Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(391)
Ciudad Real(90)
Illes Balears(757)
La Rioja(198)
Las Palmas(431)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(218)
Sin especificar(584)
Administración empresas(2.093)
Administración Pública(4)
Atención a clientes(864)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.549)
Comercial y ventas(2.658)
Compras, logística y almacén(2.247)
Diseño y artes gráficas(162)
Educación y formación(125)
Finanzas y banca(86)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(1.238)
Ingenieros y técnicos(2.029)
Inmobiliario y construcción(836)
Marketing y comunicación(647)
Otras actividades(1.758)
Profesiones y oficios(1.419)
Recursos humanos(548)
Sanidad y salud(1.063)
Sector Farmacéutico(184)
Turismo y restauración(999)
Ventas al detalle(90)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(182)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(161)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.339)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(5)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(1.087)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(950)
Ingeniero Superior(258)
Ingeniero Técnico(62)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(19)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(80)
Sin especificar(15.199)
Sin estudios(1.079)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(284)
Intensiva - Mañana(184)
Intensiva - Noche(21)
Intensiva - Tarde(49)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.669)
Parcial - Mañana(178)
Parcial - Noche(94)
Parcial - Tarde(108)
Sin especificar(6.109)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(165)
De duración determinada(3.060)
De relevo(10)
Fijo discontinuo(469)
Otros contratos(6.507)
Sin especificar(3.991)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de adeslas

15 ofertas de trabajo de adeslas

Madrid, Madrid
Hace 1d

La ubicación del puesto de trabajo: Barcelona y Madrid.

Estamos buscando un Product Manager experimentado y apasionado para unirse a nuestro equipo en CaixaBank Payments & Consumer. Esta es una oportunidad única para liderar proyectos innovadores en el sector de medios de pago y trabajar con algunas de las marcas más reconocidas.

Sobre el Equipo

Te integrarás en un equipo dinámico y feliz de 3 personas, localizados en Barcelona y Madrid, trabajando en estrecha colaboración con socios como Visa y Mastercard. Este equipo se encarga de gestionar todo el portafolio de tarjetas y productos, incluyendo nuevos desarrollos y mejoras en los servicios existentes. La vacante específica es para nuestra oficina en Barcelona.

Responsabilidades del rol

  • Identificar Oportunidades: Detectar nuevas necesidades y oportunidades de productos y servicios en el sector de medios de pago.
  • Liderar Proyectos: Coordinar con diferentes equipos el lanzamiento de productos y asegurar su desarrollo, definiendo y validando requerimientos y realizando pruebas de productos.
  • Gestión de Convenios: Seguir los convenios de tarjetas affinity, asegurando todas las fases del ciclo de vida de los productos, desde el lanzamiento hasta el cierre.
  • Cumplimiento Normativo: Asegurar el cumplimiento de la normativa de la industria y de los acuerdos con socios.
  • Resolución de Incidencias: Gestionar incidencias operativas y mejoras de productos, garantizando una experiencia de usuario óptima.

Día a Día en el Puesto

Tu día a día incluirá reuniones con socios estratégicos, como Visa y Mastercard, y la coordinación con equipos internos de negocio, finanzas, riesgos y técnicos para aterrizar requerimientos y asegurar que los productos cumplan con los estándares de calidad. También participarás en pruebas de productos y en la presentación de propuestas en comités de producto.

¿Qué te vamos a ofrecer?

  • Contrato indefinido
  • Incorporarte de forma estable dentro de un equipo cohesionado, con formación y experiencia multidisciplinar
  • Ser partícipe de la filial de medios de pago con la mayor cuota de mercado a nivel nacional.

Además, podrás tener toda una serie de beneficios por trabajar en CPC que seguro te resultarán super interesantes. Algunos de ellos son:

  • Vacaciones 26 días al año.
  • Modelo de trabajo es híbrido (3 días oficina y 2 días teletrabajo)
  • Podrás entrar por la mañana de 8:00h a 9:30h y finalizar la jornada entre las 17:00h y 18:30h respectivamente (con 1:15h para comer).
  • Seguro de asistencia sanitaria y plus dental, con Adeslas SegurCaixa (tarifa especial para tu familia).
  • Healthy live: podrás encontrar fruta de temporada todos los martes y jueves.
  • Apostamos por el deporte: Club Runner (subvencionamos la inscripción algunas pruebas deportivas) y Liga interna Pádel.
  • Plan de Compensación Flexible.
  • Tarjeta Restaurante que se te cargará mensualmente con el importe de 11€ diarios/jornada partida.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Barcelona, Barcelona
Hace 1d

La ubicación del puesto de trabajo: Barcelona y Madrid.

Estamos buscando un Product Manager experimentado y apasionado para unirse a nuestro equipo en CaixaBank Payments & Consumer. Esta es una oportunidad única para liderar proyectos innovadores en el sector de medios de pago y trabajar con algunas de las marcas más reconocidas.

Sobre el Equipo

Te integrarás en un equipo dinámico y feliz de 3 personas, localizados en Barcelona y Madrid, trabajando en estrecha colaboración con socios como Visa y Mastercard. Este equipo se encarga de gestionar todo el portafolio de tarjetas y productos, incluyendo nuevos desarrollos y mejoras en los servicios existentes. La vacante específica es para nuestra oficina en Barcelona.

Responsabilidades del rol

  • Identificar Oportunidades: Detectar nuevas necesidades y oportunidades de productos y servicios en el sector de medios de pago.
  • Liderar Proyectos: Coordinar con diferentes equipos el lanzamiento de productos y asegurar su desarrollo, definiendo y validando requerimientos y realizando pruebas de productos.
  • Gestión de Convenios: Seguir los convenios de tarjetas affinity, asegurando todas las fases del ciclo de vida de los productos, desde el lanzamiento hasta el cierre.
  • Cumplimiento Normativo: Asegurar el cumplimiento de la normativa de la industria y de los acuerdos con socios.
  • Resolución de Incidencias: Gestionar incidencias operativas y mejoras de productos, garantizando una experiencia de usuario óptima.

Día a Día en el Puesto

Tu día a día incluirá reuniones con socios estratégicos, como Visa y Mastercard, y la coordinación con equipos internos de negocio, finanzas, riesgos y técnicos para aterrizar requerimientos y asegurar que los productos cumplan con los estándares de calidad. También participarás en pruebas de productos y en la presentación de propuestas en comités de producto.

¿Qué te vamos a ofrecer?

  • Contrato indefinido
  • Incorporarte de forma estable dentro de un equipo cohesionado, con formación y experiencia multidisciplinar
  • Ser partícipe de la filial de medios de pago con la mayor cuota de mercado a nivel nacional.

Además, podrás tener toda una serie de beneficios por trabajar en CPC que seguro te resultarán super interesantes. Algunos de ellos son:

  • Vacaciones 26 días al año.
  • Modelo de trabajo es híbrido (3 días oficina y 2 días teletrabajo)
  • Podrás entrar por la mañana de 8:00h a 9:30h y finalizar la jornada entre las 17:00h y 18:30h respectivamente (con 1:15h para comer).
  • Seguro de asistencia sanitaria y plus dental, con Adeslas SegurCaixa (tarifa especial para tu familia).
  • Healthy live: podrás encontrar fruta de temporada todos los martes y jueves.
  • Apostamos por el deporte: Club Runner (subvencionamos la inscripción algunas pruebas deportivas) y Liga interna Pádel.
  • Plan de Compensación Flexible.
  • Tarjeta Restaurante que se te cargará mensualmente con el importe de 11€ diarios/jornada partida.

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
PM Customer Centricity

¿Cuál es la misión del departamento?

El área de Customer Centricity en Imagin está encargada de asegurar la calidad y obtener la mejor experiencia del cliente 100% digital, coordinando las distintas áreas de negocio para implementar nuevas funcionalidades demandadas por los usuarios y mejorar las ya existentes.

¿Cuáles serán tus funciones y responsabilidades?

  • Asegurar la Calidad en Procesos de Atención al Cliente:

Analizar los motivos de contacto de los clientes y reducirlos mediante la implementación digital de procesos.

Optimizar los procesos para reducir costos y mejorar la experiencia del usuario.

  • Optimización de Procesos de Atención al Cliente:

Ejecutar procesos de atención de la forma más eficiente posible.

Analizar insights de los clientes provenientes de diversas fuentes (llamadas, comentarios de NPS, visitas a oficinas) para mejorar la experiencia de usuario y digitalización.

  • Detección y Seguimiento de Incidencias:

Identificar incidencias en la app a través de Contact Center, tiendas y NPS.

Realizar seguimiento y comunicar a todas las áreas implicadas.

  • Interacción con Proveedores y Áreas de Negocio:

Proveer protocolos y material informativo de Imagin a los proveedores de Contact Center y áreas de negocio.

  • Seguimiento de KPIs y Realización de Informes:

Monitorear KPIs de calidad.

Realizar informes de actividad para la toma de decisiones estratégicas.

  • Lanzamiento de Campañas:

Mejorar la percepción de los clientes sobre la marca e incrementar su vinculación digital.

¿Qué esperamos de ti?

  • Orientación al Cliente:

Habilidades para entender y satisfacer las necesidades del cliente.

  • Agilidad en Herramientas de Microsoft Office:

Especialmente en Excel y PowerPoint.

Valorable conocimiento y uso de herramientas como Confluence, Rally, SalesForce o ClikSense.

  • Aprendizaje de Herramientas Tecnológicas:

Capacidad para aprender rápidamente herramientas tecnológicas propias del negocio.

  • Realización de Presentaciones:

Capacidad para crear presentaciones novedosas para reporting a Dirección.

  • Habilidades Comunicativas:

Capacidad para trabajar transversalmente con distintos equipos.

  • Visión Estratégica:

Capacidad para planificar y ejecutar estrategias a largo plazo.

  • Alta Capacidad Analítica:

Habilidad para analizar datos y sacar conclusiones que mejoren la experiencia del cliente.

Ubicación del puesto: Barcelona (Zona Franca)

Sabemos qué harás un gran trabajo, por eso hemos pensado en estos beneficios para ti:

  • Contrato indefinido
  • Flexibilidad horaria de entrada (8:00 a 9:30, viernes empezamos a las 8:00) y en la comida (1 hora o 1 hora y cuarto para comer) para que puedas autogestionar tu tiempo.
  • Todos los viernes con jornada intensiva para que puedas disfrutar más del fin de semana.
  • Jornada intensiva en verano: del 15 de Julio al 31 de Agosto, para que disfrutes al máximo del verano)
  • Modelo de trabajo híbrido (lunes, martes y miércoles oficina y jueves y viernes en casa ). Porque creemos que pasar tiempo y en la oficina es un factor clave para desarrollar la creatividad, y disfrutar en equipo.
  • Fruta, porque es importante cuidarse. ¡Mens sana, in corpore sano!
  • 25 días hábiles de vacaciones. ¡Desconectar, para volver a conectar! + 2 de libre disposición
  • Plan de Beneficios: seguro de salud, ticket restaurante
  • Retribución flexible aplicado a guardería y/o transporte.
  • Seguro médico completo con SegurCaixa Adeslas + Dental + descuento para familiares
  • Gym pass

¿Cómo será el proceso de selección?

  • Recibimos y validamos tu solicitud
  • Realizamos la evaluación telefónica con un especialista de selección
  • Te enviamos una pequeña prueba competencial
  • Realizas la entrevista con el/la responsable del departamento
  • Realizas la entrevista con el responsable de Personas (HRBP)

¡Y no lo olvides, te daremos feedback!

¿Te apuntas? ¡Queremos conocerte!

"En Grupo CaixaBank, valoramos la diversidad y la igualdad como cualidades fundamentales de nuestra cultura, y contribuimos activamente al desarrollo del talento de todas las personas; independientemente del sexo, religión, etnia, orientación sexual, origen nacional, edad, estado civil, identidad, género o expresión de género. Esto se refleja en nuestras redes de trabajo, formadas por equipos transversales y cercanos, donde fomentamos la inclusión y compartimos el mismo compromiso por la diversidad.” Si necesitas asistencia y/o una adaptación razonable debido a una discapacidad durante la solicitud o el proceso de contratación, especifíquelo y te ayudaremos.

¿Quieres saber más? Haz clic aquí https://www.peoplexperiencehub.com/

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Técnico/a de Aduanas

En BESIDE apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Contamos con una unidad de Selección Especializada en perfiles de Ingeniería para incorporarse en la plantilla de nuestros clientes. Trabajamos con un amplio rango de empresas, que nos permitirá encontrarte el puesto que más se ajuste a tus necesidades e intereses profesionales. Te podrás incorporar en las empresas más innovadoras, ofreciéndote proyectos punteros dentro de las ramas de I+D, automoción, pharma, diseño de maquinaria, desarrollo de producto, etc.

Seleccionamos un/a Técnico/a de Aduanas para incorporarse en el equipo de uno de nuestros principales clientes, fabricante mundial de sistemas de accionamiento innovadores. Las competencias básicas de la compañía se encuentran en el desarrollo, producción, venta y servicio de motores diésel, de gas y electrificados para uso profesional, que se utilizan, entre otras, en maquinaria de construcción y agrícola, aplicaciones de manejo de materiales, sistemas estacionarios, así como vehículos comerciales y ferroviarios.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Clasificación arancelaria de la mercancía.
  • Corrección de la clasificación arancelaria en los pedidos regulares de proveedores.
  • Actualización de la clasificación arancelaria en el sistema.
  • Clasificación del origen de la mercancía.
  • Mantenimeinto y actualización de SAP sobre el origen de la mercancía.
  • Calculación del origen del producto transformado.
  • Contacto con clientes y proveedores.
  • Mantenimiento de las LTSD (Long Terms Supplier Declarations) de los proveedores.
  • Mantenimiento y emisión de las LTSD de clientes.
  • Emisión de Certificados de Origen para clientes.
  • Mantenimiento de los Certificados de Origen de los proveedores.
  • Actualización técnica de SAP.

Beneficios que tendrás en tu lugar de trabajo:

  • Contratación directa y de carácter indefinido con cliente final.
  • Modalidad de trabajo: presencial.
  • Ticket restaurant.
  • Precio especial en el seguro de salud competo de Adeslas.
  • Salario a convenir según perfil del/la candidato/a.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Senior Developer SAP VIM (m/f/d) - P2P

Your Profile

  • A degree in IT or business administration, technical field, or equivalent education/experience.
  • Experience in an engineering/technology role ideally in agile product environments/teams
  • Excellent knowledge of modern SAP development processes and frameworks (OnPremise, Cloud & Hybrid).
  • In-depth experience with SAP platforms, especially MM (log. invoice verification) and very good technology skills in ABAP/OO, Adobe/ SmartForms development, IDoc inbound and outbound processing, RFC events / event linkages in ERP and S/4 Hana environment. Knowledge around FIORI, UI5, Web IDE in a hybrid SAP landscape would be an advantage. OpenText VIM know how is desirable.
  • Experience with working in agile product teams, DevOps methodologies, and continuous delivery with a focus on optimizing customer value
  • Passion for current trends in software design, architecture/web services.
  • Experience in promoting and coaching colleagues

Your Tasks

These are the main tasks:

  • Development and optimization of complex, customized SAP MM solutions to support all P2P processes based on SAP HR ECC 6.0 EhP 7 and S/4 Hana 18.09 and OpenText VIM.
  • Link between development processes and product owners on operational level
  • Development of backend and frontend components using the latest SAP development tools (SAP FIORI, UI5, Web IDE) and classic SAP development methods (ABAP, ABAP OO,WD4A)
  • Definition and implementation of integration scenarios in a hybrid SAP system landscape using modern integration tools, such as SAP PI/PO, SAP HANA Cloud Integration etc.
  • Design and detailing of automation solutions to realize process optimization potential.
  • Advise/coach other chapter colleagues on solving technical issues at operational level and regarding ways of working to improve development processes

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. It sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator for its customers in the digital world. Its over 1,000 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores are closely integrated with their online shops. MediaMarktSaturn has a total headcount of more than 60,000.

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working on making Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its sector. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 11 countries.

Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model.
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with Segur Caixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer.
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week.
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German. 
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work.
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment. 

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Senior FrontEnd Software Engineer (m/f/d) - Contract Master

Your Profile

  • A successfully completed degree in (business) computer science or a comparable course of study, or a comparable education.
  • Practical experience gained during studies or several years of experience in Frontend Development with React JS, Typescript
  • Experience with various front-end tools would be desirable
  • Analytical thinking and approach and passion for frontend development should be brought along
  • Experience in an engineering / technology role ideally in agile / DevOps product environments / teams
  • Very good written and spoken English skills

Your Tasks

These are the main tasks:

  • Responsibility for the end-to-end implementation of Contract Master frontend projects in an agile product team
  • Further development of our frontend of the Contract Master solution (React JS, Typescript), following the user stories of our internal developer team
  • Onboard new countries in a potential further international rollout
  • Create technical End2End test with Playwright
  • Responsibility for the frontend toolstack of the application and further architectural development
  • Consulting/Coaching other product team colleagues in solving technical problems on operational level and regarding ways of working to improve development processes
  • Create an admin-application to make some features directly customizable for the users

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. It sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator for its customers in the digital world. Its over 1,000 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores are closely integrated with their online shops. MediaMarktSaturn has a total headcount of more than 60,000.

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working on making Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its sector. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 11 countries.

Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model.
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with Segur Caixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer.
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week.
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German. 
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work.
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment. 

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Senior/Experienced SAP Developer (m/f/d) - Supply Chain

Your Profile

  • A degree in IT or business administration, technical environment, or equivalent training/experience
  • Experience in an engineering/technology role ideally in agile product environments/teams
  • Excellent knowledge of modern SAP development processes and frameworks
  • Sound experience with SAP platforms and very good technology knowledge in SAP HANA, ABAP/OO, FIORI, UI5, BAS on BTP, CDS, OData
  • Sound module knowledge in development activities in the SAP Supply Chain Management environment (MM, SD, CAR, OAA, POS DTA)
  • Strong problem solving skills and focus on continuous improvement and innovation
  • Passion for current trends in software design, architecture
  • Experience in promoting and coaching colleagues
  • Very good written and spoken English skills


Your Tasks

These are the main tasks:

  • Linking development processes and product owners at an operational level
  • Development of backend and frontend components using the latest SAP development tools (SAP FIORI, UI5, BAS on BTP) and methods (CDS Views, OData Services, ABAP, ABAP OO)
  • Definition and implementation of integration scenarios in a hybrid SAP system landscape with the help of modern integration tools such as SAP PI/PO, Cloud Integration Suite on BTP, API etc.
  • Development and optimization of complex, customized SAP solutions to support all business processes in the supply chain environment based on SAP S/4 HANA Retail
  • Development of backend and / or frontend components using the latest SAP development tools (SAP FIORI, UI5) and methods (CDS Views, OData Services, ABAP OO)
  • Design and implementation of projects in the MediaMarktSaturn Group in the context of SAP Supply Chain

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. It sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator for its customers in the digital world. Its over 1,000 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores are closely integrated with their online shops. MediaMarktSaturn has a total headcount of more than 60,000.

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working on making Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its sector. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 11 countries.

Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model.
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with Segur Caixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer.
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week.
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German. 
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work.
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment. 

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Senior/Experienced SAP Integration Developer (m/f/d) - PI/PO

Your Profile

  • A degree in IT or business administration, technical environment, or equivalent training/experience
  • Experience in an engineering/technology role ideally in agile product environments/teams
  • Excellent knowledge of modern SAP integration processes and frameworks
  • Sound experience with SAP platforms and very good technology knowledge in SAP PI/PO, API, CDS, OData, Cloud Integration Suite on SAP BTP
  • Strong problem solving skills and focus on continuous improvement and innovation
  • Passion for current trends in integration design, architecture
  • Experience in promoting and coaching colleagues
  • Very good written and spoken English skills


Your Tasks

These are the main tasks:

  • Development and optimization of complex, tailor-made SAP integrations to support all business processes (based on SAP S/4 Hana Retail, SAP ECC 6.0, SAP Cloud Applications (e.g. SAP Successfactors, SAP Concur) and non SAP Applications.
  • Linking development processes in the context of integration aspects and product owners at an operational level
  • Development of integration scenarios in a hybrid SAP system landscape with the help of modern integration tools such as SAP PI/PO, Cloud Integration Suite on BTP, API etc.
  • Design and detailing of automation and monitoring solutions to realize process optimization potential within integration scenarios
  • Advising/coaching other chapter colleagues in solving technical problems at an operational level and with regard to working methods in order to improve integration processes
  • Conception and implementation of integration aspects of projects in the Media-Saturn Group

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. It sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator for its customers in the digital world. Its over 1,000 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores are closely integrated with their online shops. MediaMarktSaturn has a total headcount of more than 60,000.

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working on making Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its sector. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 11 countries.

Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model.
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with Segur Caixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer.
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week.
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German. 
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work.
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment. 

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Senior/Experienced SAP Developer (m/f/d) - Finance

Your Profile

  • A degree in IT or business administration, technical environment, or equivalent training/experience
  • Experience in an engineering/technology role ideally in agile product environments/teams
  • Excellent knowledge of modern SAP development processes and frameworks
  • Sound experience with SAP platforms and very good technology knowledge in SAP HANA, ABAP/OO, FIORI, UI5, BAS on BTP, CDS, OData
  • Sound module knowledge in development activities in the SAP Finance environment
  • Strong problem solving skills and focus on continuous improvement and innovation
  • Passion for current trends in software design, architecture
  • Experience in promoting and coaching colleagues
  • Very good written and spoken English skills


Your Tasks

These are the main tasks:

  • Development and optimization of complex, tailor-made SAP solutions to support all business processes in the finance environment based on SAP HR ECC 6.0 EhP 8 and in future S/4 Finance
  • Linking development processes and product owners at an operational level
  • Development of backend and frontend components using the latest SAP development tools (SAP FIORI, UI5, BAS on BTP) and methods (CDS Views, OData Services, ABAP, ABAP OO)
  • Definition and implementation of integration scenarios in a hybrid SAP system landscape with the help of modern integration tools such as SAP PI/PO, Cloud Integration Suite on BTP, API etc.
  • Design and detailing of automation solutions to realize process optimization potential
  • Advising/coaching other chapter colleagues in solving technical problems at an operational level and with regard to working methods in order to improve development processes
  • Conception and implementation of projects in the Media-Saturn Group in the context of SAP Finance.

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. It sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator for its customers in the digital world. Its over 1,000 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores are closely integrated with their online shops. MediaMarktSaturn has a total headcount of more than 60,000.

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working on making Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its sector. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 11 countries.

Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model.
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with Segur Caixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer.
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week.
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German. 
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work.
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment. 

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Senior/Experienced SAP Developer (m/f/d) - HCM

Your Profile

  • A completed degree in IT or business administration, technical environment, or an equivalent training / experience
  • Experience in an engineering / technology role, ideally in agile product environments / teams
  • Excellent knowledge of modern SAP development processes and frameworks (OnPremise, Cloud & Hybrid)
  • Well-founded experience with SAP platforms, ideally SAP HR and very good technology knowledge in ABAP / OO, FIORI, UI5, BAS on BTP, OData in a hybrid SAP landscape
  • Experience working in agile product teams, DevOps methods and continuous delivery with a focus on optimizing customer benefits
  • Passion for current trends in software design, architecture / web services
  • Experience in promoting and coaching colleagues
  • Very good written and spoken English skills


Your Tasks

These are the main tasks:

  • Development and optimization of complex, tailor-made SAP HR solutions to support all HR processes based on SAP HR ECC 6.0 EhP 8 and in future H4/S4
  • Definition and implementation of integration scenarios in a hybrid SAP system landscape with the help of modern integration tools such as SAP PI / PO, Cloud Integration Suite on BTP, API etc.
  • Development of backend and frontend components with the help of modern SAP development tools (SAP FIORI, UI5, BAS on BTP) and classic SAP development methods (ABAP, ABAP OO, WD4A)
  • Drafting and detailing of automation solutions for the realization of process optimization potential
  • Advice / coaching of colleagues in solving technical problems at the operational level and with regard to working methods in order to improve development processes

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. It sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator for its customers in the digital world. Its over 1,000 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores are closely integrated with their online shops. MediaMarktSaturn has a total headcount of more than 60,000.

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working on making Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its sector. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 11 countries.

Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model.
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with Segur Caixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer.
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week.
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German. 
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work.
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment. 

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Senior Data Engineer (m/f/d) - Assortment & Space Management

Your Profile

As part of Assortment & Space Management you will be part of the CatMan International department, key to our business. You will actively participate in the development of tools for market analysis processes, customers, and internal indicators for the definition of what we sell, where and to whom, directly impacting the company's results and our customers' satisfaction.

  • Degree in Computer Science / Engineering or equivalent
  • In-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with various GCP services relevant to data engineering such as BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Pub/Sub and others is essential.
  • Very strong understanding of SQL and an ability to write complex queries is essential.
  • Strong programming skills in languages such as Python (preferred), Java, or Scala for building data pipelines, automating tasks, and implementing custom solutions is essential.
  • Proficiency in designing and implementing data warehousing solutions using GCP's BigQuery and other related technologies.
  • Extensive experience in building ETL pipelines to extract data from various sources, transform it into a usable format, and load it into data warehouses or other storage solutions is essential.
  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git and experience with DevOps practices for continuous integration, continuous deployment (CI/CD), and automated testing in a cloud environment is required.
  • Strong communication skills and ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams including data scientists, analysts, and business stakeholders is required.
  • Understanding of data modelling techniques including dimensional modelling, normalization, and denormalization is required.
  • Proficiency in using Dataform or similar data orchestration tools is desirable
  • Understanding of cloud infrastructure concepts such as virtual machines, containers, Kubernetes etc is desirable.
  • Knowledge of data governance best practices, data security, and compliance requirements is desirable.
  • Experience leading data engineering projects, mentoring junior team members, and providing technical guidance is desirable.
  • GCP Professional Cloud Data Engineer certification or similar is desirable.

Your Tasks

These are the main tasks:

  • Design, implement and optimize data pipelines on Google Cloud Platform
  • Optimize and maintain a data warehouse in Google BigQuery.
  • Deliver actionable insights to business stakeholders through Looker Studio dashboards and other automated reports.
  • Support the other engineering teams by providing data for downstream consumption in the form of tables, views and table functions.
  • Create and maintain a data catalog for the domain data.
  • Manage access control for various data resources on the cloud platform through access control protocols .
  • Coordinate with the Product Owner, Business stakeholders and other consumers of data to define the requirements and design technical solutions to deliver the same.

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. It sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator for its customers in the digital world. Its over 1,000 MediaMarkt and Saturn stores are closely integrated with their online shops. MediaMarktSaturn has a total headcount of more than 60,000.

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working on making Europe's number one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its sector. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 11 countries.

Technology Hub located in Barcelona, is one of the service units of MediaMarktSaturn Technology to deliver adequate staffing and engineering skills for the agreed deliveries of the global deployment plan for the entire group.

Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model.
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with Segur Caixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer.
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week.
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German. 
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work.
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment. 

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Comercial área service para España, Portugal y PALOPs. - sector industria automotriz

En BESIDE apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Contamos con una unidad de Selección Especializada en perfiles de Ingeniería para incorporarse en la plantilla de nuestros clientes. Trabajamos con un amplio rango de empresas, que nos permitirá encontrarte el puesto que más se ajuste a tus necesidades e intereses profesionales. Te podrás incorporar en las empresas más innovadoras, ofreciéndote proyectos punteros dentro de las ramas de I+D, automoción, pharma, diseño de maquinaria, desarrollo de producto, etc.

Seleccionamos un/a Comercial área service para España, Portugal y PALOPs. - sector industria automotriz para incorporarse en el equipo de uno de nuestros principales clientes, fabricante mundial de sistemas de accionamiento innovadores. Las competencias básicas de la compañía se encuentran en el desarrollo, producción, venta y servicio de motores diésel, de gas y electrificados para uso profesional, que se utilizan, entre otras, en maquinaria de construcción y agrícola, aplicaciones de manejo de materiales, sistemas estacionarios, así como vehículos comerciales y ferroviarios.

La persona seleccionada colaborará en la definición y consecución de los objetivos del plan de negocio del Área Service / After Market, realizará atención directa a clientes en modo presencial y backoffice y se encargará de desplegar las nuevas líneas de producto Service, además de la identificación y consolidación de nuevos canales de suministro.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

  • Colaborar en la expansión del negocio del área Service a nivel de volumen y rentabilidad consolidada.

  • Consecución de los objetivos generales del plan de negocio del Área Service.

  • Atención directa a clientes en modo presencial y backoffice.
  • Despliegue de las nuevas líneas de producto Service.
  • Identificación y consolidación de nuevos canales de suministro.
  • Flexibilidad para viajar por toda la Península Ibérica, posibles zonas de expansión geográfica y a la sede central en Alemania.

Beneficios que tendrás en tu lugar de trabajo:

  • Contratación directa y de carácter indefinido por parte del cliente.
  • Modelo de trabajo: presencial.
  • Ticket restaurant.
  • Precio especial en el seguro de salud completo de Adeslas.
  • Salario según convenio.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Ingeniero/a de taller - sector industria automotriz

En BESIDE apostamos por el mejor talento dentro del sector tecnológico. Contamos con una unidad de Selección Especializada en perfiles de Ingeniería para incorporarse en la plantilla de nuestros clientes. Trabajamos con un amplio rango de empresas, que nos permitirá encontrarte el puesto que más se ajuste a tus necesidades e intereses profesionales. Te podrás incorporar en las empresas más innovadoras, ofreciéndote proyectos punteros dentro de las ramas de I+D, automoción, pharma, diseño de maquinaria, desarrollo de producto, etc.

Seleccionamos un/a Ingeniero/a de taller - sector industria automotriz para incorporarse en el equipo de uno de nuestros principales clientes, fabricante mundial de sistemas de accionamiento innovadores. Las competencias básicas de la compañía se encuentran en el desarrollo, producción, venta y servicio de motores diésel, de gas y electrificados para uso profesional, que se utilizan, entre otras, en maquinaria de construcción y agrícola, aplicaciones de manejo de materiales, sistemas estacionarios, así como vehículos comerciales y ferroviarios.

¿Qué haré? Estas serán tus funciones principales:

En dependencia del Responsable de Service Centrer Madrid, te encargarás de:

  • Dar soporte y preparar las ofertas de reparaciones.
  • Dar presupuestos de reparaciones.
  • Realizar la planificación y seguimiento de los trabajos que son responsabilidad del taller.
  • Gestionar la documentación en materia de Coordinación de Actividades Empresariales.
  • Gestionar de documentación relativa a intervenciones.
  • Garantizar el cumplimiento del plan de mantenimiento anual para las instalaciones.
  • Recoger las incidencias expuestas por el cliente final, y gestión de la actividad del equipo para dar solución a las mismas.
  • Organizar y gestionar el almacén de residuos peligrosos.
  • Gestionar y registrar las salidas de residuos peligrosos.
  • Velar por el cumplimiento de las directrices enmarcadas en el S.I.G.
  • Cumplir la política y el sistema de Compliance. Cumplir con los controles que sean de aplicación a suárea de trabajo y poner en conocimiento cualquier incumplimiento de los mismos.
  • Realizar la formación de Compliance que le sea de aplicación a su puesto de trabajo.
  • Poner en conocimiento de la empresa cualquier situación de conflicto de intereses que pudiera surgir a lo largo de su relación contractual; tanto con otras personas, socios de negocios como con otras partes de interés.

Beneficios que tendrás en tu lugar de trabajo:

  • Contratación directa y de carácter indefinido por parte del cliente.
  • Modelo de trabajo: presencial.
  • Precio especial en el seguro de salud completo de Adeslas.
  • Salario según convenio.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Experienced Data Engineer (m/f/d) - Analytics Data Solutions

Your Profile

Education & Experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field.
  • 3+ years of experience in data engineering or a similar role.

Technical Skills:

  • Proficiency in SQL and experience with cloud-based data warehouses (e.g., Google BigQuery, AWS Redshift, Azure SQL Data Warehouse).
  • Excellent Python skills for data processing and automation tasks.
  • Strong experience with data integration tools and ETL processes.
  • Solid understanding of Data Warehousing best practices.
  • Experience in deploying and managing data infrastructure in the cloud (CI/CD & Terraform).


Soft Skills:

  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to interact with various stakeholders to understand and translate business requirements into technical solutions.
  • Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
  • Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Interest in understanding business needs and contributing to business discussions.


Your Tasks

Within our Analytics domain, you are part of a community of cloud engineers and BI experts. You help to build our cloud-based analytics platform and support the integration and implementation of use cases with our stakeholders.


These are the main tasks

  • Manage the business/semantic layer of our data infrastructure in the cloud.
  • Perform SQL development and deployment tasks to support the central analytics hub.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to ensure the efficient operation of our data infrastructure.
  • Engage with multiple stakeholders to gather requirements for calculating specific fields/KPIs in database tables.
  • Lead and execute end-to-end data projects from data integration, transformation and provisioning.
  • Ensure the quality and reliability of data pipelines and infrastructure.
  • Design and implement robust data integration solutions and ensure data quality standards.

About Us

MediaMarktSaturn Technology is working to make Europe’s number-one consumer electronics retailer the technology leader in its industry. To this end, several hundred developers, UX designers and system architects using state-of-the-art technology work hand in hand with business owners in agile teams to develop customer-focused technology solutions for more than 6 million customers every day in 13 countries.


Additional Benefits

  • Young environment, where not everything is written in stone, and where you are expected to contribute and co-create the culture of the Tech Hub and international collaboration model.
  • You'll have a 10% discount on the entire MediaMarkt website, so you can treat yourself at a lower price whenever you want!
  • On top of your compensation package, you can request Flexible Pay “MediaFlex program” (a.e. Ticket Restaurant, Private Health Insurance with Segur Caixa Adeslas, …)
  • Flexible working time and possibility to combine home office  / presential working. Intensive workday every Friday and during summer.
  • The possibility to choose between 2 offices: The first one is the MediaMarkt Iberia HQ with a very attractive menu at a price. You'll eat for less than €4! And the second office is located at Pier01, in Barceloneta, right in the center of Barcelona. Free coffee and free fruit once a week.
  • If you need a VISA, don't worry, we'll assist you with the visa process and accompany you throughout the entire process!
  • There is a training budget so you can continue developing the skills you need most to keep growing professionally and personally!
  • We offer language classes: English, Spanish, and German. 
  • On your birthday, you won't work! It's a day for you to enjoy without thinking about work.
  • You'll be working with the most cutting-edge technological stack of the moment. 

Job Infos

?Location: Barcelona, El Prat De Llobregat

Media Markt Saturn Th Services Barcelona

Department: HQ - IT

Entrylevel: Professional Level

Type of Employement: Full Time

Working Hours: 40

Persona: Job Requisition Tech Employee

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Recruiter: Joaquin Pardo Muro 

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Software developer .NET with fluent enligsh | Barcelona
  • Saas Company|located in Barcelona

International IT consultancy and Saas company, specializing in advanced technologies like company portals, mobile apps, and software development. Boasting a global team of proficient software developers, UX/UI designers, and product managers, they excel in delivering superior digital solutions across diverse industries. With offices in Germany, Spain, and India.

? Design and develop high-quality applications using C#, .NET among other tecnologies.

? Collaborate with the design team to define requirements and ensure the best user experience.

? Manage the entire development lifecycle, from conceptualization to implementation and maintenance.

? Define tasks and time estimates, ensuring the delivery of projects within established deadlines.

? Stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in application development.

- Salary range 30-50K. Según valia.

- Health and dental insurance (Adeslas).

- Flexible retribution (Sodexo).

- 23 days of holidays. 24 after the first year at the company.

- Hybrid model: 3 days at the office and 2 WFH.

- August remote.

- Half day off on your birthday.

- Training budget.

- Multiple team buildings and activities.

- Modern offices in the center of Barcelona (near Hospital Clinic)

Process:- First interview with HR in English.

- Technical interview.

- Final interview with management

Jornada sin especificar
Contrato sin especificar
30.000€ - 50.000€ bruto/año