daily basis. * Ensure that entered bank statement into Oracle Cash Management reconcile accounting records. Budget * The accountant must be engaged in the budget preparation process as he/she knows each cost item and what should be included under each category. * He / She should be notified with the final approved budget. Hence, the accountant should not spend unbudgeted funds. Treasury * Inform Treasury team immediately with any change in the rate of exchange in the station or expected change as per market news. * Assess impact of change on the currency rate on station financial position.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
27.000€ - 44.000€ bruto/año
Bilbao, Bizkaia
25 de abril
GROUP ALLIANCE is actively seeking an experienced COMMERCIAL EXPERT to join an important company located within the Greater Bilbao area. The selected candidate will play a pivotal role as an industrial commercial salesperson. The specific tasks would be:- Managing the commercial portfolio of the assigned zone (northern part of Spain).- Procurement of new clients.- Increasing of sales in new and current clients.Essential Requirements:- Educational Background: Technical or vocational training studies related to commerce or/and business.- Professional experience: at least 8 years in industrial sales, highly valued if it is in the abrasive sector or similar to it.- Language Proficiency: Fluent in English, capable to engage at business level. Minimum C1.- Immediate availability.- Availability to travel at a national level.What We Offer:- Long term contract and project. - Full day work Monday to Thursday, and on Fridays intensive timetable.- Competitive Compensation: Salary commensurate with your proven experience and qualifications + variables.- Company car.If you are interested and you think that your profile fits well, sign up to this offer and send your CV to bilbao@grupoalliance.com indicating COMMERCIAL TECHNICIAN in the subject.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
25.000€ - 50.000€ bruto/año
Sales Representative - Drones
We are looking for aSales Representative to assist clients in the Agricultural Sector for a company dedicated to the Production and Distribution of Drones based in Elche, Alicante. CONDITIONS * Permanent Contract * Salary between 24,000 - 30,000 euros/gross per year depending on the experience + variable based on sales * Company Car * Training * Opportunity for internal growth within the company. ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES * Develop sales strategies to achieve objectives in the agricultural sector by prospecting and implementing commercial actions aimed at attracting new clients, while also handling administrative tasks related to commercial management. * Implement the commercial and product plan in the Alicante area to increase sales and enhance the quality of the service offered. * Provide technical and commercial support to clients, both in person and by phone, by offering specialized advice and facilitating the sales process. * Represent the company in commercial events such as fairs and exhibitions, actively participating to promote products and expand the network of clients. * Attend to clients in the showroom, providing a personalized and detailed experience about the products.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
24.000€ - 30.000€ bruto/año

At BESIDE we are committed to the best talent in the technology sector. We have a Recruitment unit specialized in Engineering profiles to join our clients' staff. We work with a wide range of companies, which will allow us to find you the position that best suits your needs and professional interests. You will be able to join the most innovative companies, offering you cutting-edge projects in the fields of R&D, automotive, pharma, machinery design, product development, etc.

We are looking for a Técnico de automatización to join the electronic team of one of our customers in the printing sector.

What will I do? These will be your main functions:

  • You will report to the Head of the Electronic Departmen
  • You will be responsible to analysis, programming, designing, documentation, query handling within the Electrical Technical office.
    • Analysis and programming of automation systems
    • Machinery start-up
    • PLC and SCADA programming
    • Integration of external equipment in machinery.
    • Provide technical assistance to the After Sales Service department: answer questions from the team both in the office and on trips.

You will need:

  • Advanced knowledge of PLC programming (Siemens s7-300) and Scadas and Codesys
  • Experience in servo drives (Siemens, Rexroth ) and frequency converters
  • Experience in field buses ( Profibus , CAN, Industrial Ethernet)

Benefits that you will have in your place of work:

  • Direct and indefinite contract with the final company.
  • Working schedule 40h/week
  • Flexible schedule
  • International team and projects
  • Competitive salary range depending on the candidate's experience.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 36.000€ bruto/año
Junior Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator
CT is a leading technology company, providing innovation and engineering services in the aeronautical, space, marine, automotive, railway, energy and industrial plant sectors. CT pushes the boundaries of technology through innovation, and takes efficiency to another level by covering the entire product lifecycle, from design and manufacturing to after-sales support. With more than 30 years of experience, CT's success today is driven by more than 1,800 expert engineers spread across seven countries, on three continents. We are looking for a Junior CSR Coordinator who will play a pivotal role in the implementation of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Reporting directly to the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and integrated into our Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) department, you will have the opportunity to contribute to meaningful projects and gain invaluable experience in CSR. Your key responsabilities will be: - Assist in the development and execution of CSR strategies and action plans. - Collaborate with various teams across the organization to integrate CSR principles into business practices. - Conduct research and analysis on CSR trends, best practices, and stakeholder expectations. - Support the planning and coordination of CSR events, campaigns, and community engagement activities. - Contribute to the preparation of CSR reports, communications materials, and presentations.
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Marketplace Catalogue Specialist

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group which integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The project!

The Catalogue Specialist will be responsible for the global catalogue
strategy, reporting to the Head of the department, she/he will be in charge of all the
product lifecycle, merchandising, new products, sales and promotions.

The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in digital ecosystems and be self-
motivated to achieve the objectives.

What will the role entail?

  • Work with the Catalogue Manager ensures excellent catalog integration.
    Creation the offer for each season. Daily use of Tradebyte and our PIM to
    manage catalogues updates. Identification and correction of incidents through
    our PIM.
  • Uploading product images to the sales channels through our PIM.
  • Prices: Full price and sale prices: Promotions, sales period, launches...etc
  • Updating product information once published (descriptions, filters, other
    information of products...)
  • Review of all changes in staging enviroments before publishing to production
  • Interdepartmental collaboration. Ability to collaborate with multiple
    stakeholders and projects: assortmen, deliveries, merchandising strategy, etc
  • Strong organization skills & multi-tasking

Corporate benefits:

  • Great international working environment.
  • A exciting position on a strategic department
  • Discount on the brands of the Group
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Ecommerce Catalogue Specialist

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group which integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The project!

The Catalogue Specialist will be responsible for global catalogue strategy, reporting Head of the department, she/he will be in charge of all the product lifecycle, merchandising, new products, sales and promotions.

The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in digital ecosystem and be self-motivated to achieve the objectives.

What will the role entail?

  • Ensures excellent catalog integration. Creation of the offer for each season.
  • Management and updating the product catalogue.
  • Identification and correction of incidents through our PIM.
  • Uploading product images to the sales channels through our PIM.
  • Creation of product categories and categorisation Prices: Full price and sale prices
  • Revision and uploading descriptions for each language
  • Updating product information once published (descriptions, filters, other information of products...)
  • Review of all changes in staging enviroments before publishing to production
  • Interdepartmental collaboration. Ability to collaborate with multiple stakeholders and projects
  • Working close to the customer service department
  • Strong organization skills & multi-tasking

Corporate benefits:

  • Great international working environment.
  • A exciting position on a strategic department
  • Discount on the brands of the Group.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Customer Experience/Bride Experience - USA Market (Afternoon Shift)

We at PRONOVIAS GROUP, Global leader in the Bridal industry, are currently looking for a professional and talented Bride Experience Specialist to join our Customer Experience Team in our Barcelona HQ.

We seek people who are passionate about Fashion; love to be part of a growing and challenging international environment; inspiring and empowering people and are not afraid to make the difference.

Our mission is bringing HAPPINESS into the world by dressing with style our customers’ dreams, being the best partner to our clients, and building together an exciting place to work.

At Pronovias Group, we are an equal opportunity employer. Your race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran, or disability status don’t make a difference here. In our company want you to come as you are to be the best version of yourself.

About the role:

You will be the heart of our customer service department, providing exceptional support to our brides across various channels, such as phone, email, and social media. You will assist brides in finding their dream dress or accessories, answer questions, resolve concerns promptly and professionally, and ensure all interactions are consistent with our brand philosophy.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Respond to our brides inquiries via phone, email, and social media in a timely and courteous manner.
  • Provide accurate information on products, services, procedures, and company policies.
  • Guide brides through the process of finding their dream dress.
  • Handle and resolve possible complaints efficiently and professionally, adhering to established policies.
  • Proactively offer solutions and recommendations, maximizing our bride experience and sales opportunities.
  • Collaborate with retail stores to address customer concerns related to their in-store experience.
  • Contribute to achieving department goals and exceeding customer expectations consistently.
  • Maintain a positive and professional demeanor, fostering a welcoming and supportive environment.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
21.000€ - 27.000€ bruto/año
Tècnic/a d'administració

La Fundació i2cat està cercant un/a Tècnic/a Administratiu/va per a que s'incorpori a l'equip d'Administració&Finances.

Atès el creixement de l'organització, es precisa contractar una persona per a que dugui a terme gestions administratives i d'atenció personalitzada presencialment a l'oficina, tant dels/es treballadors/es com de les visites externes.

La persona seleccionada tindrà les següents responsabilitats:

  • Recepció oficina i tracte amb el personal intern/extern
  • Resolució de dubtes del personal
  • Gestió de l'organització d'esdeveniments interns que requereixin reserva de sales, càtering, etc.
  • Recepció/enviament paqueteria
  • Supervisió dels espais comuns de les oficines

També durà a terme altres tasques com...

  • La gestió i recepció de trucades rebudes a l'empresa. Rebre i derivar totes les trucades telefòniques
  • Tasques en la recepció del centre
  • Gestió de supervisió i organització dels espais de les oficines, garantint l'ordre d'aquests.
  • Gestió i recepció dels enviaments de missatgeria.
  • Gestió de les sales de reunions, les reserves de càterings i les visites del personal extern.
  • Participació activa en la gestió dels esdeveniments de l'entitat.
  • Gestió i revisió dels actius i materials de l'oficina.
  • Gestió de compres de material per a l'oficina.
  • Resolució d'incidències diàries a l'oficina.

Qui som?

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.

i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què t'oferim?

  • Presencialitat cada dia.
  • Contracte a temps complet.
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Jornada reduïda tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost.
  • Salari fix + variable per objectius.
  • Tu decideixes si vols cobrar en 12 o 14 pagues.
  • Sistema de retribució flexible: Configura el teu salari segons les teves necessitats. T'oferim l'opció de tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica.
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l'any.
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina per promoure un estil de vida saludable.
  • Cafè i te gratuït.
  • Si t'interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector.
  • T'entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows.
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip.
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva pròpia carrera formativa.
  • Treballarem contínuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional.

On ho faràs?

Estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT també és compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb diversitat funcional dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

En cas que t’hagi agradat però no sigui la teva oferta de feina, potser coneguis a una altra persona que encaixi perfectament i a la que li vulguis recomanar!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
24.000€ - 27.000€ bruto/año
Data Analyst Trainee

Why doing an intership at Eurofragance?

  • In Eurofragance you will be part of the exciting world of smells and fragrances with our Passion, Performance & Entrepreneurship values.
  • You will grow and learn in a company in constant growth and expansion.
  • You will have the opportunity to develop with top professionals in the sector.
  • You will be part of a Global Company with Headquarters in Barcelona and subsidiaries in Dubai, Singapore, Mexico, Turkey and India among others.
  • You will practice your language skills in a global and multicultural environment.
  • You will feel you play a role in society thanks to our Corporate Social Responsibility policy and our commitment to the Environment, which we demonstrate on a day-to-day basis with actions such as the Volunteer Day.

Enjoy a great work environment in Eurofragance!

At our company, we're committed to creating an inclusive work environment where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation, or any other factor. We encourage candidates from all walks of life to apply for this job vacancy, and we extend a particularly warm welcome to those with disabilities.


Do you like “playing” with data to discover patterns that help business to take the best decisions? Are you looking always for continuous improvement and finding ways to automatize processes? Do you enjoy using excel or other analysis software?

If you feel identified with the previous questions, you will delight to give support to our Business Strategic Analysis Team, focusing on calculating & analyzing Business drivers (KPI = Key performance indicators) and extracting & transforming data to provide insights for different functional areas.


  • Give support to the Business Strategic Analysis Team.
  • Gain a deep understanding of the main business drivers across all the areas of the company: Sales, Operations, Product Development, Controlling, Finances, etc.
  • Bring new ideas to increase the automation of the current business reports in order to gain efficiency.
  • Generate recurrent reports for management and functional departments.
  • Create dashboard and analytical tools for different departments.
  • Extract and transform data from different sources: SQL Server, Qliksense, Excels, SAP.
  • Resolution of incidents and queries related to the analysis of the information.


  • How to use Qliksense / Power BI tools to extract, transform and load data.
  • Advanced Excel / VBA
  • Operational insights on how different departments work.
  • Basics of financial statements.
  • Basic understanding of SAP ERP.
Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato formativo
Salario sin especificar
Visual Merchandising Operations Internship & Graduate Program

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group that integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett London, and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The AWWG International Internship & Graduate program is an opportunity to start learning and growing with us as you will work on some of the most exciting and challenging projects our industry has to offer. This is a one-year program, with the possibility of joining the company after that period and enjoying our complete 3-year development plan.

The project!

You will help manage the operational excellence in all interior design projects. With your work, the team will bring prototypes and materials to life, ensuring process efficiency, operational excellence and cost management, as well as overseeing installation in stores, showrooms and events.

The focus will be to elevate Full Price and Wholesale, while keeping consistency on Outlets and share best practices.

What will the role entail?

  • Help develop Processes and Ops guidelines for all brands including and not exclusive to Windows, In store, Showroom & Events.
  • Develop Props, POS communication holders, In store journey moments and any additional element to enhance the environments that any costumer needs.
  • Support the set up of production and processes in the most efficient way, both from a cost and creative point of view.
  • Be aware of budgets, implementations and timings to support the execution to be flawless, elevated & on time.
  • Check implementations across regions and facilitate feedback.
  • Work collaboratively with Marketing, Store Development, Sourcing, Buying, Sales and external suppliers.

Some benefits of working with us:

  • Competitively paid internship
  • Flexible working hours
  • Discount on the brands of the group
  • Great international working environment
  • Modern offices with canteen, foodtruck and parking available.

Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Showroom Sales Specialist_PVH

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group which integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The Project!

You will be responsible for providing a complete service to the external client when it comes to the collection during the sales period so that Calvin Klein and Tommy Hlfiger are present in the largest number of Wholesale points in Spain.

What will the role entail?

  • Create a cohesive story of the collection to show the customers
  • Remote and digital selling to E-com customers
  • Support Wholesale Sales team during all selling process and period: from the selling campaign in the showroom, to the final shipment to the customer.
  • Watch out competence on products and prices online and in stores
  • Arrangement of product displays, demonstrating product features.
  • Coordinate final shipment of product to the customer.
  • Analysis of the season (customers, sales, and market research)
  • Prospecting new customers
  • Creation of tools to support sales in ECI: reports, product books, etc.
  • Staff training: product presentations with sales arguments, etc.
  • Sales analysis
  • Daily communication with other departments such as Customer Service, Credit control for customer order follow up.

Corporate benefits:

  • Great international working environment.
  • A exciting position on a strategic department
  • Discount on the brands of the Group.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Merchandising Specialist

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group that integrates the brands Pepe Jeans, Hackett, and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The project!

Working for our three owned brands (Pepe Jeans, Hackett London and Façonnable), you will work in close coordination with the global product team and regional sales teams, while working to achieve the goals and strategic needs of the global merchandising team in Spain.

Be part of the global growth of AWWG: accept the challenge and join the team!

What will the role entail?

  • Understanding customer behavior and ensure a correct strategy based on product needs and historical data.
  • Planning and developing merchandising strategies.
  • Liaising between customer / channel and company.
  • Follow up and stablish an agile work flow between product teams, providing them with data in order to build effective collections.
  • Coordinate with regional sales teams, design and supply teams to meet corporate goals
  • Provide global marketing and regional sales teams with product knowledge and serve as an informational
  • Build the Seasonal Range Plan

Some benefits of working with us:

  • Great international working environment.
  • Corporate remote work regulated by corporate policy and flesible working hours.
  • Flexible benefits such as ticket restaurant, health insurance with Cigna, transport ticket or nursery ticket.
  • Discount on the brands of the Group.
  • Canteen and parking space available at the offices.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Showroom Sales Specialist_AWWG

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group which integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The Project!

You will be responsible for providing a complete service to the external client when it comes to the collection during the sales period so that Calvin Klein and Tommy Hlfiger are present in the largest number of Wholesale points in Spain.

What will the role entail?

  • Create a cohesive story of the collection to show the customers
  • Remote and digital selling to E-com customers
  • Support Wholesale Sales team during all selling process and period: from the selling campaign in the showroom, to the final shipment to the customer.
  • Watch out competence on products and prices online and in stores
  • Arrangement of product displays, demonstrating product features.
  • Coordinate final shipment of product to the customer.
  • Analysis of the season (customers, sales, and market research)
  • Prospecting new customers
  • Creation of tools to support sales in ECI: reports, product books, etc.
  • Staff training: product presentations with sales arguments, etc.
  • Sales analysis
  • Daily communication with other departments such as Customer Service, Credit control for customer order follow up.

Corporate benefits:

  • Great international working environment.
  • A exciting position on a strategic department
  • Discount on the brands of the Group.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Finance Controller Manager

Who we are...
AWWG is the global fashion group which integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The Project!
As Finance Controller Manager you will lead a high-performing finance team to achieve timely and accurate financial reporting. Implement cost-effective strategies to maximize profitability and mitigate risks. Drive efficiency through process improvements and technology integration. Provide strategic financial insights to support informed decision-making by senior management.

What will the role entail?

  • Build Financial Business Plans to analyse new business opportunities in conjunction with Group Commercial Management.
  • Preparation of Monthly Financial Reporting to both Executive Committee and Shareholders.
  • Perform monthly review on Sales & Margins including variances in COGS vs standard, Returns & Markdown Contributions etc.·
  • Cooperate in performance improvement projects linked to FP&A department.
  • Contribute in annual Budget preparation together with the teams involved

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
General Ledger Accountant

Who we are...

AWWG is the global fashion group that integrates the brands Pepe Jeans London, Hackett, and Façonnable, and is the licensed distributor for Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein in Spain and Portugal.

The project!

We are looking for an Accountant to assist in the Group accounting functions.

What will the role entail?

  • Participate in the accounting activities of group subsidiaries (European companies):

- Analysis of Sales & Margins entries
- General ledger provisions

- Operating expenses review

- Commercial provisions (Returns, Markdowns, Sales Commissions, etc)

  • Submit VAT, Intrastat, and other tax reports in a monthly
  • Participate in all Balance Sheet GLs reconciliations.
  • Collaborate in monthly management accounts preparation
  • Assist Finance manager in Spanish Group Reporting pack preparation
  • Assist Finance manager in Statutory annual financial statements of the company
  • Work to achieve the deadlines of the company
  • Prepare ad hoc analysis and participate in the projects of the Group
  • Responsible of the ecommerce of the group.

Corporate benefits:

  • Great international working environment.
  • Corporate remote work regulated by corporate policy and flexible working hours..
  • Flexible benefits such us ticket restaurant, health insurance with Cigna, transport ticket or nursery ticket.
  • Discount on the brands of the Group.
  • Free company transport to the offices from Barcelona center.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar