Anunciado 16 de mayo
Tipo de jornada
Tipo de contrato
30.000€ - 33.000€ bruto/año
Estudios mínimos
Sin especificar
Sin determinar
Número de vacantes
Descripción del empleo

- Lead the final steps of the design and development process of a medical device for breast cancer detection. Observe the device being used in a real setting (clinical trials and post-market), and come up with future implementations to mitigate risks and improve experience.
- Lead, together with the company¿s management team (CEO, COO, CSO), the technical strategy and roadmap for product development, ensuring alignment with company goals and objectives.
- Lead improvements in AI algorithms based on processing and data analysis of clinical examinations gathered with the device.
- Lead troubleshooting efforts and provide technical expertise to resolve complex issues encountered during development.
- Drive innovation and optimization of the diagnostics device technology, leveraging the latest advancements in engineering, biology, and materials science, as well as clinical data for the improvement of AI software diagnostic tools.
Collaborate with subcontractors and manufacturing partners to set up production lines for the manufacturing of the diagnostic device, ensuring adequate knowledge transfer from the design and development process.
- Define production procedures, protocols, and standards to ensure consistent and efficient manufacturing processes. Define required in-process and end-process controls that will be required to ensure product quality.
-Work closely with the Sales department to manage production rounds, ensure stock availability, and manage production resources to meet client yearly supply requirements.
- Work closely with regulatory affairs to prepare and submit documentation for regulatory approvals and compliance.
- Ensure that all technical aspects of the diagnostic device development adhere to quality standards, regulatory requirements, and industry best practices.
- Address customer complaints and feedback regarding product performance, functionality, or usability, and work collaboratively with cross-functional teams to implement corrective actions and improvements.

  • Tipus de relació professional: Contracte

  • Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit

  • Núm. Hores setmanals: 40

  • Horari: 9-6

  • Retribució brut anual: 32000

Requisitos mínimos
  • Categoria professional: Oficial

  • Formació reglada requerida: k. Enginyeria Superior - k. Enginyeria Superior

  • Formació complementària: Advanced Degree in Industrial Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, or related field.
    Project Management Experience, technical leadership and hands-on experience in the development and production of medical devices/ diagnostic tools.

  • Temps d'experiència: 1-3

  • Coneixements informàtics: Experience in developing and improving AI algorithms, particularly in the context of processing and analyzing clinical examination data gathered from medical devices is a plus.

  • Competències personals més desenvolupades: Lideratge, Autoconfiança, Treball en equip i Cooperació, Flexibilitat i Gestió del Canvi, Planificació i organització, Iniciativa, Orientació a l'assoliment, Pensament Analític, Orientació Estratègica

  • Idiomes: Anglès - Avançat

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