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Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(205)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(3.578)
Enseñanzas artísticas (regladas)(4)
Enseñanzas deportivas (regladas)(4)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(989)
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Otros cursos y formación no reglada(64)
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Ver ofertas empleo

Ofertas de empleo de Majestic Resorts

7 ofertas de trabajo de Majestic Resorts

Majestic Resorts es una marca de hoteles de alta gama, con un servicio excepcional todo incluido, en el Caribe.

Operamos en distintos destinos como República Dominicana, México y España. Por esta razón, convivimos personas de diferentes nacionalidades, razas, culturas y creencias. Apostamos por el talento y lo reconocemos en la persona

En Majestic Resorts promovemos el desarrollo profesional y personal de todas las personas que forman parte. Tenemos programas dirigidos a todos nuestros colaboradores que posibilitan la formación y la mejora continua, y facilitamos el desarrollo de carrera y la promoción interna, en cualquier área de negocio.

Buscamos la excelencia en lo que hacemos, para ofrecer un servicio excepcional a nuestros huéspedes y crear valor en sus vidas. Estamos comprometidos con nuestra labor diaria, trabajando en equipo, con constancia, respeto y humildad.

En Majestic Resorts el talento humano ha sido siempre la clave de nuestro éxito. Te ofrecemos un excelente ambiente de trabajo donde poder desarrollar todas tus capacidades para crecer juntos profesional y personalmente. Majestic Resorts garantiza la igualdad de trato y oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres en sus procesos de selección y apuesta por un equipo comprometido, motivador y lleno de entusiasmo. Majestic Resorts es una marca de hoteles de alta gama con un servicio excepcional todo incluido.

Estamos buscando Asistente de Club con la misión de ser asistir al gerente del área en el buen funcionamiento de todas las operaciones relacionadas con el Club para ofrecer un servicio Majestic a los huéspedes, tomando en cuenta los diferentes subdepartamentos (concierges, mayordomos y pool concierges).


  • BIENVENIDA. Dar la bienvenida a huéspedes VIP y/o con necesidades especiales, atenderlos durante su estancia.
  • SEGUIMIENTO de solicitudes y amenidades de huéspedes alojados en la sección Club, para resolución directa.
  • INFORMACIÓN. Estar constantemente informado de todos los eventos en el hotel, así como las incidencias de los huéspedes en casa.
  • SUPERVISIÓN. Colaborar con el gerente en la gestión del personal bajo su cargo en el cumplimiento de las tareas asignadas, control de presencia y ausencias, así como la gestión disciplinaria del departamento.
  • Sustituir al gerente en caso de ausencia.
  • Entre otras funciones.
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Web Coordinator / Editor (Miami)
Majestic Resorts
Sin especificar
Hace 4d

At Majestic Resorts, human talent has always been the key to our success. We offer you an excellent work environment where you can develop all your abilities to grow together professionally and personally. Majestic Resorts guarantees equal treatment and opportunities between men and women in its selection processes and is committed to a committed, motivating and enthusiastic team.

Majestic Resorts is a hotel brand with exceptional all-inclusive service. We are looking for a Web Coordinator / Editor to support the Brand Marketing team by maintaining and enhancing our web presence. This position is remote, located in the United States.

The Web Coordinator will be responsible for the day-to-day management and optimization of our website and web app. This role involves coordinating content updates, ensuring website and web app functionality, implementing SEO strategies, editing and writing web content, and collaborating with various departments to align website and web app content with the company's goals. The ideal candidate will have a keen eye for detail, a strong understanding of web technologies, and excellent project management skills.


  • Website Management: Oversee the daily operations of the company website and web app, ensuring content is accurate, current, and aligned with brand standards.
  • Content Coordination: Collaborate with the rest of the Content Team to gather and update website content, including text, images, videos, new pages, and other multimedia elements.
  • SEO Implementation: Understand and implement SEO needs in collaboration with the team in order to optimize website content for search engines to improve organic search rankings and drive traffic.
  • Product Positioning: Implement optimal product positioning on the website and web app so users can clearly recognize the product that will best match their needs.
  • User Experience (UX): Assist the Design team to implement website and web app usability improvements and ensure a seamless and engaging experience for users.
  • Technical Coordination: Liaise with IT and our website agency to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues, ensuring website functionality and performance. · Analytics Reading: Collaborate with the Digital Marketing Analyst to check website analytics regularly and implement actions to inform improvements and strategy.
  • Compliance and Security: Stay updated on the latest legal, privacy, and security standards, including GDPR and other relevant regulations, and collaborate with the team to ensure the website and web app are compliant.
  • Project Management: Manage web-related projects, including site redesigns, new feature implementations, content updates, and content migrations, from conception to completion, including monthly reporting of all web update requests. · Training and Support: Provide training and support to team members on web-related tools, online chat, web app updates, and best practices.
  • New Technology: Stay updated on industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies. Conduct research and provide recommendations for incorporating innovative techniques and tools into projects
  • Own projects through completion and continually maintain responsibility to complete work in a timely manner.
  • Take constructive criticism and apply to all work that follows.
  • Practice clear and constructive communication
  • Provide mentorship to other team members
  • Additional job-related responsibilities
Jornada sin especificar
Contrato autónomo
Salario sin especificar
Marketing Automation & UX Manager (Philadelphia)

At Majestic Resorts, human talent has always been the key to our success. We offer you an excellent work environment where you can develop all your abilities to grow together professionally and personally. Majestic Resorts guarantees equal treatment and opportunities between men and women in its selection processes and is committed to a committed, motivating and enthusiastic team.

Majestic Resorts is a hotel brand with exceptional all-inclusive service. We are looking for a Marketing Automation & UX Manager, will lead customer engagement and direct revenue growth for the company by creating, executing, and analyzing customer-facing email marketing communications and nurture campaigns, digital marketing campaigns, and landing pages to improve fundamental metrics, including conversion.
Equally, this position will establish user experience design processes for the company to ensure that experiences are intuitive and user-friendly, meet the needs of the target audience, and maintain consistency in digital brand application.
The accountability to support the implementation, in partnership with IT, of software that automizes the collection, organization, and utilization of customer data is also key. This position is remote, located in the United States.


  • Manage the end-to-end process of email marketing campaigns, including but not limited to creating and managing distribution lists, designing and updating email templates, QA of emails and processes for quality assurance, ensuring accurate attribution, tracking, and reporting, and scheduling campaigns for distribution
  • Collaborate with Brand Marketing and Sales to establish a campaign calendar to keep potential customers engaged with the latest news, promotions, and/or other relevant information or updates
  • Continuous optimization of email marketing campaigns by creative, frequency, and segmentation
  • Learn to create marketing automation workflows with the Director of Customer Growth & Retention
  • Manage the design strategy with digital marketing agencies to provide creatives and launch digital marketing campaigns on time, optimizing creatives as needed
  • Establish a digital style guide and continually push for the consistent implementation of visual brand consistency in all digital channels
  • Analyze campaign metrics and support monthly reporting by providing creative examples
  • Establish a regular A/B testing process to define and execute enhancements to creative, conversion rates, campaign ROI, optimized timing, and overall direct sales growth
  • Assist in building an integrated automation infrastructure to drive optimal campaign performance and help support the strategic goals of the overall direct business around driving measurable increases in the guest repeat stay rate
  • Day-to-day maintenance of the current marketing automation platform (Mailchimp)
  • Personalize customer lifecycle campaigns to target new, past, frequent, and infrequent customers with ongoing drip/nurture campaigns both from a pre- and post-stay engagement perspective
  • Build efficiencies in the collection and organization of behavioral data, customer data, and feedback, allowing for optimized use of the data to eventually onboard a future marketing automation software solution
  • Manage marketing automation efforts and processes, proactively researching and implementing the latest best practices, strategies, and industry standards to consistently look for ways to improve current and future automation workflows
  • Support marketing automation integration with future CRM and assist in the integration of additional platforms as needed
  • Balancing the growth of direct sales with existing, and valued, sales relationships with OTA’s and travel partners
  • Connect the company’s brand identity with the desired user experience by building user journeys and personas
  • Delegate and manage all digital campaign and UX deliverables, ensuring deadlines are met
  • Set and maintain workflows, evaluate what is and is not working, and document the campaign and UX design process to align the team in Marketing Automation and UX projects
  • Explore the website(s) and/or web apps to search for usability problems and identify areas to improve
  • Research and provide recommendations for incorporating innovative techniques and tools, always considering ROI
  • Work with Brand and Customer Growth & Retention leadership to allocate and budget for the resources necessary for marketing automation and UX growth
  • Lead and mentor direct reports and fellow team members, helping individuals improve by providing feedback on their work
  • Manage the interview and hiring process for roles supporting Marketing Automation and UX
  • Learn the product to better align customers who are the right fit
  • Possess a transformation-first mentality to lead organizational change
  • Stay up to date on industry trends and emerging technologies including 1st party data requirements
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Asistente de Animación (Cancún)

En Majestic Resorts el talento humano ha sido siempre la clave de nuestro éxito. Te ofrecemos un excelente ambiente de trabajo donde poder desarrollar todas tus capacidades para crecer juntos profesional y personalmente.

Majestic Resorts garantiza la igualdad de trato y oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres en sus procesos de selección y apuesta por un equipo comprometido, motivador y lleno de entusiasmo.
Majestic Resorts es una marca de hoteles de alta gama con un servicio excepcional todo incluido.

Estamos buscando un Asistente de Animación para nuestro hotel Majestic Elegance Costa Mujeres (MX), con la misión de asistir al Gerente de Animación en sus funciones administrativas, así como apoyar en la operación cuando se requiera.


- Realizar los procesos administrativos del área como listas de asistencia, llevar el orden de los formatos administrativos, manejar el staffing guide, roles de trabajo, manejo de inventarios, compras, requisisiones y órdenes de trabajo.
- Asistir en la realización del programa de eventos y actividades de animación (deportivas, recreativas y artísticas).
- Brindar al equipo de trabajo las herramientas necesarias para realizar sus funciones.
- Coordinar los eventos especiales que involucren a otros departamentos.
- Realizar el programa de mantenimiento preventivo de los equipos, así como agendar los mantenimientos correctivos necesarios.
- Realizar los reportes solicitados por el Gerente de Animación y Dirección.
- Participar en los proyectos en los que sea requerido por el Jefe Directo o superiores (Capacitaciones, Certificaciones, Programas Institucionales).

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar

Estamos en la busqueda de incorporar un IT Operations Manager con experiencia en administración de sistemas, comunicaciones, cloud y Ciberseguridad.

Esta posición liderará la gestión del equipo local y en los destinos de Cancún, (MX) y Punta Cana (RD), que gestionan la operación de la infraestructura de sistemas a nivel corporativo y la operación del hotel technology en destino. Las principales áreas de gestión consistirán en la gestión de las comunicaciones entre las bases de los hoteles, el corporativo y las conexiones con CPD y Cloud Públicos, así como los servicios SaaS. Responsable de la ciberseguridad y de la operación de infraestructura.


- Gestión global de proyectos TI en el ámbito de infraestructura y operación de la tecnología desplegada

- Configuración, puesta en marcha y administración de la plataforma tecnológica.

- Establecimiento de políticas de seguridad, implementación de un NOC y un SOC en base a tecnologías de seguridad establecidas.

- Monitorización y control de los servicios e infraestructuras desplegadas.

- Soporte Técnico de Nivel 2 equipos de TI (hardware y software), administración de telecomunicaciones y datos, etc.)

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Marketing Account Manager (Philadelphia)

At Majestic Resorts, human talent has always been the key to our success. We offer you an excellent work environment where you can develop all your abilities to grow together professionally and personally. Majestic Resorts guarantees equal treatment and opportunities between men and women in its selection processes and is committed to a committed, motivating and enthusiastic team.

Majestic Resorts is a hotel brand with exceptional all-inclusive service. We are looking for a Marketing Account Manager will be a key point of contact when establishing media plans with strategic partnerships and is responsible for managing marketing campaigns and strategies accordingly to grow together in opportunities to promote new business for Majestic Resorts.This position is remote, located in the United States.

This role will develop B2B marketing tactics in the U.S. and Canadian markets by executing multiple marketing functions, including design, and delegating to other copywriters, designers, and marketing specialists when support is needed.
It’s essential for this position to establish efficiencies to improve communications and workflows with our travel partners. The aptitude to collaborate cross-department is vital to success in this role.


  • Actively support the media buy schedules for suppliers in the trade industry, including managing any communications and deadlines accordingly. Manage up any missing deadlines or information required to complete tasks.
  • Build and manage an annual marketing tactics calendar to clearly outline the deliverables required for contracted strategic partnerships.
  • Deploy monthly emails that not only focus on advertising client special offers, but also general knowledge, sales tips, and specific product information updates.
  • Establish impactful representation of our brand at events and tradeshows through exhibit and swag design.
  • Planning and execution of external communications regularly to travel advisors to promote and sell our resorts, both through email and social media channels.
  • Work with BDM’s to establish regular updates to travel advisor databases.
  • Manage and update all trade marketing pieces, including ads, brochures, and flyers to ensure that the Sales team is consistently working with relevant pieces.
  • Research, plan and execute future improvements to B2B channels including but not limited to social media and websites.
  • Revise annually established marketing presentations in English and Spanish, and develop a roadmap for potential presentations required to better sell the product.
  • Ability to manage, and also execute, both digital and print design projects.
  • Adapt campaigns, communications, and product messaging for B2B audiences, but also consider clientfriendliness for travel advisors to easily share with mutual guests.
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively design for various applications including brand identity, print ads for sales, exhibit and tradeshow events, promotional products, email and digital marketing campaigns, and website design.
  • Lead by example, continually learning new skills and stay on top of trends as design and marketing evolves.
  • Learn the product in order to position KSP’s to travel advisors.
  • Assist in coordinating work schedules with the other managers, to optimize productivity and meet project deadlines.
  • Collaborate with designers to develop and refine design concepts, graphics, and layouts. Provide feedback, guidance, and support to ensure designs align with brand guidelines and meet objectives.
  • Conduct thorough reviews of design deliverables to ensure accuracy, consistency, and adherence to design
  • Foster effective communication and collaboration
  • Offer constructive feedback and implement revisions as needed to maintain high-quality output
  • Stay updated on industry trends, design best practices, and emerging technologies. Conduct research and provide recommendations for incorporating innovative design techniques and tools into projects.
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Recepcionista (Cancún)

En Majestic Resorts el talento humano ha sido siempre la clave de nuestro éxito. Te ofrecemos un excelente ambiente de trabajo donde poder desarrollar todas tus capacidades para crecer juntos profesional y personalmente.

Majestic Resorts garantiza la igualdad de trato y oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres en sus procesos de selección y apuesta por un equipo comprometido, motivador y lleno de entusiasmo.

Para ello solicitamos: Recepcionista

Como Recepcionista tendrás la oportunidad de brindar atención a nuestros huéspedes, apoyarlos con su registro al hotel y ser el primer contacto para proporcionarles una experiencia única dentro de nuestro hotel.

Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar