Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(368)
Ciudad Real(79)
Illes Balears(692)
La Rioja(198)
Las Palmas(376)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(203)
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Administración empresas(1.893)
Administración Pública(3)
Atención a clientes(784)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.420)
Comercial y ventas(2.556)
Compras, logística y almacén(1.676)
Diseño y artes gráficas(149)
Educación y formación(73)
Finanzas y banca(100)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(1.236)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.741)
Inmobiliario y construcción(696)
Marketing y comunicación(616)
Otras actividades(1.524)
Profesiones y oficios(1.254)
Recursos humanos(543)
Sanidad y salud(1.058)
Sector Farmacéutico(179)
Turismo y restauración(888)
Ventas al detalle(56)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(170)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(142)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(2.635)
Enseñanzas artísticas (regladas)(1)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(5)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(789)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(669)
Ingeniero Superior(226)
Ingeniero Técnico(62)
Otros cursos y formación no reglada(19)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(101)
Sin especificar(14.710)
Sin estudios(703)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(211)
Intensiva - Mañana(160)
Intensiva - Noche(16)
Intensiva - Tarde(45)
Parcial - Indiferente(2.232)
Parcial - Mañana(135)
Parcial - Noche(66)
Parcial - Tarde(83)
Sin especificar(5.893)
Tipo de contrato:
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De duración determinada(2.701)
De relevo(7)
Fijo discontinuo(342)
Otros contratos(5.068)
Sin especificar(3.917)
Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de red disruptive

6 ofertas de trabajo de red disruptive

Junior Systems Engineer - 6GEN-ORAN

Recently the i2CAT Foundation has won the 6GEN-ORAN project from the call for the UNICO R&D program, specifically from the experimental infrastructures and scientific-technical equipment sub-programme, funded by the "Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital".

i2CAT is looking for a Junior Systems Engineer to join the Research Infrastructures team within the Operations & Digital Transformation area at i2CAT, working in close cooperation with the following research areas:

  • Mobile Wireless Internet (Software Defined Wireless Networks research line)
  • AI-Driven Systems
  • Software Networks

The successful candidate will participate in the design and implementation of the 6GEN-ORAN facilities of i2CAT. 6GEN-ORAN is a key experimental infrastructure for research and development in open radio access networks and disruptive wireless technologies, including: RAN (Radio Access Network) virtualisation, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS), AI-enabled RAN control/management applications and open RAN interoperability.

In particular, the main tasks and responsibilities of the candidate will be:

  • Deployment, commissioning, and testing of sensors and network infrastructure elements for V2X communications.
  • Implementation and testing of connected autonomous vehicles prototypes based on ROS and open-source frameworks for autonomous driving.
  • Deployment, demonstration, and performance evaluation of advanced CAM use cases on real mobility scenarios.
  • Participate in the dissemination activities of 6GEN-ORAN, contributing to the elaboration of technical papers to be submitted to conferences and journals

Funded contract by the 6GEN-ORAN project: 6G experimental infrastructure for next generation open radio access networks (TSI-064100-2023-15) funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and co-financed with European funds from the Recovery Mechanism and Resilience (MRR) within the UNICO R&D 5G-6G 2023 call for aid: Program for Universalization of Digital Infrastructures for Cohesion (Research infrastructures, technical scientific equipment and R&D Projects in Advanced 5G).

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We only ask for one day in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy.
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance.
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August.
  • Fix + variable salary based on objectives.
  • You decide wether you preferr to receive your salary in 12 or 14 payments.
  • Optional benefits: Configure your salary according to your needs. We offer you the option of restaurant vouchers, public transport vouchers, nursery services, and medical insurance.
  • Annual leave of 27 working days.
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Free coffee and tea.
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person).
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support.
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development.

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office one day per week to stay connected with your team and to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
21.000€ - 27.000€ bruto/año
Project Manager Junior - Challenge Govtech

La Fundació i2CAT està cercant un Project Manager Junior per a incorporar-se a l'equip DIMO (Digital Innovation Management Office). De forma genèrica, les funcions principals que es realitzen a l'Àrea DIMO són:

  • Gestió de projectes tecnològics: Planificar, coordinar i supervisar tot el cicle d'un projecte amb la finalitat de garantir el correcte desenvolupament del mateix (projectes nacionals, internacionals, sector públic i privat).
  • Disseny de solucions: Definir l'arquitectura tecnològica necessària en la preparació d'ofertes, col- laborant amb l'equip de Desenvolupament de Negoci.
  • Execució d'activitats: Investigar sobre solucions, generar informes, comparatives de mercat, etc.
  • Gestió de partners i comunitats: Gestió de diferents ecosistemes digitals catalans en entorns de noves tecnologies d'àmbit multi-sectorial, amb activitats de creació, dinamització, coordinació, esdeveniments, etc.
  • Col- laboració amb altres Àrees i2CAT (Desenvolupament de Negoci, Recerca, Administració, EU Policy, Tech Transfer, Comunicació, etc.).
  • Gestió de noves oportunitats de projectes i ofertes d'innovació.

Concretament des de l'àrea de Digital Innovation Management Office estem cercant un/a Project Manager amb un mínim de 2 anys d'experiència en l'àmbit de la consultoria estratègica tecnològica i/o en la gestió de comunitats TIC.

El/la candidat/a treballarà en el marc de la iniciativa estratègica "Espai d'Innovació i transformació digital de l'administració" de la Generalitat de Catalunya, i específicament en el projecte "Concurs de Reptes amb l'Administració Pública" que preten impulsar l'adopció de tecnologies disruptives de forma coordinada entre la recerca, l'empresa, l'administració pública i la societat catalana.

Les tasques principals del/la candidat/a seran:

  • Donar suport en la definició de l’abast del projecte amb l’administració pública.
  • Elaborar les bases legals del concurs d’innovació, amb el recolzament dels representants legals de la Fundació i2CAT.
  • Organitzar i executar tallers de co-creació de reptes en col·laboració amb al departament de DST (Digital Social Technologies).
  • Cercar i contactar l’ecosistema d'empreses TIC catalanes amb potencials solucions adaptades als reptes detectats durant els tallers de co-creació.
  • Gestionar el procés d’acompanyament, resolució de dubtes tècnics i inscripcions de les empreses que s’inscriguin al concurs.
  • Analitzar les solucions proposades per les empreses TIC catalanes per validar que s’adeqüen a les necessitats de l’administració pública.
  • Organitzar les jornades de difusió i gala final en col·laboració amb el departament de Comunicació de la Fundació i2CAT.
  • Realitzar reunions de seguiment periòdiques amb l'administració pública per reportar l'avenç del projecte.
  • Elaboració de documentació del projecte.
  • Detectar, contactar i Incrementar el nombre d'inscrits
  • Donar suport en la cerca de partners de comunicació

Què esperem de la persona seleccionada?

  • En 1 mes: Aprenentatge de l'operativa de projectes de tipus Challenge, del marc legal associat a la seva contractació i coneixement dels interlocutors principals de l'AAPP i de l'ecosistema d'innovació amb els que es treballa per la recerca de solucions.
  • Als 3 mesos: Involucració en totes les activitats d'organització i execució del Challenge a nivell operatiu, amb supervisió estreta per part del seu responsable.
  • Als 12 mesos: Control de les activitats associades al Challenge i capacitat per treballar en l'operativa de nous challenges de manera independent, amb poca supervisió del seu responsable. Identificació de riscos i desviacions que puguin afectar a la consecució dels objectius del projecte.

Qui som?

La Fundació i2CAT és un centre de recerca i innovació, que impulsa activitats de R+D+i en l'àmbit d'arquitectures, aplicacions i serveis de la Internet avançada. El centre aposta per un nou model d'innovació basat en la col·laboració entre les empreses, les administracions públiques,el món acadèmic i els usuaris. En col·laboració amb aquests socis, les nostres unitats de recerca i innovació volen produir tecnologies isolucions amb l'objectiu de convertir Catalunya en una regió intel·ligent líder i global en una Europa intel·ligent, amb una economia de valor afegit pròspera i una societat innovadora.

i2CAT és una organització dinàmica que té una àmplia experiència en la realització de projectes de recerca i innovació a nivell nacional i internacional, liderant línies d'investigació en arquitectures de xarxes fixes i mòbils, el 5G, les xarxes de sensors sense fils i tecnologies multimèdia basades en contingut, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar nous productes, serveis i aplicacions en els camps de la eHealth, SmartCities & Smart Regions, Industria 4.0 i Societat Digital.

Vols saber-ne més? Visita la nostra web ! (http://www.i2cat.net/)

Què t'oferim?

  • Podràs treballar des de les nostres oficines o des de casa, el que prefereixis. Només et demanem un dia presencial a l'oficina per coordinar-te amb la resta de l'equip.
  • Contracte a temps complet.
  • Disposem d'un horari flexible per promoure la conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar
  • Jornada reduïda tots els divendres + els mesos de juliol i agost.
  • Salari fix + variable per objectius.
  • Tu decideixes si vols cobrar en 12 o 14 pagues.
  • Sistema de retribució flexible: Configura el teu salari segons les teves necessitats. T'oferim l'opció de tiquet restaurant, tiquet transport, suport al servei de guarderia i assegurança mèdica.
  • 27 dies laborables de vacances a l'any.
  • Tenim fruita a l'oficina per promoure un estil de vida saludable.
  • Cafè i te gratuït.
  • Si t'interessa, pots participar en esdeveniments del sector.
  • T'entregarem un ordinador portàtil. Pots triar el teu sistema operatiu, Mac, Linux o Windows.
  • Esdeveniments socials per a potenciar i fomentar el treball en equip.
  • Et donarem el suport per a desenvolupar la teva pròpia carrera formativa.
  • Treballarem contínuament perquè tinguis un pla de carrera i així impulsar el teu creixement i desenvolupament professional.

On ho faràs?

A i2CAT ja fa temps que tenim una política de teletreball establerta. Podràs treballar des de casa o des de l'oficina, el que s'ajusti millor a les teves necessitats. Només et demanem que assisteixis un dia a la setmana a l'oficina per mantenir-te connectat amb l'equip.

Si decideixes venir a l'oficina, estem ubicats a Zona Universitària, al costat del Campus Nord de la UPC, dins d'un entorn multidisciplinari i multicultural. És una zona molt ben comunicada (metro, tram, bus) amb bars i restaurants al voltant.

Les nostres oficines estan dissenyades amb un concepte open-office on tot és llum i transparència (no tenim sales opaques). Disposem d'espais de treball diversos perquè no hagis d'estar tot el dia en la mateixa taula.

i2CAT és una organització compromesa amb la igualtat d’oportunitats. És per això que cerquem augmentar el nombre de dones en aquelles àrees on estan subrepresentades i, per tant, animem explícitament al col·lectiu de dones a inscriure’s.

i2CAT també és compromesa amb la diversitat i cerquem augmentar el nombre de persones amb diversitat funcional dins la nostra plantilla.

Si el que has llegit et sona bé.... ¡fem un cafè i t’expliquem més!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Web Software Developer

i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona) is opening a position to advance in the research and innovation field of real-time distributed video services, involving immersive media formats like volumetric video.

The candidate will join the Media & Internet Area (MIA) of i2CAT, which is composed of over 14 experienced researchers and engineers in the fields of distributed and6 interactive multimedia systems and media processing, and is involved in relevant R&DI projects with the European and national ecosystems, in close collaboration with key players from academia and industry.

This area is seeking a highly motivated and talented Web Software Developer to join our development team. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in Web development and, additionally experience in interactive 3D environments, computer graphics and integration with networking systems.

The candidate will be in charge of maintaining, extending and evolving the web applications and interfaces related to a set of web portals and players, including services like holo-portation, 3D environments and 360º video.

Moreover, the candidate will be involved in cutting-edge research, innovation and development tasks. All these expected R&I&D activities will lead to innovative and disruptive outcomes (software, proof-of-concepts, and potentially contribution to standards and patents) in the fields of interactive and immersive media, collaborating hand-in-hand with experts in the media and networks domains under the umbrella of competitive national and international projects (Horizon Europe, European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, SNS JU), including the collaboration with highly relevant international partners from academia and industry.

The responsabilities of the successful candidate are those aligned with the job description, with special emphasis on evolving web-based players for 360º video and for interactive consumption of XR content, including holo-portation and holographic communication services.

These outcomes are expected as well to contribute to career development opportunities (self and of supervised of highly skilled personnel).

The ideal candidate must have proven track record of:

  • Advanced knowledge in web languages (HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3...), and frameworks (Node.js, Angular....)
  • Proven knowledge and expertise in XR libraries (WebXR, three.js...)
  • Good Knowledge of databases and session management tools
  • Experience in using REST APIs and WebSocket.
  • Software and architecture design skills
  • Experience with agile development and scrum methodology
  • Teamwork and interpersonal skills
  • Communication skills
  • Experience in Android or Standalone platforms.
  • Knowledge of C++ is a plus
  • Knowledge of Unity is a plus
  • Experience with Linux and Docker will be considered an advantage

The ideal candidate should be:

  • Professional, passionate and proactive
  • Detail-oriented and committed to maintaining high-quality and efficient work
  • Capable of providing and receiving constructive feedback
  • Adaptable to fast-changing situations
  • Capable of quickly understanding existing code
  • Creativity

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We ask for two days in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August
  • Fix + variable salary
  • Optional benefits: Travel pass, restaurant vouchers, nursery services support, medical insurance
  • Annual leave of 27 working days
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person)
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office two days per week: one to stay connected with your team and another one to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Research Scientist in System Security

The Cyber Security area is dedicated to real world problems and generates knowledge and assets for societal cyber growth and awareness. The activities are focused on Cyber-Threat Management and Response, Risk Assessment and Management, and User-Centric Security practices and tools, in order to add value and to offer new tools and technologies to promote the adoption of and the development of Cyber Security tools.

Our team is a relevant player in the European research ecosystem and participates as partners or subcontractors in other R&D projects. The department also offers professional services to relevant industry. The department is also responsible for the innovation office of the Catalan Cybersecurity Agency. The Cyber Security area is seeking a Senior Cyber Security Research Engineer for R&D projects in the Cyber Security sector to work on the design, planning and execution of R + I + D activities.

One topic of investigation is the security of virtualization and operating system architectures for the next generation of software networks. The department aims to investigate the design of such architectures, their contribution to the security, the trustworthiness and the privacy in distributed environments, while also investigating their structural weaknesses.

As part of the regular work, the researcher is expected to:

  • Participate in technological developments in this area.
  • Define technological requirements of the projects and test bed infrastructure to be developed.
  • Build proofs of concept (prototypes) based on disruptive ideas and technologies
  • Participate in the drafting of technical documentation associated with the projects.
  • Generate patent ideas and results and that lead to scientific publications,
  • If applicable, supervise research internships and PhD candidates.

The candidate will report directly to the area director and will have the capabilities to lead and manage particular technical aspects within either European or national projects to ensure their successful fulfillment.

Who we are:

The i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation center that promotes mission-driven R&D activities on advanced Internet architectures, applications, and services. More than 15 years of international research define our expertise in the fields of 5G, IoT, VR, and Immersive Technologies, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, AI, and Digital Social Innovation. The center partners with companies, public administration, academia, and end-users to leverage this knowledge in order to meet real social and business challenges.

The greatest value of i2CAT is the talent of the people who make up our human team. We enjoy a team of people from more than 13 different nationalities and work every day to create and foster a work environment where we all feel comfortable creating, innovating and growing.

Want to know more? Visit our webpage! www.i2cat.net

What will you enjoy?

  • Work from our offices or from home, whichever works best for you. We ask for two days in person at the office to coordinate with the rest of the team.
  • This is a full-time vacancy
  • We have a flexible work schedule respecting your work-life balance
  • Reduced working hours on Fridays and in July and August
  • Fix + variable salary
  • Optional benefits: Travel pass, restaurant vouchers, nursery services support, medical insurance
  • Annual leave of 27 working days
  • We have fruit in the office to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • If you are interested, you can participate in events of your sector.
  • You will work with a laptop. You can choose your operative system, Mac, Linux or Windows.
  • Company social and team-building events (virtual & in-person)
  • You can develop your own and personal training programme with our support
  • We will work so that you have a career plan to promote your growth and development

Where will you do it?

At i2CAT we already have an established ‘work-from-home’ policy for some time. You can work from home or from the office, whichever suits you best. We expect that you attend the office two days per week: one to stay connected with your team and another one to engage with other colleagues

If you decide to come to the office, we are located in Zona Universitària, next to the Campus Nord of the UPC, within a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment. It is a very well-connected area (metro, tram, bus) with bars and restaurants around.

Our offices are designed with an open-office concept where everything is light and transparency. We have a variety of workspaces so that you don't have to be at the same table all day.

i2CAT is an organization committed to equal opportunities. That is why we seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

I2CAT is an organization committed to creating an environment where we celebrate diversity, and where we provide the dedicated support that our employees need, regardless of their disability.

If what you have read sounds good to you... let’s have a coffee and we will tell you more!

In case you liked it, but it is not your job offer, you may know someone else who fits perfectly and whom you would like to recommend!

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Somos una empresa joven y dinámica, con un concepto inmobiliario disruptivo, junto a la marca Leading Real Estate, formamos la Red inmobiliaria más grande a nivel mundial. Contamos con dos oficinas físicas, una en el centro de Palma y la otra en el corazón de Mahón.Si te apasiona el mundo inmobiliario y te gustaría tener una carrera de éxito en este sector?¡Con RED lo puedes lograr!Valoramos tu experiencia en el sector inmobiliario, sin embargo estamos abiertos a profesionales de otras áreas, con un perfil muy comercial.Te ofrecemos:- Formación inicial y continuada, en todo lo relacionado a la captación, alquiler y venta de inmuebles.- Coaching, para ayudarte a acelerar tu producción.- Una infraestructura física con 600 metros cuadrados y modernasinstalaciones ubicada en pleno centro de Palma, donde podrás trabajar de forma dinámica y en equipo.- Novedosas herramientas de marketing y el mejor CRM inmobiliario, que facilitarán tu labor como agente.- Altos honorarios (hasta un 90%).Además te ofrecemos AYUDA PARA GASTOS + BONUS POR CAPTACIÓN.
Jornada indiferente
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
¿Te apasiona el mundo inmobiliario y te gustaría tener una carrera de éxito en este sector?¡Con RED lo puedes lograr!Somos una empresa joven y dinámica, con un concepto inmobiliario disruptivo, junto a la marca Leading Real Estate, formamos la Red inmobiliaria más grande a nivel mundial. Contamos con dos oficinas físicas, una en el centro de Palma y la otra en el corazón de Mahón.Buscamos comerciales inmobiliarios autónomos, personas emprendedoras, ambiciosas y honestas, que deseen salir de los limites, dentro de un equipo altamente productivo y con pasión por el éxito. Valoramos tu experiencia en el sector inmobiliario, sin embargo estamos abiertos a profesionales de otras áreas, con un perfil muy comercial. Te ofrecemos:* Formación inicial y continuada, en todo lo relacionado a la captación, alquiler y venta de inmuebles. * Coaching, para ayudarte a acelerar tu producción.* Una infraestructura física con 600 metros cuadrados y modernas instalaciones ubicada en pleno centro de Palma, donde podrás trabajar de forma dinámica y en equipo. * Novedosas herramientas de marketing y el mejor CRM inmobiliario, que facilitarán tu labor como agente.* Altos honorarios (hasta un 90%).Además te ofrecemos AYUDA PARA GASTOS + BONUS POR CAPTACIÓN.
Jornada indiferente
Contrato autónomo
Salario sin especificar