Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(398)
Ciudad Real(88)
Illes Balears(726)
La Rioja(197)
Las Palmas(397)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(211)
Sin especificar(561)
Administración empresas(1.961)
Administración Pública(4)
Atención a clientes(782)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.460)
Comercial y ventas(2.669)
Compras, logística y almacén(1.863)
Diseño y artes gráficas(158)
Educación y formación(117)
Finanzas y banca(93)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(1.264)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.796)
Inmobiliario y construcción(739)
Marketing y comunicación(629)
Otras actividades(1.669)
Profesiones y oficios(1.311)
Recursos humanos(534)
Sanidad y salud(1.085)
Sector Farmacéutico(189)
Turismo y restauración(961)
Ventas al detalle(70)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(179)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(148)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(2.808)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(5)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(879)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(829)
Ingeniero Superior(233)
Ingeniero Técnico(62)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(19)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(95)
Sin especificar(15.009)
Sin estudios(883)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(233)
Intensiva - Mañana(164)
Intensiva - Noche(14)
Intensiva - Tarde(40)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.403)
Parcial - Mañana(152)
Parcial - Noche(95)
Parcial - Tarde(98)
Sin especificar(6.075)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(158)
De duración determinada(2.700)
De relevo(7)
Fijo discontinuo(480)
Otros contratos(5.587)
Sin especificar(3.948)
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Ofertas de empleo de we project

275 ofertas de trabajo de we project

PMO Project Manager Pre-Award

La Fundació i2CAT està cercant un/a Gestor/a de Projectes amb experiència en la part de pre-award per incorporar-se a l'equip de Project Management Office (PMO). Aquesta àrea està dedicada a donar suport a les nostres àrees de recerca en la gestió administrativa, financera i legal de les propostes i dels projectes competitius.

Les principals funcions de la persona candidata seran:

  • Anàlisis de calls nacionals e internacionals a les quals presentar les propostes de projectes.
  • Anàlisis dels requisits de cada convocatòria.
  • Suport a les àrees de recerca en tot el procés de redacció i presentació de propostes competitives a convocatòries nacionals e internacionals.
  • Coordinació amb partners externs en el procés de presentació de propostes.
  • Manteniment de les bases de dades de les propostes presentades.
  • Gestió administrativa i financera de Projectes Horizon Europe i de convocatories nacionals

Durant els primers mesos s'espera que la persona seleccionada s'integri en l'equip existent de PMO i entengui els processos i eines internes amb les que treballarà. Un cop superat el procés d'adaptació, s'espera que la persona candidata aporti un grau d'experiència i know how que la permeti desenvolupar les seves funcions de forma autònoma.

Qui som?

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.

i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què t'oferim?

  • Podràs treballar des de les nostres oficines o des de casa, el que prefereixis. Només et demanem un dia presencial a l'oficina per coordinar-te amb la resta de l'equip.
  • Contracte a temps complet.
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Jornada reduïda tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost.
  • Salari fix + variable per objectius.
  • Tu decideixes si vols cobrar en 12 o 14 pagues.
  • Sistema de retribució flexible: Configura el teu salari segons les teves necessitats. T'oferim l'opció de tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica.
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l'any.
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina per promoure un estil de vida saludable.
  • Cafè i te gratuït.
  • Si t'interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector.
  • T'entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows.
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip.
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva pròpia carrera formativa.
  • Treballarem contínuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional.

On ho faràs?

A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l'oficina, el que s'ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis un dia a la setmana a l'oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l'equip.

Si decideixes venir a l'oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT també és compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb diversitat funcional dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

En cas que t’hagi agradat però no sigui la teva oferta de feina, potser coneguis a una altra persona que encaixi perfectament i a la que li vulguis recomanar!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
33.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Machine Learning Engineer / Researcher

The i2CAT Foundation is looking for a Machine Learning Engineer who is willing to get involved in exciting Research and Innovation projects in the framework of the Horizon Europe, and the Catalan and Spanish research programs.

The suitable candidate will join the research area of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI). This area holds expertise in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and optimization problems; and applies this knowledge to the verticals of ambient intelligence, mobility, telecommunications, manufacturing, energy, health, sustainability and cybersecurity.

Our team is an active player in the European research ecosystem and participates as partners or subcontractors in other R&D projects. Our area also offers professional services to relevant industry and SMEs.

The selected candidate that will join i2CAT will start working in the following projects side by side with our Catalan and European partners:

  • Mossos d’Esquadra: Robot Portraits, introduces an innovative solution aimed at equipping police forces with more accurate and adaptive tools to identify individuals through realistic and up-to-date representations. An external partner will manage the frontend development of the solution and participate in the generation of 2D portraits using image-generative AI, while i2CAT's role includes applying advanced data enhancement techniques, leveraging generative AI techniques to create lifelike 3D portraits, and incorporating natural voice interaction. Together, these efforts aim to revolutionize forensic and criminal investigations by providing cutting-edge technology that optimizes recognition capabilities while streamlining police operations.
  • Fundació TIC Salut i Social: Synthetic Data Generation is a project which focuses on generating high-quality synthetic tabular data from public datasets using advanced generative AI techniques. This innovative approach enables unrestricted research and development while safeguarding privacy, fostering a collaborative environment for transformative data-driven solutions in healthcare.

She/He will develop the following tasks in the projects above listed, and in new projects that will arise:

  • Participate in technological developments of R&D solutions.
  • Analyze and discuss technical requirements with the clients and end users.
  • Design and develop AI/ML/DL models for prediction, optimization, detection, tracking, forecasting, clustering, etc.
  • Participate in the writing and editing of the documents and deliverables associated with the projects.
  • Work together with the colleagues of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence area, other research areas, and the collaborating partners to deliver a proof-of-concept and documentation of the product that meet the desired standards.
  • Participate in the development of pilots and use cases that showcase the proof-of-concept's capabilities.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
33.000€ - 39.000€ bruto/año
Business Developer TIC - Intel·ligència Artificial

L’àrea de Innovation Business Development (IBD) de la Fundació i2CAT està cercant un perfil de Business Developer amb coneixements en l’àmbit de la Intel·ligència Artificial per incorporar-se al seu equip i contribuir a la generació de noves oportunitats dins d’aquest vertical.

L'àrea de IBD té com a missió traduir els resultats i el coneixement generats com a resultat de les activitats de recerca en sectors productius de l'economia local i internacional. Des de IBD col·laborem amb empreses del sector TIC, multinacionals, pimes i start-ups per, a través d’acords estratègics, projectes d'R&D, proves de concepte i llicenciament d'actius, afavorir la seva transformació digital i competitivitat.

La persona seleccionada s’incorporarà a un equip en creixement per impulsar tasques relacionades amb la generació de negoci, dinamització de l’ecosistema, participació en esdeveniments, així com gestió i col·laboració amb els diferents partners amb els quals i2CAT col·labora en aquest àmbit.

En la realització de la seva tasca el/la candidat/a seleccionat/da es responsabilitzarà, entre altres, de les següents funcions:

  • Identificació i articulació de reptes tecnològics i oportunitats relacionades amb l'àmbit d'IA i tecnologies de dades.
  • Captació de nous partners amb els quals col·laborar.
  • Traslladar les oportunitats detectades en projectes tangibles a executar.
  • Utilitzar instruments de finançament públic per a promoure la captació de projectes d'innovació.
  • Gestionar i participar activament en projectes competitius.
  • Ideació i implementació d’accions dinamitzadores a l’escosistema de Intel·ligència Artificial a Catalunya (per exemple tallers sectorials, esdeveniments de difusió, participació en la confecció de llibres blancs sectorials, etc.).
  • Participar i representar a i2CAT en esdeveniments sectorials.

Qui som?

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.

i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què t'oferim?

  • Podràs treballar des de les nostres oficines o des de casa, el que prefereixis. Només et demanem un dia presencial a l'oficina per coordinar-te amb la resta de l'equip.
  • Contracte a temps complet.
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Jornada reduïda tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost.
  • Salari fix + variable per objectius.
  • Tu decideixes si vols cobrar en 12 o 14 pagues.
  • Sistema de retribució flexible: Configura el teu salari segons les teves necessitats. T'oferim l'opció de tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica.
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l'any.
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina per promoure un estil de vida saludable.
  • Cafè i te gratuït.
  • Si t'interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector.
  • T'entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows.
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip.
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva pròpia carrera formativa.
  • Treballarem contínuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional.

On ho faràs?

A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l'oficina, el que s'ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis un dia a la setmana a l'oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l'equip.

Si decideixes venir a l'oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT també és compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb diversitat funcional dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

En cas que t’hagi agradat però no sigui la teva oferta de feina, potser coneguis a una altra persona que encaixi perfectament i a la que li vulguis recomanar!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
36.000€ - 42.000€ bruto/año

Why working at Eurofragance?

  • In Eurofragance you will be part of the exciting world of smells and fragrances.
  • You will grow and learn in a company in constant growth and expansion.
  • You will have the opportunity to develop your career working with top professionals.
  • You will be part of a Global Company with HQ in Spain and subsidiaries in Dubai, Singapore, Mexico, Turkey, India and China.
  • You will practice your language skills in a global and multicultural environment.
  • We praise diversity and we are an inclusive company; therefore, we welcome candidates with a disability that would like to apply to work with us.
  • You will feel you play a role in society thanks to our Corporate Social Responsibility policy and our commitment to the Environment, which we demonstrate on a day-to-day basis with actions such as the Volunteering Day.
  • At our company, we're committed to creating an inclusive work environment where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation, or any other factor. We encourage candidates from all walks of life to apply for this job vacancy, and we extend a particularly warm welcome to those with disabilities.

We are Passion, Performance & Entrepreneurship, we are Eurofragance!


Give support to the Project Managers and Fragrance Evaluation department.


  • The main function of the chosen person will be to give support the team of Project Managers: Fragrance Development Managers at Eurofragance.
  • Take responsibility for the various administrative tasks for the Project Managers team: Preparation of documents, content writing, data management in Excel and SAP, coordination of visits, organization of meetings, file management, document classification, support in the organization of specific events.
  • Ensure the correct management and introduction of data in our internal Excels files, SAP and internal software. Be able to understand the information that must be included in each system and fill it in properly.
  • Organize the material of the fragrance evaluation department.
  • Propose administrative improvement actions to increase the efficiency of the department.
  • Support the team of Project Managers, Fragrance Development Managers, in the preparation and testing of fragrances and perfumes that have been previously prepared in the laboratory.
  • Prepare the olfactory tests so that the fragrances can be evaluated in the olfactory stands.
  • Ensure the internal fragrance library/storage is up to date, new codes, replace old ones.
  • Set up of weekly or bi-weekly meetings for smelling new fragrances. For that the person will be in charge of requesting the samples, coordinating the meetings, ensuring marketing material is ready for the meeting, and follow up.
  • Responsible for maintaining the market product in our physical storage and keep and excel tracking system.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Service Manager Specialist (m/f/d) - IT Operations

Your Tasks

One of the missions of our IT Service Management function is to provide, monitor, and analyse operational IT related KPIs from the teams developing and deploying Mediamarkt business applications. It also creates role-based dashboards and regular reports.

Within the IT Service Management team, we are looking for an enthusiastic IT Service Manager who will own the relationship with some of the product teams and our country organizations.  The IT Service Manager will develop operational dashboards focusing on most important IT Operational KPI´s. 

  • She/He will help the product teams in getting new insights from data, analyse and visualise their performance to enable smarter decisions and better products & services support and delivery.
  • Furthermore, he will be responsible for managing all projects in cooperation with other units, that interface with IT service management.
  • IT Service Manager will also act as Manager on Duty in case of Major incidents. This implies being on-call 1 week out of 7.

Your Profile

Must have:

  • Project management experience: ability to drive complex projects cross-country and cross-functional
  • 5 years’ Experience in IT Operations and IT Service Management
  • Knowledgeable in ITIL
  • Previous experience using BI tools like PowerBI, Tableau or google looker studio
  • Strong analytical and communication skills, data-oriented personality
  • High Level of English


Good to have:

  • Knowledgeable on Agile / Scrum / Iterative Development
  • Visual Analytics Tools (Tableau, Power BI, Google looker studio, others)
  • Project Management
  • ITIL certification
  • German Skills

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working to make Europe’s number-one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its industry. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 13 countries. 

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with DKV, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
1 Enginyer/a Clínic/a (24_74_PROJ_LAB3D_TECS)


Descripció del servei:

El candidat/a s’incorporarà a la plataforma tecnològica de 3D que es troba a l’Institut d’Investigació i Innovació del Parc Taulí (I3PT) en un equip multidisciplinari de professionals clínics i tècnics.

El Laboratori 3D dona assistencia mèdica a diferents departaments clínics del Parc Taulí a través de planificacions quirúrgiques virtuals, simulació digital de cirurgies i disseny i impressió 3D d’instrumentació quirúrgica personalitzada gràcies a la llicència de fabricant de producte sanitari EU MDR 2017/745. A més a més, el Laboratori 3D lidera un gran número de projectes R+D+I per el desenvolupament de nous productes sanitaris i estudis clínics d’investiació per validar l’ús de la tecnologia 3D en l’àmbit de la medicina.

Funcions generals:

  • Donar suport d’enginyeria a personal sanitari i investigador tant intern com extern, contribuint en estudis clínics, pre-clínics i en el disseny de nous dispositius mèdics innovadors en diferents camps de la medicina.
  • Tractar la imatge mèdica per obtenir el model virtual 3D dels pacient.
  • Ajudar al personal mèdic a planificar virtualment les intervencions quirúrgiques en diferents especialitats.
  • Assistir i proposar tractaments personalitzats per a solucionar casos quirúrgics complexos mitjançant eines d’impressió 3D (models anatòmics, guies quirúrgiques, implants personalitzats, etc).
  • Col·laborar en estudis clínics i pre-clínics per al desenvolupament de noves tècniques quirúrgiques.
  • Dissenyar solucions personalitzades per a reptes que requereixin de coneixement en enginyeria, plantejats pels professionals del CCSPT.
  • Gestió, ús i control de les màquines d’impressió 3D del Laboratori (FDM, SLA).
  • Integrar totes les tasques realitzades sota la regulatòria del laboratori 3D i la llicència de fabricació de producte sanitari a mida.
  • Treballar seguint els PNT’s i les instruccions de treball del laboratori 3D així com també el sistema de gestió de qualitat instaurat.
  • Formació i tutoria de nous membres de l'equip.


  • Titulació universitària en ciències de la Salut: Biomedicina, Biotecnologia, Enginyeria Biomèdica, Enginyeria Clínica, Bioenginyeria.
  • Nivell de Català C1.

Es valorarà:

  • Màster en enginyeria biomèdica o similar.
  • Experiència en l’ús de maquinaria d’impressió 3D (FDM, SLA, SLS).
  • Experiència en investigació clínica aplicada al camp de la medicina
  • Experiència en disseny de producte sanitari.
  • Coneixements/experiència en anàlisi i interpretació d’imatge mèdica (tomografia computeritzada, ressonància magnètica nuclear, radiografia, ecografia).
  • Coneixements/experiència en software de disseny assistit per ordinador (Materialise 3-Matic, Solidwork o similars).
  • Coneixements bàsics d’anatomia
  • Excel·lent capacitat d'organització i resolució de problemes
  • Capacitat de gestió eficaç del temps
  • Coneixements bàsics de terminologia mèdica
  • Coneixements/experiència prèvia en el desenvolupament de dispositius mèdics.
  • Coneixement de l’ecosistema Català, Espanyol i Europeu 3D mèdic.
  • Nivell d’anglès fluid, tant parlat com escrit.
  • Capacitats d'organització, treball en equip, empatia, comunicació, rigorositat i proactivitat.


La persona candidata es vincularà laboralment, mitjançant un contracte temporal, vinculat a programes finanançiats amb fons europeus. L’execució de desenvolupament del projecte objecte de la present oferta, amb les condicions laborals contemplades en el Conveni Col·lectiu d’aplicació en el Centre. La dedicació serà a jornada completa.

El projecte transformador 3DAdopt està finançat amb Fons FANF (Fons Afectats No Finalistes), i per tant la seva durada vinculada al mateix.

El termini de la contractació serà el 31 de maig de 2026, amb finalització del projecte esmentat.

Procés de selecció:

Les condicions generals d’aquesta convocatòria es regiran pel què recull el present anunci i amb els procediments que es detallen a les bases tipus de convocatòria per a ocupació de places vigents, que es poden consultar al web de l’entitat www.tauli.cat .

D’acord amb el Codi de Selecció i Vinculació vigent, les persones candidates se sotmetran a les proves següents:

  • Valoració curricular (valoració de mèrits d’acord amb els ítems de l’apartat es valorarà i amb les corresponents acreditacions, llevat de l’experiència interna que s’acreditarà d’ofici).
  • Entrevista personal (pels professionals sense experiència interna) o valoració directiva.
  • Prova psicotècnica

Es podran afegir les proves competencials que es considerin necessàries per valorar la idoneïtat de les candidatures, en el marc de l’establert al vigent Codi de Selecció i Vinculació. En ares als principis d’economia processal i celeritat del procés, també es podran reduir les fases del procés de selecció en funció de la ràtio de candidats amb compliment dels requisits de la present oferta.

En compliment de la LISMI, el Consorci, tindrà en consideració la reserva per a les persones candidates que acreditin una discapacitat igual o superior al 33%, sempre que siguin idònies per al desenvolupament de les funcions a cobrir.

Documentació i inscripció:


Caldrà adjuntar en el moment de la inscripció els següents documents en format PDF:

1.- Curriculum vitae.

2.- Titulació acreditativa del requisit.

3.- Acreditacions formatives.

4.- Experiència laboral (caldrà acreditar-la mitjançant certificats de serveis prestats en entitats alienes al centre).

La no presentació de la documentació requerida pot comporta l’exclusió de la candidatura a la convocatòria.

Informació: Per a consultes en relació a aquesta convocatòria, us podeu adreçar a seleccio@tauli.cat indicant el número de referència d’aquest anunci.

Data de termini: Fins al 16 de maig de 2024

Codi plaça: 9153

Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar

Som una asociació esportiva ubicada a Ciutat Vella y estem buscant una persona per cobrir la vacant d'ajudant per a l'espai coworking.

Tindràs la responsabilitat de conèixer l'entorn social en el qual es troba l'espai de coworking, aportar idees en el procés de creació de l'espai físic i de la imatge corporativa i donar valor afegit a un projecte humil, però ambiciós. Ens trobem en la recerca d'una persona amb fluïdesa conversacional en català, castellà i anglès (qualsevol altre idioma és un avantatge), amb fortes habilitats comunicatives i interpersonals amb un caràcter innovador amb capacitat de resolució de problemes i orientacions als canvis. Taques principals:

- Ajudar en la incorporació de membres i proporcionar informació sobre els nostres serveis.
- Estratègia de màrqueting i comunicació.
- Gestió del disseny i la comunicació offline i online (web, xarxes socials)
- Gestió de consultes i reserves de serveis.
- Logística i execució dels esdeveniments.
- Generar sinergies i creixement entre i per a la comunitat.
- Gestió comunicació interna pels membres.
- Organització i execució d'activitats de la comunitat.
- Atenció al client.


  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte
  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit
  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 20
  • Horari: Per denifir (tardes)
  • Retribució brut anual: 9200
Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato indefinido
8.000€ - 10.000€ bruto/año
Waiters (F/M) 5* Hotel Berlin part time (Berlin)

Eurostars Hotel Company, launched in 2005 and which currently has more than 220 establishments aimed primarily at cultural and business clients, is looking for professionals with great potential for growth and development as a result of the strong expansion of the chain both nationally and internationally.


We need a recepcionist for one of our 4* hotels located in Munich.

Welcome to Eurostars Hotel Company!


Would you like to be part of one of our 5* hotels in BERLIN?


Eurostars Berlin is a spectacular business hotel located right on Friedrichstrasse, Berlin’s most important shopping street in the heart of the city. It is the ideal choice for both business travellers and those visiting the German capital to explore the city and relax. The building stands out for its imposing glass façade and an impressive high-rise atrium, which floods the entire hotel with natural light.


Eurostars Hotel Company includes the brands Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels and Tandem Suites. Currently, our portfolio has more than 250 hotels with a presence in more than 18 countries around the world. Our activity is backed by important know-how that is reflected in all areas, from hotel management to brand values ??or care in the guest experience.


We are looking for a waiter or waitress for our hotel, with studies in Tourism or similar, responsible and dynamic people. You will have 1 meal a day included and accomodation for the beginning. 


What will you be responsible for?

- Set up the room for services, serve meals and roommates at the table.

- Remove all containers and plates.

- Remove the tables before finishing the service.

- Collaboration in the start of immediate service.

- Replenish the products used in the service provided to maintain minimum stocks in the service areas.

- Consult, order and consult used work areas.

- Separation and recycling of waste when appropriate.

- Summary of environmental policy.

- Correct uniformity and personal hygiene.


What we offer?

At Eurostars Hotel Company you can be part of a leading company in the travel sector, in continuous growth and global expansion, which is committed to the constant professional development of its team. Furthermore, by being part of Eurostars Hotel Company you will be able to enjoy the following benefits:

· 50% discount on our hotels: You can benefit from discounts of up to 50% in all our magnificent 4*/5* hotels around the world and up to 20% for your family or friends.

· The Power Business School Training: 100% free and unlimited access to all training (MBA, digital, office automation, Skills, etc.) from our partner The Power Business School, the number 1 online business school on the market and taught by the best active professionals in the sector.

· Enjoy free hotel nights: with the Eurostars Hotel Company Referral Program, we reward recommendations that turn into hires. If you recommend someone and we hire them, you receive free hotel nights.


If this project interests you and you think you fit the profile, we would love for you to apply for the position. Or, if you know someone who might be interested, feel free to share this offer.

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Sales Manager Hotel - Chicago (Miami)

About Eurostars Hotels Company:

Eurostars Hotel Company was launched in 2005 and over the last years it has grown rapidly, currently it has more than 250 establishments around the world. Eurostars Hotels is geared towards of offering guests a travel experience that goes beyond just enjoying a comfortable room.


Preferred Qualifications and Skills

We are looking for a person with tourism studies and with a clear commercial vocation, an external sales representative specialized in the Corporate market for Chicago, a sales manager with a proven track record (>2 years experience) in a similar role, with a desire to learn and grow within the company, interpersonal skills and the ability to prioritize and adapt to the changing needs of the operation.


The key responsibilities will be to:

  • Develop and maintain strong business relationships with the local market
  • Research new market opportunities and develop strategies
  • Invite potential clients to tour the property and conduct individual tours, highlighting the facilities and services
  • Set key performance indicators, monitor and coach performance accordingly
  • Telemarketing actions
  • Track requests and accounts
  • Resolve incidents


  • English
  • Tourism studies
  • Minimum experience of 2 to 3 years
  • Availability to travel


We offer immediate incorporation and professional projection in a solid company that is a leader in its sector.


We look forward to receiving your application! Thank you.



Se ofrece incorporación a una empresa sólida, en pleno proceso de expansión, con posibilidades de promoción profesional y estabilidad dentro de la empresa.



Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Night auditor 5* Hotel Berlin (Berlin)


Welcome to Eurostars Hotel Company!


Would you like to be part of one of our 5* hotels in BERLIN?


Eurostars Berlin is a spectacular business hotel located right on Friedrichstrasse, Berlin’s most important shopping street in the heart of the city. It is the ideal choice for both business travellers and those visiting the German capital to explore the city and relax. The building stands out for its imposing glass façade and an impressive high-rise atrium, which floods the entire hotel with natural light.


Eurostars Hotel Company includes the brands Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels and Tandem Suites. Currently, our portfolio has more than 250 hotels with a presence in more than 18 countries around the world. Our activity is backed by important know-how that is reflected in all areas, from hotel management to brand values ??or care in the guest experience.


We are looking for a night auditor for our hotel, with studies in Tourism or similar, responsible and dynamic people, with high level of German (minimum B2) and English (C1). You will have 1 meal a day included and accomodation for the beginning. 


What will you be responsible for?

· Welcoming customers upon their arrival.

· Presentation of the establishment and information on the tourist activities of the city or the proximity of the hotel.

· Check-in and check-out.

· Providing room keys.

· Taxi or entertainment reservations for hotel guests.

· Management group reservations.

· Pay attention to customer requests and queries.

· Answer emails and calls.

· Ensure that the stay of the customers went well.


What we offer?

At Eurostars Hotel Company you can be part of a leading company in the travel sector, in continuous growth and global expansion, which is committed to the constant professional development of its team. Furthermore, by being part of Eurostars Hotel Company you will be able to enjoy the following benefits:

· 50% discount on our hotels: You can benefit from discounts of up to 50% in all our magnificent 4*/5* hotels around the world and up to 20% for your family or friends.

· The Power Business School Training: 100% free and unlimited access to all training (MBA, digital, office automation, Skills, etc.) from our partner The Power Business School, the number 1 online business school on the market and taught by the best active professionals in the sector.

· Enjoy free hotel nights: with the Eurostars Hotel Company Referral Program, we reward recommendations that turn into hires. If you recommend someone and we hire them, you receive free hotel nights.


If this project interests you and you think you fit the profile, we would love for you to apply for the position. Or, if you know someone who might be interested, feel free to share this offer.





Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Maitre Eurostars Queen of Montenegro (Becici)


Welcome to Eurostars Hotel Company, The Happiness Industry

Eurostars Hotel Company is the hotel chain of Grupo Hotusa, which includes the brands Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels, and Tandem Suites.

Currently, our portfolio consists of more than 250 hotels with a presence in over 18 countries worldwide. Our activity is backed by significant know-how that is reflected in all areas, from hotel management to brand values or guest experience care.

We are convinced that the success of a company lies in the development of talent and the enthusiasm of the human team that forms it. Therefore, we are looking for people who are passionate about their work and who want to grow with us.


Do you want to join the Happiness Industry?

  • We are looking for a Maitre for one of our Hotel: Eurostars Queen of Montenegro (BECICI) (May to September 2024). 


What will you be responsible for?

  • Operational management and coordination of the restaurant area.
  • Monitoring compliance with regulations.
  • Development of the gastronomic offer together with the chef.
  •  Coordination of the operational area and control of department sales. 


What are we looking for?:

  • Education in hospitality.
  • Minimum experience of 2 years in the position.
  • Specific knowledge in gastronomy and events.
  • High English level and a second language is valuable.


What do we offer?

  • At Eurostars Hotel Company, you can be part of a leading company in the travel sector, in continuous growth and global expansion, which is committed to the constant professional development of its team.
  • Also, by being part of Eurostars Hotel Company, you can enjoy the following benefits:
  • 50% discount at our luxury hotels: You can benefit from discounts of up to 50% in all our magnificent 4*/5* hotels around the world and up to 20% for your family members.
  • The Power Business School training: 100% free and unlimited access to all training (MBA, digital, office automation, skills, etc.) by our partner The Power Business School, the number 1 online business school in the market and taught by the best active professionals in the sector.
  • Access to our Employee Club: where you can benefit from different types of discounts and advantages of all kinds (leisure, technology, sports, fashion, etc.)
  • Enjoy free hotel nights: with the Eurostars Hotel Company referral program, we reward recommendations that turn into hires. If you recommend someone and we hire them, you receive free hotel nights.


If this project interests you and you believe you fit the profile, we would love for you to apply for the position. Or, if you know someone who might be interested, feel free to share this offer.





Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
F&B Manager - Eurostars Book Hotel Munich

Welcome to Eurostars Hotel Company, The Happiness Industry


Eurostars Hotel Company is the hotel chain of Grupo Hotusa, which includes the brands Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels, and Tandem Suites.

Currently, our portfolio boasts over 250 hotels spanning across more than 18 countries worldwide. Our activity is backed by significant know-how that is reflected in all areas, from hotel management to brand values and guest experience care.

We firmly believe that a company's success lies in the development of talent and the enthusiasm of the human team that comprises it. Therefore, we seek individuals who are passionate about their work and want to grow with us.

Do you want to join the Happiness Industry?


We are looking for a Food and Beverage Manager for one of our hotel in Munich: Eurostars Book Hotel.



What will you be responsible for?


  • Coordination of the operational aspects of the food and beverage area across various points of sale.
  • Assisting in cost control and billing alongside the area director.
  • Collaborating with the chef in developing the gastronomic offerings.
  • Crafting beverage menus and proposals for various bars.
  • Monitoring departmental F&B sales.
  • Creating shifts and overseeing personnel training and control.


What are we looking for?


  • Education in hospitality, hotel management, or tourism.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in the role.
  • Specific knowledge in gastronomy and events.
  • Professional Working Proficiency of German and English.


What do we offer?


At Eurostars Hotel Company, you can be part of a leading company in the travel sector, constantly growing and expanding globally, which invests in the continuous professional development of its team.


Moreover, by being part of Eurostars Hotel Company, you can enjoy the following benefits:


  • 50% discount in our luxury hotels: Benefit from discounts of up to 50% in all our magnificent 4*/5* hotels around the world and up to 20% for your family members.
  • The Power Business School training: 100% free and unlimited access to all trainings (MBA, digital, office skills, etc.) offered by our partner, The Power Business School, the number one online business school in the market, taught by the best active professionals in the sector.
  • Access to our Employee Club: where you can enjoy various types of discounts and advantages of all kinds (leisure, technology, sports, fashion, etc.).
  • Enjoy free hotel nights: through the Eurostars Hotel Company Referral Program, we reward recommendations that turn into hires. If you recommend someone and we hire them, you receive free hotel nights.


If this project interests you and you believe you fit the profile, we would love for you to apply for the position. Or, if you know someone who might be interested, feel free to share this offer.

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Cocinero/a Hotel 4* Munich (Berlin)
Grupo Hotusa
2 de mayo


Welcome to Eurostars Hotel Company!


Would you like to be part of one of our 4* hotels in Munich?


Eurostars Book Hotel - The cover is full of pages. Each story is dedicated to a literary genre. Corridors and homes, dedicated to the great books of universal history. Located in the commercial center of Munich, next to the central station and close to the Oktoberfest site. At the Eurostars Book Hotel there are Don Quixote and Anna Karenina, Othello and Robinson Crusoe, Cyrano and Gulliver, Hansel and Gretel. All, and many more, gathered in a hotel. Or in a book?

Eurostars Hotel Company includes the brands Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels and Tandem Suites. Currently, our portfolio has more than 250 hotels with a presence in more than 18 countries around the world. Our activity is backed by important know-how that is reflected in all areas, from hotel management to brand values ??or care in the guest experience.


We are looking for a person like you, willing to move to Munich to be a chef or cook helper in our hotel, responsible and dynamic people. You will have breakfast and lunch included and accommodation for the beginning (the first 3 months). No German needed.


What will you be responsible for?

- Assist the waiter in preparation and service.

- Prewashing and washing of the material used in the service.

- Support in the tasks of closing services.

- Placement and organization of material.

- Cleaning and washing of the material used in the service.

- Checking and recording the points necessary for the next service.

- Cleaning, order and control of the work areas used.

- Separation and recycling of waste when appropriate.

- Compliance with environmental policy


What we offer?

At Eurostars Hotel Company you can be part of a leading company in the travel sector, in continuous growth and global expansion, which is committed to the constant professional development of its team. Furthermore, by being part of Eurostars Hotel Company you will be able to enjoy the following benefits:

· 50% discount on our hotels: You can benefit from discounts of up to 50% in all our magnificent 4*/5* hotels around the world and up to 20% for your family or friends.

· The Power Business School Training: 100% free and unlimited access to all training (MBA, digital, office automation, Skills, etc.) from our partner The Power Business School, the number 1 online business school on the market and taught by the best active professionals in the sector.

· Enjoy free hotel nights: with the Eurostars Hotel Company Referral Program, we reward recommendations that turn into hires. If you recommend someone and we hire them, you receive free hotel nights.


If this project interests you and you think you fit the profile, we would love for you to apply for the position. Or, if you know someone who might be interested, feel free to share this offer.





Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Banquets responsible 5* Hotel Berlin (Berlin)


Welcome to Eurostars Hotel Company!


Would you like to be part of one of our 5* hotels in BERLIN?


Eurostars Berlin is a spectacular business hotel located right on Friedrichstrasse, Berlin’s most important shopping street in the heart of the city. It is the ideal choice for both business travellers and those visiting the German capital to explore the city and relax. The building stands out for its imposing glass façade and an impressive high-rise atrium, which floods the entire hotel with natural light.


Eurostars Hotel Company includes the brands Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels and Tandem Suites. Currently, our portfolio has more than 250 hotels with a presence in more than 18 countries around the world. Our activity is backed by important know-how that is reflected in all areas, from hotel management to brand values ??or care in the guest experience.


We are looking for a banquets responsible for our hotel, with studies in Tourism or similar, responsible and dynamic people, with level of German (minimum B2).


What will you be responsible for?

- Supervise and manage the banquet and service team within the hotel and ensure that the highest level of service and food is provided at all times.

- Ensure the service team is performing to the best of its ability by conducting regular performance reviews and addressing any issues that arise.

- Manage the catering department budget and complete forecasts and reports when necessary.

- Liaise with clients to take into account any changes to events such as guest numbers, allergies, dietary requirements or changes to presentation.

- Order supplies, food and ingredients and any other materials needed for the banquet...


What we offer?

At Eurostars Hotel Company you can be part of a leading company in the travel sector, in continuous growth and global expansion, which is committed to the constant professional development of its team. Furthermore, by being part of Eurostars Hotel Company you will be able to enjoy the following benefits:

· 50% discount on our hotels: You can benefit from discounts of up to 50% in all our magnificent 4*/5* hotels around the world and up to 20% for your family or friends.

· The Power Business School Training: 100% free and unlimited access to all training (MBA, digital, office automation, Skills, etc.) from our partner The Power Business School, the number 1 online business school on the market and taught by the best active professionals in the sector.

· Enjoy free hotel nights: with the Eurostars Hotel Company Referral Program, we reward recommendations that turn into hires. If you recommend someone and we hire them, you receive free hotel nights.


If this project interests you and you think you fit the profile, we would love for you to apply for the position. Or, if you know someone who might be interested, feel free to share this offer.





Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
SAP SD Business Analyst

Why working at Eurofragance?

In Eurofragance you will be part of the exciting world of smells and fragrances.

You will grow and learn in a company in constant growth and expansion.

You will have the opportunity to develop your career working with top professionals.

You will be part of a Global Company with Headquarters in Spain and subsidiaries in Dubai, Singapore, Mexico, Turkey, and India among others.

You will practice your language skills in a global and multicultural environment.

You will feel you play a role in society thanks to our Corporate Social Responsibility policy and our commitment to the Environment, which we demonstrate on a day-to-day basis with actions such as the Volunteer Day.

We are Passion, Performance & Entrepreneurship, we are Eurofragance!

Enjoy a great work environment in Eurofragance!

At our company, we're committed to creating an inclusive work environment where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation, or any other factor. We encourage candidates from all walks of life to apply for this job vacancy, and we extend a particularly warm welcome to those with disabilities.


Perform adaptations in SAP application to meet business, customer, and technological requirements at Eurofragance in an international level in all different business areas of the Company.

The new employee will be part of a strong and high-performance IT applications team. Will be developing transversal knowledge in diverse SAP modules. Will work within an international and dynamic company that is dedicated to the design and manufacture of fragrances.


  • Be responsible of the maintenance of actual SAP installed base, assessing the impact in the changes, customizing the system and managing with the developer team the ABAP changes needed.
  • Collaborate in the new implementation of S4Hana assuring to follow the maximum standard customizations and following the best practices.
  • Manage the SAP external provider in order to make sure all the projects are done in the correct manner and time.
  • Work closely with business and IT teams in defining business cases and the assessment of change initiatives.
  • Collaborate with the Application Manager driving implementations, initiatives, and re-engineering processes together with the SAP external provider.
  • Business continuity by working with Digital Process Leads to resolve incidents, analyze problems, and propose the implementation of right solutions.
  • Internal Interactions: Digital Process Leads & IT team - External Interactions: SAP external provider
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for Battery Pilot Plant

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking for a person to join in the Energy Materials Unit. The position will cover the needs of the strategic projects carried out in the Pilot Plant.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related to proyect management.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The successful candidate will work in the Pilot Plant, implementing new processes and techniques for the manufacture of electrodes and lithium ion cells.
For this purpose, he or she must have knowledge in the set-up and maintenance of machinery.
The successful candidate will work independently according to the defined work plan.

He or she will participate in the following tasks:

  • Ink processing and knife and slot die coating.
    Manufacture of electrodes for batteries and manufacture of cells. Electrochemical characterisation.
  • Maintenance and set-up of machinery.
    Design of coupling systems for new machinery.
  • Battery manufacturing: keeping records and traceability of materials. Maintain, and work on the quality of the systems.
  • Ensure the quality of the processes carried out in the Pilot Plant, development of quality protocols and check list.
  • Project management.
  • Drafting of project proposals.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment.
  • Salary according to the candidate's merits.

  • Immediate start date.

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Solid State Battery Researcher

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking for a person to join in the Energy Materials Unit.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related to proyect management.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The developer will join the Energy Materials Unit, working on the development of battery technologies. They must be capable of carrying out several lines of work simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

The researcher will work independently, according to the defined work plan.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Development, characterization and optimization of SSB towards project KPIs including failure and post-mortem analysis.
  • Investigation of physical-chemical and electrochemical properties of solid electrolytes, electrodes and cell components.
  • Project management and management of laboratory staff.
  • Data analysis and interpretation. Writing project proposals, technical reports, patent applications, conference abstracts and scientific manuscripts.
  • Participate in technology transfer and scale-up of the developed materials and technologies.
  • Perform literature and patent search to identify new materials, technologies and processes.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for LiS Batteries

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking for a person trained in battery engineering to work in management of RDI projects on advanced battery prototype development in the Energy Materials Unit.

We are seeking a person with project management skills including analysis of results, writing monitoring reports for clients and research team leadership.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related to proyect management.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The developer will join the Energy Materials Unit, working on the development of battery technologies. They must be capable of carrying out several lines of work simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

The researcher will work independently, according to the defined work plan.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Continuous monitoring of the scope and progress of each task/work package in the project.
  • Managing the project documentation, both internal and external, including writing project reports.
  • Analysis of possible improvements while the project is underway.

You will also be involved in:

  • Collaborating on the creation of documentation for funding search purposes.
  • Clear focus on product/market/results (deadlines, cost, time).
  • Meeting the forecasts established in the annual plans.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for Prototyping and Testing of Advanced Batteries

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking for a person trained in battery engineering to work in the Energy Materials Unit. A person trained in mechanical engineering with knowledge on viscoelastic material properties and porous media mechanics. Knowledge on mechanical modelling would also be an asset, so that the candidate can combine experimental studies with simulations to contribute to develop R&D projects in advanced battery cell prototype development.

We are seeking a person with project and people management skills including technical task planning, analysis of results, writing monitoring reports for clients and R&D team leader.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research center, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The developer will join the Energy Materials Unit, working on the development of battery technologies. They must be capable of carrying out several lines of work simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

The researcher will work independently, according to the defined work plan.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Continuous monitoring of the scope and progress of each task/work package in the project.
  • Managing the project documentation, both internal and external, including writing project reports.
  • Analysis of possible improvements while the project is underway.

You will also be involved in:

  • Collaborating on the creation of documentation for funding search purposes.
  • Clear focus on product/market/results (deadlines, cost, time).
  • Meeting the forecasts established in the annual plans.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for the Multi-Physics Battery Modelling Series

CIDETEC needs to recruit a researcher to work in the Multi-physics Modelling area in the Energy Materials Unit.

A researcher is required in the area of energy storage, capable of assisting in the development and implementation of multi-physics models for lithium ion and lithium metal batteries.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related in the development and implementation of multi-physics models for lithium ion and lithium metal batteries.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The developer will join the Energy Materials Unit, working on the development of battery technologies. They must be capable of carrying out several lines of work simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

The researcher will work independently, according to the defined work plan.

They will be in charge of implementing new mechanisms and features on an existing battery simulation code. This will require knowledge of Python programming as well as fluency in deducing and implementing variational formulations for complex models.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Generating new ideas/concepts and implementing them.
  • They will assist in producing documentation related to the search for funding.
  • Strong product/market/result orientation (deadline, cost, time)
  • Achievement of the forecasts defined in the annual plans.
  • Continuous monitoring of the state of the art and the market.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for the Coatings and Electrochemical Surface Treatments Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, which develops electrolytic coatings and surface treatments with improved properties, addressing major challenges in response to industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused on industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of multifunctional coatings research line
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients and suppliers
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • National and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Reasercher for the Monitoring of Degradation Phenomena Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, to reinforce the line of degradation phenomena monitoring with non-destructive techniques, addressing major challenges to respond both to industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused both in basic research and industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of the monitoring of degradation phenomena line.
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • European, national and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for the Ceramic Coatings Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, for the development of ceramic coatings and enamels with high resistance to extreme environments, tackling major challenges to respond to both industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused both in basic research and industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of the coatings for extreme environments research line
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • European, national and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for the Tribology and Tribocorrosion Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, with expertise in tribology and tribocorrosion that will contribute to addressing major challenges in response to both industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused both in basic research and industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of the tribology and tribocorrosion research line
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • European, national and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
HW Researcher/Designer in the Storage Systems Area

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking to recruit a person to join its Storage Systems unit, which designs, develops and tests the batteries of the future for all types of applications.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we’re waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related to SW development in the different segments in this field.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

You will work on training and/or company transfer projects on the storage systems unit strategic line involving HW and validation and its industrialisation. You must be capable of carrying out several lines of research simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will be geared to:

  • BMS market research, according to the application (automotive, stationary, light mobility, domestic storage, aerospace).
  • Schematic and PCB design to comply with the specifications according to the design standards defined.
  • Providing support for design validation and analysis of results.
  • Providing support for integrating design in the final application.
  • Working on the development of new algorithms for the BMS (Battery Management System) control SW.

You will also be involved in:

  • Generating and implementing new ideas/concepts.
  • Drawing up technical documentation.
  • Drawing up technical documentation connected with seeking funding.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions for a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that will help you build a solid career, working on projects to transform industry and society.
  • Work with top-level teams in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives.
  • Continuous training.
  • A privileged setting in a safe, friendly environment.
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees.
Jornada sin especificar
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Salario sin especificar