Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(426)
Ciudad Real(88)
Illes Balears(736)
La Rioja(209)
Las Palmas(427)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(242)
Sin especificar(537)
Administración empresas(2.196)
Administración Pública(5)
Atención a clientes(935)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.468)
Comercial y ventas(2.883)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.351)
Diseño y artes gráficas(156)
Educación y formación(88)
Finanzas y banca(96)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(1.263)
Ingenieros y técnicos(2.128)
Inmobiliario y construcción(889)
Marketing y comunicación(605)
Otras actividades(1.513)
Profesiones y oficios(1.339)
Recursos humanos(595)
Sanidad y salud(1.080)
Sector Farmacéutico(183)
Turismo y restauración(983)
Ventas al detalle(65)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(175)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(148)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.375)
Enseñanzas artísticas (regladas)(1)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(5)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(1.253)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(1.121)
Ingeniero Superior(344)
Ingeniero Técnico(63)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(20)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(101)
Sin especificar(14.593)
Sin estudios(1.179)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(268)
Intensiva - Mañana(160)
Intensiva - Noche(15)
Intensiva - Tarde(44)
Parcial - Indiferente(3.019)
Parcial - Mañana(209)
Parcial - Noche(204)
Parcial - Tarde(148)
Sin especificar(5.889)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(113)
De duración determinada(2.648)
De relevo(6)
Fijo discontinuo(371)
Otros contratos(6.969)
Sin especificar(3.924)
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Ofertas de empleo de we project

239 ofertas de trabajo de we project

Great friends del Programa Speak Up (monitors/es)
Fundació Pere Tarrés
Barcelona, Barcelona
Hace 1d

Tens un bon nivell d'anglès? Li vols treure profit?
Estàs de sort, encara pots formar part del programa Speak Up!

El Programa Speak Up és un projecte d'acompanyament escolar del Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona que té com a objectiu millorar la competència lingüística oral en anglès de l'alumnat en diferents centres educatius de Barcelona.

A la Fundació Pere Tarrés cerquem monitors/es amb vocació i experiència docent que tinguin motivació per ensenyar.

Les funcions són:

  • Fomentar l’ús de l’anglès com a llengua de comunicació a les sessions de treball amb 10 alumnes.
  • Controlar l’assistència setmanal de l’alumnat. Fer el seguiment de les tasques que realitzin en l’estona de treball.
  • Comunicar-se amb els especialistes d’anglès de l'Institut per tal de conèixer les necessitats de l’alumnat i la seva evolució.
  • Mantenir la comunicació periòdica amb el professorat assessor de l’EOI Barcelona Drassanes per tal de seguir el programa d’activitats preparat i fer el seguiment i avaluació de la seva implementació.
  • Realitzar els informes de seguiment de l’alumnat i assistir a les reunions de seguiment amb el professorat.
  • Participar a les sessions de formació organitzades pel programa.
  • Participar a les reunions de coordinació i de preparació d’equip de “great friends” i amb els centres.
  • Organitzar els materials i suports didàctics. Organitzar i elaborar materials i activitats en anglès que afavoreixin l’ús oral de la llengua.
  • Actuar com a referent lingüístic per a l’alumnat ajudant-lo a reforçar l’oralitat en anglès.
  • Oferir suport a la conversa en llengua anglesa reforçant el treball oral realitzat a l’aula.


  • Incorporació: Immediata
  • Jornada: 8 hores setmanals
  • Horari: Dilluns a dijous de 16h a 18h
  • Temporalitat: fins al 14 de juny.

Si vols ser un/a Great Friend, no dubtis a inscriure't.
We're waiting for you!

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
2 Metges/Metgesses Especialistes en Anatomia Patòlogica (24_61_IPV_ANPA_METESP)

EL CONSORCI CORPORACIÓ SANITÀRIA PARC TAULÍ, per al Servei d’Anatomia Patològica, ofereix:

Descripció del servei:

El Servei d’Anatomia Patològica compta en l’actualitat amb més de 45 professionals, entre ells 13 especialistes, que donen resposta a les necessitats de diagnòstic anatomopatològic de l’hospital i dels centres de primària del territori, està acreditat per a la formació de Metges Especialistes en Formació i està implicat en la docència pregrau (Unitat Docent Parc Taulí de la UAB).

Funcions generals:

Realització de les tasques de patòleg assumint el diagnòstic de diverses àrees de coneixement dins de l’especialitat. Per a aquesta convocatòria hi ha especial necessitat, comptant amb les dues places convocades, a reforçar les àrees de patologia ginecològica, patologia mamària, uropatologia, patologia endocrinològica, patologia cutània i citopatologia, si bé es poden fer adaptacions en funció de l’experiència i interès dels candidats. Es treballarà de forma coordinada amb altres profesionals que ja tenen dedicació a aquestes àrees, i també es contempla la participació en la docència –postgrau, i possibilitats de pregrau-, la participació en projectes de recerca en marxa, així com la integració en els comitès i comissions assistencials corresponents, tot dins del marc d’un servei amb acreditació ISO 15189 en l’àmbit del diagnòstic ginecopatològic.


  • Títol de llicenciatura/grau en Medicina i Cirurgia.
  • Títol d’especialista en Anatomia Patològica, via MIR. (al moment de la seva incorporació)
  • Nivell de català C1.

Es valorarà:

  • Currículum vitae.
  • Experiència en la funció convocada.
  • Experiència i interès en patologia ginecològica, patologia mamària, patologia urològica, patologia endocrina, patologia cutània i citopatologia. Es valoraran altres àrees d’interès.
  • Formació continuada del lloc de treball a cobrir.
  • Habilitats i motivació per a participar en activitats docents, de recerca i de millora de la qualitat.
  • Capacitat de treball en equips multidisciplinaris.
  • Capacitat comunicativa i empàtica vers els usuaris, els familiars i els professionals.


Incorporació a partir del dia 13 de maig de 2024 una de les places, i a partir del dia 15 de setembre la segona amb vinculació estable* a l’equip de treball del servei d’Anatomia Patològica del Consorci Corporació Sanitària Taulí.

* Les persones seleccionades es vincularan laboralment mitjançant un contracte de substitució pel termini imprescindible fins a la cobertura reglamentària i definitiva de la plaça vacant (antics interinatges) o, transitòriament, altres modalitats que en dret siguin possibles, mantenint la condició d'interí fins a la resolució del procés públic de convocatòria que s’efectuarà de conformitat amb la DA 4ª del RDL 32/2021 de mesures urgents per a la reforma laboral. Les condicions laborals són les establertes en el III Conveni SISCAT, amb jornada completa.

Procés de selecció:

Les condicions generals d’aquesta convocatòria es regiran pel què recull el present anunci i amb els procediments que es detallen a les bases tipus de convocatòria per a ocupació de places vigents, que es poden consultar al web de l’entitat www.tauli.cat .

D’acord amb el Codi de Selecció i Vinculació vigent, les persones candidates se sotmetran a les proves següents:

  • Valoració curricular (valoració de mèrits d’acord amb els ítems de l’apartat es valorarà i amb les corresponents acreditacions, llevat de l’experiència interna que s’acreditarà d’ofici) inclosa la carta de motivació que acompanyi a la candidatura.
  • Entrevista personal (pels professionals sense experiència interna) o valoració directiva.
  • Prova psicotècnica.

Es podran afegir les proves competencials que es considerin necessàries per valorar la idoneïtat de les candidatures, en el marc de l’establert al vigent Codi de Selecció i Vinculació. En ares als principis d’economia processal i celeritat del procés, també es podran reduir les fases del procés de selecció en funció de la ràtio de candidats amb compliment dels requisits de la present oferta.

En compliment de la LISMI, el Consorci, tindrà en consideració la reserva per a les persones candidates que acreditin una discapacitat igual o superior al 33%, sempre que siguin idònies per al desenvolupament de les funcions a cobrir.

Documentació i inscripció:


Caldrà adjuntar en el moment de la inscripció els següents documents en format PDF:

1.- Curriculum vitae.

2.- Titulació acreditativa del requisit.

3.- Acreditacions formatives.

4.- Experiència laboral (caldrà acreditar-la mitjançant certificats de serveis prestats en entitats alienes al centre).

La no presentació de la documentació requerida pot comporta l’exclusió de la candidatura a la convocatòria.

Informació: Per a consultes en relació a aquesta convocatòria, us podeu adreçar a seleccio@tauli.cat indicant el número de referència d’aquest anunci.

Data de termini: Fins al 5 de maig de 2024

Codi de plaça: 5579 i 5753

Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
POWER BI SPECIALIST - Zamudio (Bizkaia)

At ISATI GLOBAL SOLUTIONS we have a wide variety of opportunities and, therefore, we believe that getting to know us is the first step to finding your ideal project.

We are looking for a Power BI Specialist to join our client's projects in Zamudio. The candidate selected will be in charge of the maintenance and development of Power Bi reports, Power Apps and Power Automate flows and the design and development of new features for existing ones.

Main tasks:

  • Maintenance, design and development of Power Bi reports.
  • Maintenance and development of Power Bi dataflows & datasets.
  • Maintenance, design and development of Power Apps.
  • Maintenance and development of Power Automate flows.

What does ISATI offer you?

  • Choose how you distribute your salary thanks to the tax advantages in our Flexible remuneration program.
  • Be part of the referral program.
  • Flexible and Intensive summer schedule.
  • You will have the possibility to work from home 1 or 2 days per week.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Customer Support / Helpdesk with German / Alemán (H/M/X)
¿Te gustaría formar parte de una empresa líder en el sector de consultoría digital, con posibilidades de crecimiento profesional y de gran prestigio mundial? ¡Éste es tu empleo! Buscamos gente como tú, activa y abierta a nuevos retos. Manpower te ofrece la oportunidad de incorporarte en una empresa sólida, con un dinámico y multicultural equipo de trabajo con amplias posibilidades de desarrollar tu carrera profesional, ofreciendo soporte informático a diversas empresas alrededor del mundo. Recibirás UNA FORMACION INICIAL Y COMPLETA para que luego puedas desarrollar las funciones del puesto con normalidad. ¡Anímate a embarcarte en este proyecto profesional!.

Tus responsabilidades incluirán:

  • Resolver incidencias, completar solicitudes de servicio o iniciar el soporte desde equipos remotos y/o en el lugar de trabajo.
  • Identificar procedimientos apropiados de resolución de problemas utilizando información específica del cliente.
  • Ser el POC (Punto de Contacto Único) dentro del proveedor de servicios para el origen de la incidencia.
  • Contactar al usuario / cliente por teléfono o correo electrónico cuando la incidencia se haya resuelto o la solicitud de servicio se haya cumplido.
  • Coordinar el progreso durante todo el ciclo de vida de la incidencia. 
  • Informar al departamento de Gestión de Nivel de Servicio sobre incidencias identificadas, posibles incumplimientos de SLA y proporcionarles información sobre las incidencias procesadas y las solicitudes de servicio.
Se ofrece:
- Contrato temporal de 6 meses más posibilidad de contrato indefinido posteriormente.
- El salario será según convenio y variará según proyecto y modalidad presencial o híbrida + variable productividad mensual

Posibles roles futuros:
· Analista de Calidad
· Soporte de Entrega de Servicio
· Líder de Equipo
· Agente de Nivel 2

Would you like to be part of a leading company in the digital consulting sector, with possibilities for professional growth and of great worldwide prestige? This is your job! We are looking for people like you, active and open to new challenges. Manpower offers you the opportunity to join a solid company, with a dynamic and multicultural work team with wide possibilities to develop your professional career, offering IT support to various companies around the world. You will receive INITIAL AND COMPLETE TRAINING so that later you can develop the functions of the position normally. Go ahead and embark on this professional project! 

You will:
- Resolve incidents, complete service requests or initiate support from remote and/or onsite support teams.
- Identify appropriate problem-resolution procedures using customer-specific information.
- Be the SPOC (Single Point of Contact) within the service provider for the incident originator.
- Contact incident originator via telephone or e-mail when the incident has been resolved or service request has been fulfilled.
- Enthusiastically coordinate progress throughout the entire lifecycle of the incident.
- Report Service Level Management about identified incidents, potential SLA breaches; and provide them information about the processed incidents and service requests.

- Temporary contract for 6 months with the possibility of permanent contract thereafter.
- Salary will be according to the agreement and will vary depending on the project + monthly productivity bonus.

Possible future roles:
· Quality Analyst
· Service Delivery Supporter
· Team Leader
· Level 2 agent

Estudios mínimos
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
Experiencia mínima
No Requerida
Imprescindible residente en
Provincia Puesto Vacante

Requisitos mínimos
- Nivel de idioma ALEMAN fluido (mínimo B2) e INGLÉS fluido (mínimo B2)
- No es necesaria experiencia ni conocimientos específicos previos de informática/helpdesk/call center
- Manejo y dominio de ofimática
- Valorable estudios en Bachillerato y/o FP de Grado Medio/Superior.
- Disponibilidad horaria completa para turnos rotativos 24/7.  Se trabajará 5 días por semana y se descansará 2 días (que puede ser rotativo). 
- Disponibilidad para residir en la isla de Tenerife. 

Minimum requirements:

- Fluent in German (minimum B2 level) and fluent in English (minimum B2 level).
- No experience or Previous specific knowledge of computer science / helpdesk / call center
- Management and mastery of office automation
- Valuable studies in Baccalaureate and / or FP of Medium / Superior Degree.
- Full time availability for rotating shifts 24/7. You will work 5 days a week and rest 2 days (which can be rotating).
- Availability to reside on the island of Tenerife.
Jornada completa
Contrato fijo discontinuo
Salario sin especificar
Responsable de Departament Elèctric.
Per a històrica empresa familiar d'Osona, dedicada al disseny i fabricació de maquinària seleccionem a una persona que lideri el departament elèctric.

En dependència directa de Gerència, les seves principals tasques i funcions seran:
- Disseny i realització d'esquemes elèctrics/electrònics i quadres elèctrics.
- Programació de PLC, HMI i Scada.
- Dimensionament, selecció i disseny de components.
- Definició de l'arquitectura elèctrica i de control de sistemes.
- Electricitat/electrònica de potència i control.
- Configuració de pantalles Weintek
- Elaboració i interpretació de documentació tècnica: documents de requisits, manuals de descripció tècnica i operació, protocol de proves i acceptació.
- Suport a la resolució d'incidències
- Posades en marxa a casa del client (la majoria dels clients són empreses industrials locals, per la qual cosa la disponibilitat per a viatjar i pernoctar fora del domicili és mínima (inferior al 5% del temps de treball).

- Incorporació immediata i projecte estable a llarg termini en empresa referent en l'àmbit nacional en el seu sector d'activitat.
- Condicions salarials d'acord amb l'experiència, coneixements i valors aportats.

Es requereix:
- Persona empàtica, proactiva i amb capacitat de comunicar-se i de treball en equip.
- Saber dissenyar i interpretar esquemes elèctrics i haver fet posades en marxa en instal·lacions de clients i experiència en fer quadres elèctrics.
- Coneixements avançats de programació de PLC's, HMI i xarxes industrials.
- Residència a Osona o comarques limítrofes disponibilitat per al trasllat de la residència a la zona.
- Carnet de conduir "B".
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Duties and Responsibilities: * Observance of QSE rules and legal requirements. * To propose new ideas and projects in relation to RDi Saica activity in relation to: a) NATUR, b) Waste valorisation at SAICA Group, and c) Decarbonisation. * Identification of technologies and facilities required for the projects, with planning and executing external contacts. For instance: identification of new industrial and pilot valorisation options for residues (polyal, ashes, etc), searching for possible testing facilities outside current options in Saica, finding and evaluating suppliers of innovative machinery for new projects in cooperation with the Industrial Department of NATUR, etc. * Planning and development of technical tasks. For instance: technical assessment of different energy production technologies to satisfy an energy demand, or test planning for characterising a waste stream prior to study its valorisation. * Participation in the development of business models related to the tasks/projects analysed. * Ensuring a global sustainability approach when executing the tasks in the assigned projects. SAICA is an Equal Opportunities employer and welcomes applications from any suitable qualified candidate.
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
PMO Governance Lead
From Grupo Digital, we are looking for a PMO Governance Lead Project Duration: Stable Work mode: Full remote. Location: Madrid. Residence and work permit in Spain is mandatory. Job Responsibilities / Role: Responsible for managing the BAU and day to day project management office'sgovernance processes/systems to ensure that projects are executed in alignment with the organisation's goals, standards, and best practices. As a technical specialist, the role holder will implement and maintain project management methodologies,processes, and policies, providing governance leadership across the team and organisation, as well as managing and supporting to project managers and stakeholders. Key Responsibilities: - Governance Framework Development - Policy and Process Management - Performance Monitoring and Reporting - Risk Management - Quality Assurance - Stakeholder Engagement - Artefact Management - Change Management - Continuous Improvement - Training and Development - Budget Oversight - Project Portfolio Management - Technology Integration - Cross-Functional Collaboration
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
PMO Analyst (English)
From Grupo Digital, we are looking for a Project Manager Office Analyst with at least 4 years of experience. Project Duration: Stable Work mode: Full remote. Location: Madrid. Residence and work permit in Spain is mandatory. Job Responsibilities / Role: The PMO Analyst role is essential for providing administrative, operational, and coordination assistance to the Project Management Office (PMO) team. This role ensures the smooth functioning of the PMO by handling various tasks that support project managers, stakeholders, and the overall project portfolio Key Responsibilities: - Documentation Management - Data Tracking and Reporting - Administrative Support - Resource Coordination - Financial Tracking - Tool and Software Management - Communication Facilitation - Issue and Risk Tracking - Process Adherence - Meeting Coordination - Training and Onboarding - Quality Assurance - Document Creation & Writing ('How To' Guides / Process Documents) Mandatory skills: PLANVIEW EXPERT - PROVEN EXPERIENCE IN BANKING - Strong organisational and multitasking skills to manage various tasks concurrently. - Attention to detail and a commitment to maintaining accurate records and documentation. - Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and project management tools. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively interact with team members and stakeholders. - Basic understanding of project management concepts and methodologies. - Problem-solving abilities and a proactive approach to handling challenges. - Ability to work well in a collaborative team environment. - Time management skills to meet deadlines and prioritise tasks effectively - Very good knowledge in Planview - Banking Experience - Very good knowledge Office Tools (Teams, Power Point, Excel, etc) - Attention to the details - Strong PMO skills & experience (PM governance, meeting minutes, Managing RAID Log, Financial tracking) - Strong written and verbal communication skills in English - Some Spanish knowledge - Infrastructure knowledge Qualities - Team player, Energetic, motivated and determined - Pragmatic and results-oriented - Adaptable to diverse set of technical responsibilities - Excellent analytical and problem solving skills - Productive and able to manage time effectively Qualifications A bachelor's degree in a relevant field (Business, Management, etc.) or equivalent work experience
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
33.000€ - 46.000€ bruto/año
Bilbao, Bizkaia
Hace 2d
GROUP ALLIANCE is actively seeking an experienced COMMERCIAL EXPERT to join an important company located within the Greater Bilbao area. The selected candidate will play a pivotal role as an industrial commercial salesperson. The specific tasks would be:- Managing the commercial portfolio of the assigned zone (northern part of Spain).- Procurement of new clients.- Increasing of sales in new and current clients.Essential Requirements:- Educational Background: Technical or vocational training studies related to commerce or/and business.- Professional experience: at least 8 years in industrial sales, highly valued if it is in the abrasive sector or similar to it.- Language Proficiency: Fluent in English, capable to engage at business level. Minimum C1.- Immediate availability.- Availability to travel at a national level.What We Offer:- Long term contract and project. - Full day work Monday to Thursday, and on Fridays intensive timetable.- Competitive Compensation: Salary commensurate with your proven experience and qualifications + variables.- Company car.If you are interested and you think that your profile fits well, sign up to this offer and send your CV to bilbao@grupoalliance.com indicating COMMERCIAL TECHNICIAN in the subject.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
25.000€ - 50.000€ bruto/año
40605 - Desenvolupador Angular Sènior

Desenvolupar i mantenir aplicacions web utilitzant Angular en les seves versions més avançades.
Realitzar proves unitàries i d'integració per garantir la qualitat del codi.
Participar activament en el disseny de l'arquitectura de l'aplicació.
Col·laborar amb l'equip de disseny per implementar interfícies d'usuari atractives i funcionals.
Participar en reunions de sprint i stand-ups diaris.
Contribuir a la millora contínua dels processos de desenvolupament de programari.
Mantenir-se actualitzat en les últimes tendències i tecnologies en desenvolupament web.
Treballar en estreta col·laboració amb altres membres de l'equip per complir amb els terminis del projecte.

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 37
  • Horari: Flexible
  • Retribució brut anual: 40000
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
39.000€ - 42.000€ bruto/año
Electrical Project Manager
An energy sector company located in Valencia, needs to incorporate an Electrical Project Manager for its offices in Valencia, who will manage projects from Valencia's Office for different locations in United States. The successful candidate will be willing to work from the company's office in Valencia from 12.00am to 9.00pm.

Main functions:
- Establish and track project milestones and performance standards.
- Work in parallel with the Project Director to organize and use field staff to the fullest potential.
- Create, update, and manage the project schedule.
- Develop the project budget upon assignment and track Earned Value throughout the project.
- Keep a project within budget while maintaining schedule.
- Have the ability to accurately estimate cost at specific milestones and completion for the project.
- Work with the appropriate team members procure labor, equipment, materials, and subcontracts in a timely manner.
- Create relationships with client, subcontractors and vendors with the company's interest in mind.
- Have the ability to look at field problems with an "outside the box" mentality providing value engineering to the client.
- Have the ability to lead a team of management staff and field staff.

It offers:
- Immediate incorporation, long-term contract.
- Career development and progression.
- Competitive salary + bonus.

It's required:
- Demonstrable proficiency in Automation and Energy Management System, SCADA system, Protection, and control System in electrical substation.
- Ability to read and interpret electrical installations drawings.
- Flexibility to travel to US. (Aprox. 7 trips per year, 2 weeks trips each time).
- Ability to provide technical solutions to construction problems.
- Team management skills.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Junior ML Engineer

The Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) research area of the i2CAT Foundation is looking for a Junior Data Engineer to join its team to support engineering tasks in the implementation of various projects related to Artificial Intelligence applied to Cybersecurity.

The suitable candidate will join the Distributed Artificial Intelligence research area, and will work alongside a 15 member team of data engineers and data scientists with expertise in AI, Deep Learning and Disitrbuted Data Infrastuctures. DAI is an active player in the local and European R&I ecosystem and works in multiple verticals such as mobility, inustry, manufacturing and cybersecurity.

The selected candidate will begin by working on the development of a novel Elasticsearch library to streamline the current Data Science applied projects in cybersecurity. In detail, The candidate will lead the construction of a tool designed to extract actionable knowledge from Lucene-based systems and generate meaningful indicators for prior analysis using ML-based systems. The objective of this tool is to streamline the current standalone data engineering work in the ExtremeXP and Italtel projects. It will enable the creation of more automatic data-driven tools on top of Wazuh and Soluble Agents, such as OpenNac.

Main tasks:

  • Implement data processing and sharing workflows using state-of-the-art technologies.
  • Work together with DAI team members in the design of the testbed architecture.
  • Participate in the development of pilots and use cases that showcase the testebed's capabilities.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
24.000€ - 30.000€ bruto/año
Unity Developer

The i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona) is opening a position to advance in the research and innovation field of real-time distributed video services, involving immersive media formats like volumetric video.

The candidate will join the Media & Internet Area (MIA) of i2CAT, which is composed of over 14 experienced researchers and engineers in the fields of distributed and interactive multimedia systems and media processing, and is involved in relevant R&I projects with the European and national ecosystems, in close collaboration with key players from academia and industry.

This area is seeking a highly motivated and talented Unity Developer to join our development team. The ideal candidate should not only have a strong background in Unity development but also skills in other programming languages, particularly in C++. Additionally, having experience in Android development and working on the maintenance of a Unity SDK would be a significant plus. The candidate will be in charge of maintaining and improving the Holoconference Unity SDK called HoloMIT, implementing new features, integrating in-house new Holographic pipelines and optimizations.

Moreover, the candidate will be involved in cutting-edge research, innovation and development tasks. All this R&I&D will shape the future of HoloMIT, collaborating hand-in-hand with experts in the media and networks domains under the umbrella of competitive national and international projects (Horizon Europe, European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, SNS JU), including the collaboration with highly relevant international partners from academia and industry.

The results from the planned research and development activities are expected to lead to high-impact scientific publications, technology/knowledge transfer (e.g., open-source software, patents, contributions to standards), resulting cutting-edge software and services (e.g., Volumetric Video Compression and Neural Radiance Fields), and career development opportunities (self and of supervised of highly skilled personnel).

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Programador/a de PLC's per a fabricant de maquinària industrial 4.0
Per a històrica empresa especialitzada en l'I+D, disseny, fabricació i posada en marxa de maquinària industrial d'automatització de processos, en constant creixement i innovació de processos i projectes, seleccionem a un/a Programador de PLC's (Omron, Beckhoff, Siemens,...) amb coneixements elèctrics.

En coordinació amb el Departament d'Enginyeria i I+D de l'empresa, la persona seleccionada realitzarà les següents funcions i tasques:
- Programació de maquinària industrial d'automatització i d'alguna instal·lació elèctrica (quadres i armaris elèctrics).
- Realització de proves de funcionament i posada en marxa en la planta local i esporàdicament en les dependències del client.
- Mantenir una comunicació i coordinació contínua amb tots els departaments implicats en la generació de nous productes i la seva posterior fabricació i programació (Oficina Tècnica, Fabricació, I+D i Gerència).
- Gestió documental del procés de programació i instal·lació de la maquinària.

- Estabilitat laboral en sòlida empresa familiar, molt innovadora i puntera en el disseny fabricació de maquinària d'automatizació de processos industrials, reconeguda per l'excel·lència en l'assessorament tècnic i en el servei postvenda.
- De dilluns a divendres: de 8h a 17h o altre horari a acordar entre candidat interessat/da i empresa (s'ofereix flexibilitat horària).
- Condicions salarials negociables, d'acord amb l'experiència, coneixements i valors aportats.
- Projecció de futur, amb possibilitats de creixement professional.

Es requereix:
- Persona empàtica, proactiva i amb capacitat de treball en equip.
- Domini de programació industrial (Omron, Beckhoff, Siemens, Weïntek, Festo...)
- Coneixements d'informàtica industrial (Scada, VisualStudio).
- Coneixements elèctrics per, puntualment, realitzar armaris i instal·lacions elèctriques.
- Disponibilitat per a viatjar un 15% del temps (sobretot en l'àmbit local i nacional).
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
40.000€ - 45.000€ bruto/año
Mobile Automation Tester
From Grupo Digital, we are looking for a Mobile Automation Tester: Project Duration: Stable Work mode: Full remote. Location: Madrid. Residence and work permit in Spain is mandatory.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
33.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Kiteris is a young, agile company dedicated to providing IT project management services based on the delivery of excellence, the quality of our team and the contribution of value through specialization and innovation. We are located in Spain and Portugal but serve different customers in Europe, USA, and LATAM. For the past years, we have been working as IT Program and Project Portfolio Executive Managers (PPMO, Executive PgMO/PMO) for a leading international customer in the industrial sector. The customer is based in the Barcelona area (Spain) and San Diego (California, USA) with offices and subsidiaries in more than 40 countries worldwide. The Client has expressed his intention to increase the team with the incorporation of a Program Manager to support and lead the implementation of business transversal transformation projects in its more than 40 countries. Therefore, we are looking for an expert in Program Manager tasks based in the Barcelona area (Spain), specialized in international programs. The person would work inside the client's EMEA Business Transformation Office (BTO).
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Arquitecto/a Soluciones IT - Banca + Ingles C1
At Grupo NS we incorporated a Computer Solutions Architect for a stable project for a client in the banking sector. Fluent level of English (C1) is necessary since the client is located in the UK. 100% remote project from any Spanish province. Job Responsibilities/Role: * Producing solution architecture for projects taking end to end responsibility for ensuring designs are fit for purpose * Reviewing the designs that have been produced by Engineering Teams using guidance and patterns that have been provided to them by Architecture. * Validating that solutions align to the strategies of Bank (e.g. Retail & Corporate Bank & Group). * Working with the engineering community to deliver solutions primarily in an agile way.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Desde IMAN Temporing, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #ConectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidadesFrom the IMAN Temporing Badajoz office we are looking for a Data Protection Specialist for an important company located in Zafra (Badajoz).What will be my duties and responsibilities? Supporting the data protection team in the documentation and further development of the dataprotection management system in the DEUTZ GroupProject tracking for the (process) implementationAdministration of the data protection softwareCreation of templates for contracts, documentation and verificationIdentification of data protection risk areas and development, implementation and tracking ofsuitable countermeasuresOrganization and implementation of training courses including documentation.Candidate profile:Completed studies in economics or comparable trainingPrevious knowledge in the field of compliance and/or data protection or IT securityInterest in data protection and new fields of activityExperience in handling and administering database systems, ideally with OneTrustWhat do we offer?Salary 27.000/28.000 €Direct hiring by the company.Good work environment.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
25.000€ - 30.000€ bruto/año
Big Data Senior Developer
Our Client: Kenmei Technologies is a Spanish company based in Valencia founded by telecoms and software experts, focused on providing data intelligence with machine-based decisioning, automating network operations and customer assurance, to help operators to deal with the incoming increase of network complexity. What are we looking for? We are now looking for innovative and proactive Big Data developers, passionate about technology and ready to join a young and ambitious project. If you have demonstrable experience in Big Data environments and you are fluent in Scala and Spark, we want to hear from you! Knowledge and experience in agile methodologies, Scrum and DevOps will be a plus.
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Project Manager - Agencia de Viajes Premium Madrid

Desde Luxe Talent, Consultoría Internacional de Selección y Formación de personal especializada en Moda, Lujo, Retail y FMCG, estamos buscando para uno de nuestros clientes, Agencia de Viajes de Lujo francesa, un Project Manager en Madrid con motivo de su expansion en el mercado español.

En nuestra consultoría de selección y formación trabajamos con distintas firmas en los sectores del Lujo, Premium y High Premium alrededor de Europa y tenemos oficinas en Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Milán y Munich.

Job Description:

Tus principales funciones seran:

  • La búsqueda de gemas ocultas en todo el país: Explora España en busca de experiencias únicas, destinos excepcionales y joyas para enriquecer la oferta.
  • La creación de productos exclusivos para satisfacer a una clientela premium: Imagina y desarrolla estancias, tours y experiencias excepcionales en perfecta armonía con la imagen de marca y las expectativas de clientela internacional de alto nivel.

  • Establecimiento de asociaciones y negociación de contratos de exclusividad: Hacer crecer la red mediante el establecimiento de alianzas estratégicas, negociar contratos ventajosos y asegurar un seguimiento meticuloso para garantizar la satisfacción de los clientes.
  • La animación dinámica de la zona en colaboración con los Travel Designers: Inspirar, motivar y guiar al equipo de Travel Designers para superar sus objetivos y crear experiencias excepcionales para los huéspedes.
  • Coordinación con el equipo de Marketing para maximizar la visibilidad: Trabaje en estrecha colaboración con el equipo de marketing para garantizar un lanzamiento efectivo del producto en línea, así como una presencia impactante en varios medios, como sitios web, revistas, boletines informativos y redes sociales.

  • Optimización de las acciones de marketing con socios: Implementar y mejorar las iniciativas de marketing en colaboración con sus socios, asegurando una mayor visibilidad y un impacto positivo en la base de clientes.

  • Participación en eventos locales de viajes de lujo: Conozca a los prestigiosos actores de la industria en eventos locales clave, expandiendo la red y manteniéndose a la vanguardia de las últimas tendencias de viajes de lujo.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Corporate Communication Trainee

Who we are

At Ferrer we are a group of people who believe in the power of purpose. And our purpose is to make a positive impact in society and bring about change in an unjust world. We are the 24/7 activists fighting for a sustainable planet, equal opportunities for all and a healthy workplace. We reject greenwashing and empty promises - we are about action. That is why in 2022 we became a B Corp company.

In order to fulfil our purpose, we offer transformative therapeutic solutions, with an increasing focus on pulmonary vascular and interstitial lung diseases and neurological disorders. Founded in Barcelona in 1959, our products are present in more than a hundred countries, and we have a team of over 1,800 people. Professionals that we empower to became leaders of change and to build meaningful careers.

By joining the Ferrer Communication team, within the People & Sustainability Area:

Your Role

  • You will support the implementation of the global communication plan.
  • You will contribute to challenging projects, from creative ideation to final publication, and get specific project parts that you can finalise independently.
  • You will help identify stories to tell and you will support the development of corporate communication content across various communications channels, including social media, website, communication kits, and more.
  • You will gather, analyse, and review data to optimize the use of our channels and the impact of our communication campaigns.
  • You will work collaboratively with agencies and coordinate cross-functionally with the internal teams.

Why Ferrer?

  • Make a positive impact in society
  • Participate in volunteering activities
  • Grow in a culture of trust, responsibility, and constructive feedback
  • Enjoy a flexible working model & collaborative office experience to enable innovation and teamworking
  • Make a real difference to the team and to yourself
  • Take advantage of opportunities for development & learning
  • Discover a range of benefits to support your physical, emotional and financial wellbeing
Jornada completa
Contrato formativo
Salario sin especificar

At BESIDE we are committed to the best talent in the technology sector. We have a Recruitment unit specialized in Engineering profiles to join our clients' staff. We work with a wide range of companies, which will allow us to find you the position that best suits your needs and professional interests. You will be able to join the most innovative companies, offering you cutting-edge projects in the fields of R&D, automotive, pharma, machinery design, product development, etc.

We are looking for a Técnico de automatización to join the electronic team of one of our customers in the printing sector.

What will I do? These will be your main functions:

  • You will report to the Head of the Electronic Departmen
  • You will be responsible to analysis, programming, designing, documentation, query handling within the Electrical Technical office.
    • Analysis and programming of automation systems
    • Machinery start-up
    • PLC and SCADA programming
    • Integration of external equipment in machinery.
    • Provide technical assistance to the After Sales Service department: answer questions from the team both in the office and on trips.

You will need:

  • Advanced knowledge of PLC programming (Siemens s7-300) and Scadas and Codesys
  • Experience in servo drives (Siemens, Rexroth ) and frequency converters
  • Experience in field buses ( Profibus , CAN, Industrial Ethernet)

Benefits that you will have in your place of work:

  • Direct and indefinite contract with the final company.
  • Working schedule 40h/week
  • Flexible schedule
  • International team and projects
  • Competitive salary range depending on the candidate's experience.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 36.000€ bruto/año
A Research Assistant in the Economics Department (empirical industry organization)

IESE Business School at the University of Navarra is currently accepting applications for a Research Assistant position starting in July 2024. This opportunity provides an excellent platform for recent graduates with a background in data science (bachelor's or master's degree) who are keen to develop skills in web scraping and to pursue a career in quantitative research in applied microeconomics, business or any related field.

You will work under the supervision of Prof. Hester Zhang, whose research interest lies in empirical industry organization. Her ongoing projects study economic and managerial implications of digital platforms.


· Collaborate with Prof. Zhang to develop Python scripts for data scraping from designated websites.

· Monitor and maintain daily scraping activities to ensure data collection accuracy and efficiency.

· Organize and manage the scraped data to facilitate research analysis and reporting.

· Assist in other research tasks as required, such as data analysis and literature reviews.

Key qualifications:

· Proficient in Python.

· Prior experience in website scraping is highly preferred, but not necessary. Training in scraping will be sponsored for the selected candidate.

· Strong organizational skills, with the ability to work autonomously and efficiently.

· Demonstrated motivation to learn and a strong work ethic.

Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Customer Support - Helpdesk con Francés / French (H/M/X) Atención al cliente
¿Te gustaría formar parte de una empresa líder en el sector de consultoría digital, con posibilidades de crecimiento profesional y de gran prestigio mundial? ¡Éste es tu empleo! Buscamos gente como tú, activa y abierta a nuevos retos. Manpower te ofrece la oportunidad de incorporarte en una empresa sólida, con un dinámico y multicultural equipo de trabajo con amplias posibilidades de desarrollar tu carrera profesional, ofreciendo soporte informático a diversas empresas alrededor del mundo. Recibirás UNA FORMACION INICIAL Y COMPLETA para que luego puedas desarrollar las funciones del puesto con normalidad. ¡Anímate a embarcarte en este proyecto profesional!.

Tus responsabilidades incluirán:
  • Resolver incidencias, completar solicitudes de servicio o iniciar el soporte desde equipos remotos y/o en el lugar de trabajo.
  • Identificar procedimientos apropiados de resolución de problemas utilizando información específica del cliente.
  • Ser el POC (Punto de Contacto Único) dentro del proveedor de servicios para el origen de la incidencia.
  • Contactar al usuario / cliente por teléfono o correo electrónico cuando la incidencia se haya resuelto o la solicitud de servicio se haya cumplido.
  • Coordinar el progreso durante todo el ciclo de vida de la incidencia. 
  • Informar al departamento de Gestión de Nivel de Servicio sobre incidencias identificadas, posibles incumplimientos de SLA y proporcionarles información sobre las incidencias procesadas y las solicitudes de servicio.
Se ofrece:
- Contrato temporal de 6 meses más posibilidad de contrato indefinido posteriormente. 
- El salario será según convenio  y variará según proyecto + variable productividad mensual
- Modalidad de trabajo híbrida. 

Posibles roles futuros:
· Analista de Calidad
· Soporte de Entrega de Servicio
· Líder de Equipo
· Agente de Nivel 2

Requisitos mínimos
- Nivel de idioma en INGLÉS y francés fluido (mínimo B2)
- No es necesaria experiencia ni conocimientos específicos previos de informática/helpdesk/call center
- Manejo y dominio de ofimática
- Valorable estudios en Bachillerato y/o FP de Grado Medio/Superior.
- Disponibilidad horaria completa para turnos rotativos 24/7.  Se trabajará 5 días por semana y se descansará 2 días (que puede ser rotativo). 

- Disponibilidad para residir en la isla de Tenerife. 

Would you like to be part of a leading company in the digital consulting sector, with possibilities for professional growth and of great worldwide prestige? This is your job! We are looking for people like you, active and open to new challenges. Manpower offers you the opportunity to join a solid company, with a dynamic and multicultural work team with wide possibilities to develop your professional career, offering IT support to various companies around the world. You will receive INITIAL AND COMPLETE TRAINING so that later you can develop the functions of the position normally. Go ahead and embark on this professional project! 

You will:
- Resolve incidents, complete service requests or initiate support from remote and/or onsite support teams.
- Identify appropriate problem-resolution procedures using customer-specific information.
- Be the SPOC (Single Point of Contact) within the service provider for the incident originator.
- Contact incident originator via telephone or e-mail when the incident has been resolved or service request has been fulfilled.
- Enthusiastically coordinate progress throughout the entire lifecycle of the incident.
- Report Service Level Management about identified incidents, potential SLA breaches; and provide them information about the processed incidents and service requests.

- Temporary contract for 6 months with the possibility of permanent contract thereafter.
- Salary will be according to the agreement and will vary depending on the project + monthly productivity bonus.
- Hybrid work model.

Possible future roles:
· Quality Analyst
· Service Delivery Supporter
· Team Leader
· Level 2 agent

Minimum requirements:

- Fluent language proficiency in English and French (mínimum B2 level)
- No experience or Previous specific knowledge of computer science / helpdesk / call center
- Management and mastery of office automation
- Valuable studies in Baccalaureate and / or FP of Medium / Superior Degree.
- Full time availability for rotating shifts 24/7. You will work 5 days a week and rest 2 days (which can be rotating).
- Availability to reside on the island of Tenerife.

Jornada completa
Contrato fijo discontinuo
Salario sin especificar
Customer Support - Helpdesk con Inglés / English (H/M/X) Atención al cliente
¿Te gustaría formar parte de una empresa líder en el sector de consultoría digital, con posibilidades de crecimiento profesional y de gran prestigio mundial? ¡Éste es tu empleo! Buscamos gente como tú, activa y abierta a nuevos retos. Manpower te ofrece la oportunidad de incorporarte en una empresa sólida, con un dinámico y multicultural equipo de trabajo con amplias posibilidades de desarrollar tu carrera profesional, ofreciendo soporte informático a diversas empresas alrededor del mundo. Recibirás UNA FORMACION INICIAL Y COMPLETA para que luego puedas desarrollar las funciones del puesto con normalidad. ¡Anímate a embarcarte en este proyecto profesional!.

Tus responsabilidades incluirán:
  • Resolver incidencias, completar solicitudes de servicio o iniciar el soporte desde equipos remotos y/o en el lugar de trabajo.
  • Identificar procedimientos apropiados de resolución de problemas utilizando información específica del cliente.
  • Ser el POC (Punto de Contacto Único) dentro del proveedor de servicios para el origen de la incidencia.
  • Contactar al usuario / cliente por teléfono o correo electrónico cuando la incidencia se haya resuelto o la solicitud de servicio se haya cumplido.
  • Coordinar el progreso durante todo el ciclo de vida de la incidencia. 
  • Informar al departamento de Gestión de Nivel de Servicio sobre incidencias identificadas, posibles incumplimientos de SLA y proporcionarles información sobre las incidencias procesadas y las solicitudes de servicio.
Se ofrece:
- Contrato temporal de 6 meses más posibilidad de contrato indefinido posteriormente. 
- El salario será según convenio  y variará según proyecto + variable productividad mensual
- Modalidad de trabajo híbrida. 

Posibles roles futuros:
· Analista de Calidad
· Soporte de Entrega de Servicio
· Líder de Equipo
· Agente de Nivel 2

Requisitos mínimos
- Nivel de idioma en INGLÉS fluido (mínimo B2+/ C1)
- No es necesaria experiencia ni conocimientos específicos previos de informática/helpdesk/call center
- Manejo y dominio de ofimática
- Valorable estudios en Bachillerato y/o FP de Grado Medio/Superior.
- Disponibilidad horaria completa para turnos rotativos 24/7.  Se trabajará 5 días por semana y se descansará 2 días (que puede ser rotativo). 

- Disponibilidad para residir en la isla de Tenerife. 

Would you like to be part of a leading company in the digital consulting sector, with possibilities for professional growth and of great worldwide prestige? This is your job! We are looking for people like you, active and open to new challenges. Manpower offers you the opportunity to join a solid company, with a dynamic and multicultural work team with wide possibilities to develop your professional career, offering IT support to various companies around the world. You will receive INITIAL AND COMPLETE TRAINING so that later you can develop the functions of the position normally. Go ahead and embark on this professional project! 

You will:
- Resolve incidents, complete service requests or initiate support from remote and/or onsite support teams.
- Identify appropriate problem-resolution procedures using customer-specific information.
- Be the SPOC (Single Point of Contact) within the service provider for the incident originator.
- Contact incident originator via telephone or e-mail when the incident has been resolved or service request has been fulfilled.
- Enthusiastically coordinate progress throughout the entire lifecycle of the incident.
- Report Service Level Management about identified incidents, potential SLA breaches; and provide them information about the processed incidents and service requests.

- Temporary contract for 6 months with the possibility of permanent contract thereafter.
- Salary will be according to the agreement and will vary depending on the project + monthly productivity bonus.
- Hybrid work model.

Possible future roles:
· Quality Analyst
· Service Delivery Supporter
· Team Leader
· Level 2 agent

Minimum requirements:

- Fluent English language proficiency (minimum B2+/C1 level)
- No experience or Previous specific knowledge of computer science / helpdesk / call center
- Management and mastery of office automation
- Valuable studies in Baccalaureate and / or FP of Medium / Superior Degree.
- Full time availability for rotating shifts 24/7. You will work 5 days a week and rest 2 days (which can be rotating).
- Availability to reside on the island of Tenerife.

Jornada completa
Contrato fijo discontinuo
Salario sin especificar