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Ofertas de empleo de perfumarte europe sl

7 ofertas de trabajo de perfumarte europe sl

1 Enginyer/a Clínic/a (24_74_PROJ_LAB3D_TECS)


Descripció del servei:

El candidat/a s’incorporarà a la plataforma tecnològica de 3D que es troba a l’Institut d’Investigació i Innovació del Parc Taulí (I3PT) en un equip multidisciplinari de professionals clínics i tècnics.

El Laboratori 3D dona assistencia mèdica a diferents departaments clínics del Parc Taulí a través de planificacions quirúrgiques virtuals, simulació digital de cirurgies i disseny i impressió 3D d’instrumentació quirúrgica personalitzada gràcies a la llicència de fabricant de producte sanitari EU MDR 2017/745. A més a més, el Laboratori 3D lidera un gran número de projectes R+D+I per el desenvolupament de nous productes sanitaris i estudis clínics d’investiació per validar l’ús de la tecnologia 3D en l’àmbit de la medicina.

Funcions generals:

  • Donar suport d’enginyeria a personal sanitari i investigador tant intern com extern, contribuint en estudis clínics, pre-clínics i en el disseny de nous dispositius mèdics innovadors en diferents camps de la medicina.
  • Tractar la imatge mèdica per obtenir el model virtual 3D dels pacient.
  • Ajudar al personal mèdic a planificar virtualment les intervencions quirúrgiques en diferents especialitats.
  • Assistir i proposar tractaments personalitzats per a solucionar casos quirúrgics complexos mitjançant eines d’impressió 3D (models anatòmics, guies quirúrgiques, implants personalitzats, etc).
  • Col·laborar en estudis clínics i pre-clínics per al desenvolupament de noves tècniques quirúrgiques.
  • Dissenyar solucions personalitzades per a reptes que requereixin de coneixement en enginyeria, plantejats pels professionals del CCSPT.
  • Gestió, ús i control de les màquines d’impressió 3D del Laboratori (FDM, SLA).
  • Integrar totes les tasques realitzades sota la regulatòria del laboratori 3D i la llicència de fabricació de producte sanitari a mida.
  • Treballar seguint els PNT’s i les instruccions de treball del laboratori 3D així com també el sistema de gestió de qualitat instaurat.
  • Formació i tutoria de nous membres de l'equip.


  • Titulació universitària en ciències de la Salut: Biomedicina, Biotecnologia, Enginyeria Biomèdica, Enginyeria Clínica, Bioenginyeria.
  • Nivell de Català C1.

Es valorarà:

  • Màster en enginyeria biomèdica o similar.
  • Experiència en l’ús de maquinaria d’impressió 3D (FDM, SLA, SLS).
  • Experiència en investigació clínica aplicada al camp de la medicina
  • Experiència en disseny de producte sanitari.
  • Coneixements/experiència en anàlisi i interpretació d’imatge mèdica (tomografia computeritzada, ressonància magnètica nuclear, radiografia, ecografia).
  • Coneixements/experiència en software de disseny assistit per ordinador (Materialise 3-Matic, Solidwork o similars).
  • Coneixements bàsics d’anatomia
  • Excel·lent capacitat d'organització i resolució de problemes
  • Capacitat de gestió eficaç del temps
  • Coneixements bàsics de terminologia mèdica
  • Coneixements/experiència prèvia en el desenvolupament de dispositius mèdics.
  • Coneixement de l’ecosistema Català, Espanyol i Europeu 3D mèdic.
  • Nivell d’anglès fluid, tant parlat com escrit.
  • Capacitats d'organització, treball en equip, empatia, comunicació, rigorositat i proactivitat.


La persona candidata es vincularà laboralment, mitjançant un contracte temporal, vinculat a programes finanançiats amb fons europeus. L’execució de desenvolupament del projecte objecte de la present oferta, amb les condicions laborals contemplades en el Conveni Col·lectiu d’aplicació en el Centre. La dedicació serà a jornada completa.

El projecte transformador 3DAdopt està finançat amb Fons FANF (Fons Afectats No Finalistes), i per tant la seva durada vinculada al mateix.

El termini de la contractació serà el 31 de maig de 2026, amb finalització del projecte esmentat.

Procés de selecció:

Les condicions generals d’aquesta convocatòria es regiran pel què recull el present anunci i amb els procediments que es detallen a les bases tipus de convocatòria per a ocupació de places vigents, que es poden consultar al web de l’entitat www.tauli.cat .

D’acord amb el Codi de Selecció i Vinculació vigent, les persones candidates se sotmetran a les proves següents:

  • Valoració curricular (valoració de mèrits d’acord amb els ítems de l’apartat es valorarà i amb les corresponents acreditacions, llevat de l’experiència interna que s’acreditarà d’ofici).
  • Entrevista personal (pels professionals sense experiència interna) o valoració directiva.
  • Prova psicotècnica

Es podran afegir les proves competencials que es considerin necessàries per valorar la idoneïtat de les candidatures, en el marc de l’establert al vigent Codi de Selecció i Vinculació. En ares als principis d’economia processal i celeritat del procés, també es podran reduir les fases del procés de selecció en funció de la ràtio de candidats amb compliment dels requisits de la present oferta.

En compliment de la LISMI, el Consorci, tindrà en consideració la reserva per a les persones candidates que acreditin una discapacitat igual o superior al 33%, sempre que siguin idònies per al desenvolupament de les funcions a cobrir.

Documentació i inscripció:


Caldrà adjuntar en el moment de la inscripció els següents documents en format PDF:

1.- Curriculum vitae.

2.- Titulació acreditativa del requisit.

3.- Acreditacions formatives.

4.- Experiència laboral (caldrà acreditar-la mitjançant certificats de serveis prestats en entitats alienes al centre).

La no presentació de la documentació requerida pot comporta l’exclusió de la candidatura a la convocatòria.

Informació: Per a consultes en relació a aquesta convocatòria, us podeu adreçar a seleccio@tauli.cat indicant el número de referència d’aquest anunci.

Data de termini: Fins al 16 de maig de 2024

Codi plaça: 9153

Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for Battery Pilot Plant

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking for a person to join in the Energy Materials Unit. The position will cover the needs of the strategic projects carried out in the Pilot Plant.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related to proyect management.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The successful candidate will work in the Pilot Plant, implementing new processes and techniques for the manufacture of electrodes and lithium ion cells.
For this purpose, he or she must have knowledge in the set-up and maintenance of machinery.
The successful candidate will work independently according to the defined work plan.

He or she will participate in the following tasks:

  • Ink processing and knife and slot die coating.
    Manufacture of electrodes for batteries and manufacture of cells. Electrochemical characterisation.
  • Maintenance and set-up of machinery.
    Design of coupling systems for new machinery.
  • Battery manufacturing: keeping records and traceability of materials. Maintain, and work on the quality of the systems.
  • Ensure the quality of the processes carried out in the Pilot Plant, development of quality protocols and check list.
  • Project management.
  • Drafting of project proposals.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment.
  • Salary according to the candidate's merits.

  • Immediate start date.

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Administration Manager
About the companyMaster Drilling Europe AB is a Swedish company and subsidiary of Master Drilling Group. We are specialists in rock boring and conduct operations all over Europe.During 2019 we began our expansion in Spain and have been continuously growing since. We are now looking for a Finance and Administration Officer to join our Spanish team, a role that requires a strong will to contribute to our growth journey.About the roleAs the Finance and Administration Officer, you have the ultimate responsibility for the financial, administrative and HR work in the Spanish branch. The area of responsibility includes ensuring the accounting and financial processes as well as managing HR processes, both strategic and operative. Key responsibilities include but are not limited to:-Accounting-Internal reporting to the parent company-External reporting to Spanish authorities-Budgeting and forecasting-Customer and supplier invoices-Payments and cash management-Support management and operations in financial matters, analyzes and decision-making-Insurances-Payroll-Partner with employees and management to communicate, drive, implement and improve various HR policies, procedures, laws, standards and government regulations-Strategic planning for hire to retire people planYour backgroundYou have several years of experience in qualified finance work, experience in a leading position within a finance function is meritorious as well as good knowledge in IFRS. You are confident and independent in both ongoing reporting and preparation of financial statements. You have a bachelor's degree in economics or other equivalent academic education.We see that you are strategically oriented and someone who thrives in a role where you have great influence. As the company is in an expansive stage, you will work in a dynamic organization, which requires a proactive way of working and a willingness to roll up your sleeves when necessary. You will be a key player with everything regarding the employment lifecycle, from employment to development of individuals, groups, leadership and work place, to employment exits. Therefore, we highly value personal qualities such as integrity and mutual respect and your ability to put people first. You have excellent English written and oral skills.Selection and interviews are ongoing.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
35.000€ - 40.000€ bruto/año
Dependiente en tienda de Perfumería
Dependienta en tienda de perfumes, atención al cliente
Jornada parcial - indiferente
Contrato indefinido
600€ - 1.200€
P2P Team Lead with English
  • Great opportunity to boost your career in Finance!|International Company SSC in Barcelona

PTP Team Lead in the multi-national Shared Services Center (SSC) will be supporting European markets, ensuring that assigned tasks in support of end to end processes of PTP are performed at expected levels in terms of quality and throughput/ productivity.

  • Leading the day-to-day activities of the team within the assigned scope and addressing the priorities
  • Conducting regular trainings for the team members to close knowledge gaps
  • Ensuring compliance on operational accounting policies and procedures
  • Being the first point of escalation for resolving incidents with suppliers or local market
  • providing the needed support to internal and external audits
  • Resolving and following up on issues detected in quality controls or raised by the team
  • Reviewing and sign off the reconciliation of the accounts payable subledger
  • Being in charge of providing support and sign offs in accounting closings
  • Works towards Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) objectives
  • Actively support the sharing of new ideas and best practice across all areas

Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
Salario sin especificar
Robotics Researcher - Autonomous Navigation


The Robotics and Automation Unit of Eurecat Technology Center (Barcelona) is looking for a highly motivated researcher to work in Autonomous Navigation for Ground Mobile Robots, with relevant experience in path planning and SLAM. The candidate will work with different challenges involving autonomous operations in agriculture, logistics, healthcare, advanced manufacturing and others. We are looking for candidates with good level of software development for robotics solutions (including ROS/ROS2), preferably with experience with robotics platforms and field experiments.

Overall, the robotics group is specialized in applied research and development on Service and Industrial Robotics. Our objective is to increase the level of robot autonomy and intelligence to enable more complex robotics behaviours. We focus on the following topics: aerial and terrestrial autonomous navigation, industrial robotics, manipulation, human-robot cooperation, perception, cognition, and robot behavior.

Over the last 15 years, our group has developed extensive experience in solutions and developments for our industrial and service private customers, as well as in several of the most successful European and Spanish projects in robotics.? Check out our research lines and projects website:


We are a team of energetic young people passionate about robotics. Come join us!


The main responsibilities will focus on the scientific contribution and technological developments including:

  • Participate in the definition and development of new concepts and robotic ideas.
  • Scientific contribution to the advances of the projects.
  • Software development, validation and maintenance of good quality (product oriented) applied research.
  • Sporadic support/supervision to robot integration, field trials and robot maintenance
  • Participate in scientific publications.
  • Support to project management to ensure proper project execution.
  • Establish and maintain contact with clients and partners in consortium.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Director Unidad de Negocio Fertilidad- Laboratorio Multinacional

Ferring Pharmaceuticals, laboratorio multinacional con una consolidada implantación en España busca incorporar un Director de Unidad de Negocio para su área de Fertilidad.

At Ferring Pharmaceuticals, we help people around the world build families and live better lives. We are entrepreneurial and innovative, with a growing global team focused on scientific advances in the areas of reproductive and women’s health, gastroenterology and urology.

Position Summary

Reporting to the General Manager – Iberia & Italy, and a member of the Local Senior Leadership Team (SLT), the Business Unit Director for Fertility is responsible for all aspects of the Commercial performance of our RMMH (Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health) business.

Leading the Fertility team in Marketing and Sales and collaborating with cross-functional partners (Medical, Finance, Regulatory, etc.), the BUD is responsible for providing strategic vision and tactical guidance for brand plans for the RMMH franchise, fostering effective customer experience and productive relationship management, and ensuring the achievement of business objectives, and performance targets, as well as supporting overall business objectives.

Collaborating and contributing to Fertility initiatives locally, and within Ferring’s global organization, and as part of the regional Commercial team for Europe, Latin America, and Canada (ELAC), there are opportunities to share and shape internal best practices.

Job Function

The BUD is a hands-on, leadership role. The incumbent will identify, develop and implement Marketing and Sales solutions, including local delivery of global projects and programs. It requires, therefore, broad and deep Commercial expertise and strong business acumen, as well as the ability to flex from strategic to tactical execution.

Areas of accountability include:

  • Directing the preparation of long-range business plans, annual operating plans and financial budgets.
  • Leading the team in achieving budgeted annual sales and profit objectives.
  • Reporting progress through monthly business review meetings.
  • Remediating and adjusting plans, including corrective action, as required to achieve objectives.
  • Developing and implementing impactful and creative Marketing initiatives and projects to support the achievement of annual objectives.
  • Managing, coaching, leading and developing direct reports, and extended team, as required.
  • Identifying business development opportunities for line extensions, product differentiation, in-licensing, and potential acquisitions, to meet Ferring’s market and competitive needs.
  • Liaising with Medical, and Regulatory colleagues to coordinate and effect placement of studies and initiatives which complement product strategic plans.
  • Monitoring through effect systems, and under the leadership of the Medical Department, the progress of local studies; and influencing presentation and publication of the results.

At Ferring, we’re inspired by our patients and your purposeful work helps people build families and live better lives. We encourage you to be bold, take risks and have a voice in advancing new ideas to find new solutions for patients. We give you the opportunity to collaborate globally with passionate people who have a diverse range of skills, talents and experiences.

We give you the opportunity to thrive, grow and work in a truly, family-friendly environment where your contributions will be recognized, and your results rewarded.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar